
Jun 24, 2006
I'm writing to Walgreens, debating if I should send the letter or not. When my girlfriend went to pick up her pictures that she took during her vacation inFlorida, the cashier decided to tell her fresh remarks about how she looked in her beach pictures. First and foremost, I'm not that jealous of a boyfriend.I accept the fact that my girl will get hit on when she goes to places so that's not what really got to me. What gets to me is that I don't think anyemployee has the right to sit there and throw comments about how he feels about the pictures just because his job is to look at them. I found it extremelydisrespectful and its not cool that she has to feel uncomfortable developing pictures. Anyways, has anyone gone through anything similar?
Do what you gotta do. Def not a cool move and that dude should get axed. How unprofessional.
Originally Posted by visualmusiC

I'm writing to Walgreens, debating if I should send the letter or not. When my girlfriend went to pick up her pictures that she took during her vacation in Florida, the cashier decided to tell her fresh remarks about how she looked in her beach pictures. First and foremost, I'm not that jealous of a boyfriend. I accept the fact that my girl will get hit on when she goes to places so that's not what really got to me. What gets to me is that I don't think any employee has the right to sit there and throw comments about how he feels about the pictures just because his job is to look at them. I found it extremely disrespectful and its not cool that she has to feel uncomfortable developing pictures. Anyways, has anyone gone through anything similar?

You sound pretty jealous and bitter, if he says she looks good or whatever, then what's wrong with that? Tell her to get a digital camera.
Not really worth the time or effort.. whats done is done if it doesnt get u mad then let it go..

Pics ?
Writing to Walgreens is pointless. If you want this employee to actually get the message you should call or talk to the store manager.
Originally Posted by the hater boxden

also get her a digital camera...straight to the internet
what makes you think its not a digital camera? but you got to post the pics for NT to decide if you should mail the letter
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by visualmusiC

I'm writing to Walgreens, debating if I should send the letter or not. When my girlfriend went to pick up her pictures that she took during her vacation in Florida, the cashier decided to tell her fresh remarks about how she looked in her beach pictures. First and foremost, I'm not that jealous of a boyfriend. I accept the fact that my girl will get hit on when she goes to places so that's not what really got to me. What gets to me is that I don't think any employee has the right to sit there and throw comments about how he feels about the pictures just because his job is to look at them. I found it extremely disrespectful and its not cool that she has to feel uncomfortable developing pictures. Anyways, has anyone gone through anything similar?

You sound pretty jealous and bitter, if he says she looks good or whatever, then what's wrong with that? Tell her to get a digital camera.

He just said that's not the problem, if dude was making light compliments than alright whatever, but walmart dude was obviously getting a littleraunchy and making his girl uncomfortable.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by visualmusiC

I'm writing to Walgreens, debating if I should send the letter or not. When my girlfriend went to pick up her pictures that she took during her vacation in Florida, the cashier decided to tell her fresh remarks about how she looked in her beach pictures. First and foremost, I'm not that jealous of a boyfriend. I accept the fact that my girl will get hit on when she goes to places so that's not what really got to me. What gets to me is that I don't think any employee has the right to sit there and throw comments about how he feels about the pictures just because his job is to look at them. I found it extremely disrespectful and its not cool that she has to feel uncomfortable developing pictures. Anyways, has anyone gone through anything similar?

You sound pretty jealous and bitter, if he says she looks good or whatever, then what's wrong with that? Tell her to get a digital camera.

He just said that's not the problem, if dude was making light compliments than alright whatever, but walmart dude was obviously getting a little raunchy and making his girl uncomfortable.

No where he said that, he just made comments about the pictures, now if the pictures were raunchy, that's her fault.
1. People still use film cameras for non artistic/professional reasons?
2. Who files complaints? if dude angered you, talk to him in person or the manager.
Dude, get your girl a digital camera.
Problem solved.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Dude, get your girl a digital camera.
Problem solved.
Perhaps you've never heard of developing digitial prints before?

SMH at the people in this thread for bashing this dude. Some of you just love to make assumptions before you hit that post button.
Originally Posted by chiggafied

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Dude, get your girl a digital camera.
Problem solved.
Perhaps you've never heard of developing digitial prints before?

They have a machine at the store to handle that for you. You put your card in and press print.
now if the pictures were raunchy, that's her fault.
. Anyway you need to talk to the manager not write a letter to Walgreens.

I would do it. I've done similar before.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by chiggafied

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Dude, get your girl a digital camera.
Problem solved.
Perhaps you've never heard of developing digitial prints before?

They have a machine at the store to handle that for you. You put your card in and press print.

I'm fully aware of that. I was referring to the fact that everyone's assuming his girlfriend is still using a 35mm when in fact you can stilldevelop prints from a digital as well.
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