December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Somebody needs to snuff vince
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I promise y'all, if I someone only have a month left to live and VKM is still alive, I'll do the honorable thing and take him out..I'll do it for y'all and for the SPORT of professional wrestling..

That's really nice of you to take him out. Where are you guys going? I believe your influence on him can undeniably change professional wrestling. I am 100% up for this. Please take him out soon. Which city? Would you like recommendations. Do you hookah?
Is She a Fan of Women’s Wrestling?: “That’s a very difficult question to answer. Let me try to be as politically correct as I can. You know me; I’m not the most politically correct person in the world. I’m the female Jim Cornette, so I have to word this correctly here. “Am I happy that more girls in the business that bust their *** are getting shots? Absolutely, I’m happy with that. Have I always been a fan of women’s wrestling? No. And I’ll tell you why. There are some guys that can go out there and sell a dropkick like they’re dead, but then these girls pop right back up from all these bigger moves. It just makes it a little unbelievable. Why should a frail girl, and I’m not saying they’re all frail, but they’re much smaller than men, how can they be more resilient to some big moves than some of these guys? So I think there’s a lot lost in the psychology of wrestling because of that. They’re doing, you know, 18,000 moonsaults and moonsaults from the outside from the top and popping right back from it, when guys are doing the same thing and selling it for five minutes. That’s why I’ve never been a huge fan of women’s wrestling. Is there a place for women in wrestling? Abso-freaking-lutely. But, I don’t know, I think something is missing in the psychology of women’s wrestling, I really do.”

She does have a point about the psychology, something we all mentioned, but her talking about the overkill of women is kinda silly. I think she just misses having 14 men take turns on her vs there practically being a 1:1 ration of men to women

"It's just wrestling. Stop looking at it so seriously."

:lol: @ Him talkig about the E-O spot.

Case Case King of Trash Style King of Trash Style
"Out of touch."

"Do yall take the fun out of everything?"

"It's just wrestling."

Cornette says Jim Ross's meter has been building up over the last year since he has to "be quiet" while watching that Indy nonsense. I guess he is fed up now. :lol:

The ENTIRE sport of wrestling needs to reconsider Dives and how they are done.
JR needs to just retire anyway and focus on BBQ and podcasts. He never gets anybody's name right even going back to when he was in njpw. I agree with him about the dives but he knew what he was getting into when he went to AEW. Why bash it now? Retire or ****
JR needs to just retire anyway and focus on BBQ and podcasts. He never gets anybody's name right even going back to when he was in njpw. I agree with him about the dives but he knew what he was getting into when he went to AEW. Why bash it now? Retire or ****

Why are those the only two possible options?

Why can't he stay in his role (which isn't JUST commentating) and continue giving sound info to the younger generation?

AEW would be foolish not to keep him around.

Don't turn this into a me vs. you please.
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