December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Charlotte has to start something with either Shayna or Bianca. I don’t need anymore Asuka/Charlotte for a while. I fear with Bianca they won’t let her be herself. But I’m sure Survior Series and the Rumble Vince saw something in Bianca to call her up. Her and Charlotte athletic wise has to be damn near close and I want to see that. Plus, I want Asuka and Shayna to just straight up talk #%@& to one another in a hard hitting match.

I HAVE NO FAITH IF DREAM GETTINF CALLED UP AND VINCE KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH HIM! I can already see Riddle being paired with Braun to do stupid comedy spots with Morrison and Miz.

Drew dropping to Lashley would be good. I want to see what Lashley/Brock looks like. Plus Drew has solidify himself as a star so him always being around will be dope.

I want to see Cole vs Finn for the title. I think Kross & Ciampa will continue. Same goes for Keith and Johnny to the next PPV.

None of the women in that 6 tag is Ready to get in the ring with Rhea or Io so so this will be a long storyline going forward.

Charlotte needs to be in a tag team with Chelsea, or take a 6 month or longer vacation. She’s been constantly on tv the minute she stepped on the main roster. Andrade needs to knock her up.
I think the convo starts somewhere in the 50 min segment.

Good convo

B Sox B Sox
Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee

Your man Vince "insulted" Revival by calling them, "Great Pro Wrestlers." - :lol:

Man this nonsense is SAD. They are saying everybody BUT Vince "got them."

Also, yall CLAIM Randy Orton has SO MUCH pull but Orton told Vince told that The Revival was worth pushing and nothing happened. :lol:

BUt But But........Orton ruined KOfi. :lol:

But I am crazy for telling yall to blame the owner of the got damn COMPANY. :lol:

Even damn SHANE wanted to work with Revival. :lol:
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Seems pretty clear they want Ripley to go over Harlot in front of an actual crowd. Give her THAT moment.

Listening to the Revival show still.

I wasn't aware of this new thing of, "HHH doesn't REALLY have the former NXT folks' backs/"

Has this been a thing for a while and I am just now hearing it?
Listening to the Revival show still.

I wasn't aware of this new thing of, "HHH doesn't REALLY have the former NXT folks' backs/"

Has this been a thing for a while and I am just now hearing it?
He tends to protect the women particularly Charlotte, Sasha, Bayley, & Asuka. Intentionally didn't mention Becky; she did that. Probably has a lot to do w/ him having daughters.

I think Ciampa, Cole, & maybe Gargano & Velveteen would have his backing. Balor has well, I've never seen anyone being given the chance to fix themselves the way he has.

The Shield guys had a ton of his support as well. Basically the stars. He favours & goes out of his way to protect the ones he views as top stars.
He tends to protect the women particularly Charlotte, Sasha, Bayley, & Asuka. Intentionally didn't mention Becky; she did that. Probably has a lot to do w/ him having daughters.

I think Ciampa, Cole, & maybe Gargano & Velveteen would have his backing. Balor has well, I've never seen anyone being given the chance to fix themselves the way he has.
Does/Did Charlotte need any protection though? :lol:
Yea, not sure about those random figures but she is definitely talented for sure.

She is tall, strong, blonde, and white; so she has a lot going for her already.
She doesn't elevate her opponent, if anything she does the opposite, & the only time she relevant is when a title his involved. Her legacy is lapsing her father title reign. Literally can't recall a time Charlotte a belt & it feeling special.
How much can Triple H really protect and have the back of before the well runs dry with Vince. Remember, he did the job to Warrior. Ish happens and that was one of those moments in Wrestling for the Revival. Vince wasn’t going to do anything with them anyways, whether they got beat up by the Kliqgeneration X or not.
How much can Triple H really protect and have the back of before the well runs dry with Vince. Remember, he did the job to Warrior. Ish happens and that was one of those moments in Wrestling for the Revival. Vince wasn’t going to do anything with them anyways, whether they got beat up by the Kliqgeneration X or not.
You have to ask the dudes in here that question.

THey seem to forget things start and stop with Vince.
You have to ask the dudes in here that question.

THey seem to forget things start and stop with Vince.

Of course things start and stop with Vince, but let's not act like Vince is somehow magically above being influenced..We've all heard the stories about how Hogan, HBK, SCSA, Rock, Cena, and HHH have gotten their own way over the years..The buck absolutely stops with Vince, but him being an ego maniac makes him more susceptible to being manipulated..
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