Degrees vs Certifications Comparison ( Efficiency Vs. Tradition)

Yeah think of it in terms of that parent meme where they held titles and bought everything cash with no degree. Those fields have matured now and you need credentials to advance. Same with it, its maturing.
Just depends on what you want to go into

Also public school teachers are in shambles. Filled with teachers that are in it cause their first option failed :smh:

The days of lady's who were passionate to educate are long gone

This is true in many cases. Growing up, I was blessed with some amazing teachers. I look back at it now and I'm so grateful for everything they did. They NEVER said no to me when I went in during lunch or after school to get help. I really am lucky, more than half of my teachers were great.

Regarding OP's post, here's my personal experience with the decision. I was raised in a house where I was going to go to college no matter what. It was just like that since kinder. I knew it, my parents knew it and so did the rest of my family. I was ok with it up until senior year of high school. I realized, I enjoy working with my hands and being out and about. I grew up looking up to my father who was a painter. To be honest, had he worked at a bank or in some office, idk if I would have looked up to him the same way. That and the fact that one of my uncles is making 200+ for PG&E and another one 150ish for another utility, withought a high school diploma I decided to join the trades. I start next week with the IBEW :pimp:

With that being said. Education is awesome and it's a great thing. If I ever have kids, I'm going to push them and help them towards going to college and getting a degree. However, I will ask them to not waste their time and get some BS degree with no jobs. For example, the NTers in here who got/getting a degree in Computer science, there's jobs in that and it was a good idea imo. Getting a degree in theater or something like that, c'mon.

Also wish I would have looked into the vocational program in my area. It's something that would have benefited me greatly. However, I thought if you went to that it's because you weren't smart enough for school :smh:
imo, too much theory, and not enough practice is the problem with academia
I honestly think it should be really hard for people to become teachers. Like, I feel like only the world's best minds, or the second tier really wise folk, should be the ones teaching. That way, you could give them a real wage and students could actually learn critical thinking and what not instead of regurgitating facts from a book. The system sucks. You spend 30k a year to get a piece of paper that gives you a chance at a job. Computers have been around since the 80s and not one of us in school was taught how to code growing up. That's ******* despicable.

I like where you're headed but If it's harder to become a teacher there will be less overall and class sizes are already huge, additions are being made to existing schools and new schools are popping up every few years. And you'll still have teachers only wanting to teach in certain "areas" or schools :\
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