December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Just realized I still only watched like the first 20 min of last week's A&W. Got some catching up to do.

Feel like I'll be doing A LOT of fast forwarding though.
So let's recap:

Keith Lee - NXT & NA Champion
Bad Io - NXT Women's Champion
FFD - WWE Champion
Bad Pam - Smackdown Women's Champion
Asuka - Raw Women's Champion
Bad Pam & Sasha Trump - WWE Women's Tag Team Champions
Street Profits - Raw Tag Team Champions
New Day - Smackdown Tag Team Champions
Shida - AEW Women's Champion (belt is still garbage)

Team Toine™ flourishing right now.

Love to see IT.

Only ones missing are #OurLegend D deleted danger style danger style and #OurCheerio Case Case


That's the name of the T-shirt AVI.



This is just me but

Bring Cole to SD and make the path for him being Universal Champ. Bring UDE too and have them do some comedy spots and get them over. I think have him challenge either AJ or Daniel.

Have Lee drop the title the night before the Rumble to Kross and have LEE show up in the Rumble and win the damn thing. Knowing Vince Brock will somehow be involved but I think you give that to Drew. Now you can switch the scenarios and have Drew go over Lee so he gets his moment with the crowd but I believe SummerSlam you crown Lee as we get fans back. You create two new stars going forward. Bring back the other part timers for preshow matches or whatever but no Roman, no Brock, no Dwayne or Hunter trying to get in shape in 3 weeks.
Just realized I still only watched like the first 20 min of last week's A&W. Got some catching up to do.

Feel like I'll be doing A LOT of fast forwarding though.

Oh, man!

Didn't you hear the "big announcement" by Taz?
Ray Phoenix is so insanely athletic.

I just wish these matches didn't have all of these spots that are so damn choreographed. Biggest issue with the tag division in A&W. They try to do all of this over the top stuff but it ends up looking pretty ridiculous.
When did Colt Cabana join Dark Order?? I'm gonna vomit. Brodie Lee needs to spin clothesline that entire stable out their masks and recruit Butcher & Blade
Ray Phoenix is so insanely athletic.

I just wish these matches didn't have all of these spots that are so damn choreographed. Biggest issue with the tag division in A&W. They try to do all of this over the top stuff but it ends up looking pretty ridiculous.

Real curious to see them vs Revival next week. Crazy clash of styles, and FTR has been real vocal about sticking to American style tag rules.
Real curious to see them vs Revival next week. Crazy clash of styles, and FTR has been real vocal about sticking to American style tag rules.
Yeah that will be interesting to see.

They have a lot of in-ring talent in their tag division, I just wish everything didn't turn into a spotfest.

The Nonprofits are the biggest culprits. They are basically unbearable.
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