December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Also they have Josh Matthews who is the worst commentator ever

theres no way he can be worse than matt striker though :lol:

:emoji_fire: :emoji_fire: :emoji_fire:

Tenryu breaks Fujinami's nose

Dragon Sleeper hope spot :emoji_heart_eyes:

can't let yall forget about the real master of the dragon sleepr

The main problem with Impact is that people still think the current product is the same as it was in the Hogan era

Plus they have been on low visibility networks for a long time
the trash networks they are always on is the main problem. they had their highest ratings when they were on spike tv i think.

They have needed to be on a major cable network. Just look at big tna. No star power at all and going head to head against aew and they still get atleast 700,000 viewers a week

Im shocked tna is still around but the more wrestling companies the better.
That AJ "news" is hilarious :lol:

I wonder who was leading the "banter" on Raw, and how that could be worse than what he could potentially get with the dudes that are on SD :lol:
Its about time I open the NTWT thread and the only thing I see is Sasha. Sure it's her making facials. But she's hot with blue hair so its all good.
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