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I've backed out of a deal while signing contractual papers, as well. The dealership will hate you, though. :lol:
i will in a month or two. He just mad cause I aint come up with the 10k, he's the manager. One day in the future I'll show up again. Just to see what he gotta say. Dude can go suck a **** though. I didn't wanna curse him off on the phone because I didn't want to provoke anything. Since I'm waiting for the situation to end
Dude, there's tons of other dealers.  Best is to not go there again.  Don't be silly.  In a month or 2, you'll see a different promotion and sale.  The car that sits there 'should' technically be cheaper as they need to liquidate.
The best thing you can always do is say, hey, give me the options straight up, whether it be indoor financing or whatever and take it home.  What I look at is how much I am actually paying out of pocket.  I am not buying into ANY MONTHLY PAYMENT AMOUNT as a selling point. I am looking at it from a cost perspective.  Looking at it from a financing, or monthly perspective means you are and will struggle.

There were occasions where we looked at deals and had the cash, but we still 'explored' options and incentives.  We had the cash, and the manager kept trying to pitch me the monthly payments game.  Initially it was casual, and I played with him, asked him for options, made a fake story about monthly financing and all that crap.  Eventually, I finally pushed the envelope and asked him if he could sell me this car at this 'advertised' price.  I did my homework, and knew it was 'way' under.  I bluffed him and said we'll take this in cash if he honored it.  He was obviously shocked, and made some excuse about 'needing' to check the inventory and all that crap.  They are TRAINED to give you the run around, and GIVE THEMSELVES an exit card through out the process.

The numbers game can be complicated when you are in their home turf, but NEVER BE PRESSURED, FOOLED or RUSHED into making a decision.  It's another topic for discussion though, but that's what I'll leave behind.

Again, it pays to have cash, to have good credit history because the negotiating power is on your side.

Also, go to the BIGGEST DEALER, the ones willing to spend money on ADS, LOTS, PROMOTIONS, etc.  You'll see why.  Again, this is another topic of discussion.  Laters OP.
@Bravelude  could you go into a little more detail about going to the biggest dealer, and how you negotiate with cash? You can PM if its too off topic.
Dude, there's tons of other dealers.  Best is to not go there again.  Don't be silly.  In a month or 2, you'll see a different promotion and sale.  The car that sits there 'should' technically be cheaper as they need to liquidate.
as I said I found a 09 Camry for $7200. But I was only planning to go there later as a joke since dude was such an a hole
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