
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Did she have those Havanna Ginger nipples?

Someone did this out on the deck while I was lifeguarding this summer. I was up on stand and scoped that @##! from like 100 feet away.
man... its worse when u see a teacher does it. my chemistry teacher told us go to the labs and start working i run down there i see a teacher breast pumpingthen i see the bottle filling up with the milk i was gonna barf that was not right especially at school
man...i was at a party and my cousin who is like in her thirties was breast feeding her son, and the titty just popped out and i saw it
it was like 2 inches long
"she is breast feeding the kid... she is not covered at all and the kid wasn't even doing it right"
the kid wasnt doing it right
Originally Posted by ThiPham

man... its worse when u see a teacher does it. my chemistry teacher told us go to the labs and start working i run down there i see a teacher breast pumping then i see the bottle filling up with the milk i was gonna barf that was not right especially at school
I would have ran up and tested the batch.
I was eating at CPK about a month ago with a group of people about 6-7 and this lady beside our table starts breast feeding her baby, but with a blanket.However, I did not know what was happening at first and I was looking over there like WTH is this lady doing puling out a blanket as hot as it was at the time,then boom she pulls a kid out. I had no idea what was happening at first, and i think she might have seen me looking.
How old was the kid she was breastfeeding? Made it sound like hes old enough to play soccer and if so.. yuckkkkkkk
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Breast feeding in public is wow to me. Put it in a bottle before you leave the home. I understand that your child is hungry but have some decency for the people around you.

I remember on another name I got so many
for my opinion. That's not something that you should do in a crowded place. Mothers who do this wonder why this isn't accepted in public places; respect is a two way street. I can go on and on but I would start a huge fire.
if you know anything about breastfeeding and the benefits you'd want your wife/gf breastfeeding and not using formula or using a breastpump. yeah they should be more discrete about it, but hey its they breast. if they comfortable just whipping it out, hai.

You never heard of these?
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

How old was the kid she was breastfeeding? Made it sound like hes old enough to play soccer and if so.. yuckkkkkkk

Baby/kid, same thing.. lol
it happened to me and I was sitting outside of footlocker in shopping center...the mall before it was called westfield mall. It was a white milf breastfeedingher kid.. I sat there for 2 minutes before I decided to move away because I just thought of how perverted I was
Noooo.. if you ever have kids you know its not okay for a woman to breastfeed her kid . Baby, of course. Kid,
. I know this lady who breastfeeds (tries to, mind you her **** aredried up now and theres no more milk) her almost 2 year old.. He goes "ta ta" and she just whips em out and lets him play with her nipples. A lot ofkids gonna grow up f ed up
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by doosta45

Lazy B wrote:

Breast feeding in public is wow to me. Put it in a bottle before you leave the home. I understand that your child is hungry but have some
decency for the people around you.

I remember on another name I got so many
for my opinion. That's not something that you should do in a crowded place. Mothers who do this wonder why
this isn't accepted in public places; respect is a two way street. I can go on and on but I would start a huge fire.
if you know anything about breastfeeding and the benefits you'd want your wife/gf breastfeeding and not using formula or using a breastpump.
yeah they should be more discrete about it, but hey its they breast. if they comfortable just whipping it out, hai.

You never heard of these?

like i said if you know the benefits of actual breastfeeding for the mother and child you wouldnt have posted that picture
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

How old was the kid she was breastfeeding? Made it sound like hes old enough to play soccer and if so.. yuckkkkkkk

Baby/kid, same thing.. lol
No it's not. The benefits of breast milk no longer apply to children older than 2.

I understand the benefits which include "bonding". If you can't bond with your child with him/her sucking on your nipple to feed then the parentis the problem.
Missed that.. Don't know the benefits and don't really want to find out for a while. I don't want my **** to drop for another good 10yrs at least
I understand the benefits which include "bonding". If you can't bond with your child with him/her sucking on your nipple to feed then the parent is the problem.
here's an example, a newborn baby needs specific nutrients than a baby that is say 4 months old (protein, calcium, vitamins, etc). so momsbreast milk will change (nutrients wise) as the baby gets old to compensate for what the baby needs. by using the breast pump, the same milk will come out ifthe baby is a day or 5months old. so at that point there isnt a benefit to it
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