
next time take pics. here's some celebrity pics:





LOL...for it being mostly guys on here, you all are hilarious the way you view breastfeeding in public. I'm a girl and personally I think women should havemore discretion...and it may sound weird but I don't like the whole physical feeling on breastfeeding anyway...I used a pump all the time with my son. Icould never just pull my b00b like that...even at my previous job, I felt weird just excusing myself to go pump (i worked with a bunch of guys who sounded justlike half of you guys here, and they would make little jokes...) But definitely a woman should feel a little more compelled to be discreet with something likethat.
Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

LOL...for it being mostly guys on here, you all are hilarious the way you view breastfeeding in public. I'm a girl and personally I think women should have more discretion...and it may sound weird but I don't like the whole physical feeling on breastfeeding anyway...I used a pump all the time with my son. I could never just pull my b00b like that...even at my previous job, I felt weird just excusing myself to go pump (i worked with a bunch of guys who sounded just like half of you guys here, and they would make little jokes...) But definitely a woman should feel a little more compelled to be discreet with something like that.
You are not alone in terms of women. There are a lot that feel the way you do. Those pictures that were just posted show why people are offendedby the act. There is no consideration for the public and the people who occupy it. Be more discrete about it. Women who do this wonder why people make slyremarks and are anti-public feeding.
here's an example, a newborn baby needs specific nutrients than a baby that is say 4 months old (protein, calcium, vitamins, etc). so moms breast milk will change (nutrients wise) as the baby gets old to compensate for what the baby needs. by using the breast pump, the same milk will come out if the baby is a day or 5months old. so at that point there isnt a benefit to it
If you would have quoted what else I said I acknowledged the benefits.
One time I was on the train and a lady just pulled it out and started breast feeding her baby...she was also mexican.
when I worked at target a Lady just whipped out a titty and started feeding her child shorty was bad and she had some big ones
. I took an extra 5min on my 15 min break.
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

So bascially u saw some

( . ) ( . )

And u went


And the mom and husband caught you and gave you the


So im sittin here reading this going

sums it all so perfectly thanks
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

How old was the kid she was breastfeeding? Made it sound like hes old enough to play soccer and if so.. yuckkkkkkk

Baby/kid, same thing.. lol
No it's not. The benefits of breast milk no longer apply to children older than 2.

I understand the benefits which include "bonding". If you can't bond with your child with him/her sucking on your nipple to feed then the parent is the problem.
wait, so youre against breastfeeding period?
Where did I say that? I just said that have some decency for your fellow man in public when doing that. Breastfeeding is pointless after age 2,it's been documented and proven.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

I was on register and this couple goes up and they buy 2 kids soccer cleats and some swimming trunks, its a guy, a woman, and she was carrying her kid.. so I look at her and
she is breast

feeding the kid... she is not covered at all and the kid wasn't even doing it right...the breast was all out there... The lady wasn't that bad looking and was hard not to look.. I was trying hard not to stare

but I turned towards her and I had to look since it was right there.. both the woman and her husband caught me but didn't say anything. most awkward $#%$ ever.. then to make it worse one

of the cleats was a mismate...they were tourist visiting from mexico so we were talking about mexico and where they were from while I was waiting for the shoe.... then they leave and I was the

only one who saw

Has this ever happened to anyone?

breastfeeding is no joke.
It's too bad that women are made to feel bad about breastfeeding, even by other women, regardless of how much effort they take to be discreet.

I'd prefer that women use a blanket, but I have no problem when they don't. Some of these babies may not like being covered up.

Pumping is an option, but it's an inconvenience and it denies the mother a great experience. On the other hand, if she's just going out to dinner, abottle can provide convenience as it allows a mother to eat without interruption.

I believe that part of the problem is that breasts are viewed as purely sexual so, when they're seen in a completely non-sexual way, it isn't appealingand deemed offensive.

Think about it, if, I mean, when you see Kim K's breasts, you're not begging her to cover them up, but if it were Barbara Bush, you'd bescreaming for someone to throw a towel on her.
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

So bascially u saw some

( . ) ( . )

And u went


And the mom and husband caught you and gave you the


So im sittin here reading this going

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

It's too bad that women are made to feel bad about breastfeeding, even by other women, regardless of how much effort they take to be discreet.

I'd prefer that women use a blanket, but I have no problem when they don't. Some of these babies may not like being covered up.

Pumping is an option, but it's an inconvenience and it denies the mother a great experience. On the other hand, if she's just going out to dinner, a bottle can provide convenience as it allows a mother to eat without interruption.

I believe that part of the problem is that breasts are viewed as purely sexual so, when they're seen in a completely non-sexual way, it isn't appealing and deemed offensive.

Think about it, if, I mean, when you see Kim K's breasts, you're not begging her to cover them up, but if it were Barbara Bush, you'd be screaming for someone to throw a towel on her.

My wife tries to be as discrete as possible, but sometimes my daughter can't stand having the cover over her. The only time she does not have a cover iswhen it is just me and her in the home, otherwise she will always use the cover. It is sad that she can't be comfortable feeding her own daughter.
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