December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

All in all, Mania 36 wasn't bad considering the unprecedented circumstances.

Props to everyone involved.

Vince might want to look at making Mania a multiple day event.

It was much less of chore watching this Mania over 2 days than a 7+ hour marathon in 1.

Based on the WWE’s history when something good happens, they like to “fix” it, so expect next years Wrestlemania to be two nights...7hours each :rofl:


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Definitely wouldn't mind a 2 night Mania going forward if they can make IT work financially/logistically.
It was actually a good show. Skip the Orton Edge match. Long af and Edge’s music doesn’t knock with no crowd :emoji_cry:

how dare you sir.

this knocks RIGHT TF NOW, wash your hands.

...other than that, I accept your evaluation overall.

Legit forgot, Jinder the Juice man was WWE Champion :wow:

I have committed the incomparable worldwide legacy of the Modern Day Maharaja to my deepest memories.

have some respect.
Definitely wouldn't mind a 2 night Mania going forward if they can make IT work financially/logistically.

Man could you imagine how much it'd cost to rent a football stadium, staff it, insure it, and all the other extras for a 2 day Mania?..The cost of tickets will go up even higher..
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