December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Looked this up on Wiki and I'm about 87% sure I was at this PPV..I know I was at the Dayton PPV in 98 and I know I saw at least 1 PPV by WCW in Cincy..I think this was it..
Sid could've been the 2nd greatest big man, behind Undertaker, of all time if he'd have not been so damn flaky and in love with softball..There was never a time when the dude wasn't over with the fans..Even going back to his Lord Humongous days..
I remember this match..I also remember when I watched it (whether it was in person or on PPV) I thought how this would've been a much more interesting match if they'd have used the cage..
Was that you with the “NWO has your stroke” sign
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It was almost a year to the day after this match with Khris Bin Wah that Sid suffered the grossest in-ring injury I've ever seen on a PPV (WCW Sin)..
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