
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

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  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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If Dwight doesn't resign, should the Lakers still trade Pau? Get rid of the veterens then dive into blow-up mode and tank it next year?

Looking at the draft class next year, it has an 03, 96 type of resemblance. The Lakers would be to team to land Wiggins, lol.

Good questions, great drama. Lakers are the Sopranos of the NBA.
If Dwight doesn't resign, should the Lakers still trade Pau? Get rid of the veterens then dive into blow-up mode and tank it next year?

Looking at the draft class next year, it has an 03, 96 type of resemblance. The Lakers would be to team to land Wiggins, lol.

Good questions, great drama. Lakers are the Sopranos of the NBA.

I don't think they would...

Because Kobe is only missing 20-30 games max... If Kobe comes back to a team of bums, I'm sure all hell will break loose... And Jim already is drawing a stink eye from people (unfairly) tanking in the twilight of Kobe's career would seriously damage the team's brand and hurt their money.
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One thing I'd look for... Is Lakers trying to use Chris Duhon's contract and pair him with someone else to make an upgrade in the roster..

Duhon is $3.75mil but only $1.5 is guaranteed.. $2.25 mil in savings to a team may become a big deal to some teams, even though it sounds like an insignificant amount..

For example if you're a team at $53 mil.. You have only about $8mil in cap. Dumping someone who is $4.5mil for maybe Duhon.. Then buying him out saves you $3mil dollars and gets you $11mil to play with on the market..

Sorry guys, just went looking up certain things, and I start noticing these things.
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Soooooo not to change gears but have you guys gave up on the playoffs? I still say we make it and see what happens from there.
Offensive sets with Nash, Goude, Meeks, Earl, Dwight. Shooters on shooters on shooters.

Run those out of TO's late in quarters to steal free points. Offense/defense type of thing.
Hey we need as many shooter as we can right now to stretch the floor for D12 and Pau

G-lock would be a great addition

We need to go after Jackson as well. We have nothing to lose. He's a good three shooter.
So the front office decide to add someone AFTER kobe goes down. Nice job.

I always thought sacre should have been cut to make room for goudelock or one of the other guards that played ok in the pre season.

Front office needs some serious leadership.

:smh: :stoneface:
Hey we need as many shooter as we can right now to stretch the floor for D12 and Pau

G-lock would be a great addition

We need to go after Jackson as well. We have nothing to lose. He's a good three shooter.

Jackson won't be eligible to play in the playoffs anyway.

Is Glock eligible for the playoffs??? Wish we could have picked up Delonte too.
So the front office decide to add someone AFTER kobe goes down. Nice job.

I always thought sacre should have been cut to make room for goudelock or one of the other guards that played ok in the pre season.

Front office needs some serious leadership.

:smh: :stoneface:

They added Nash, Meeks, Jamison, Dwight, Clark... And held onto Jordan Hill in one offseason... Without getting rid of Pau... They need serious leadership?

Goudelock wouldn't have played if Kobe wasn't injured so save the crocodile tears about it....
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Kobe said it himself during the playoffs last year.

he will never be a 17-18 ppg dude.

we all know how this goes:

he comes back one final year just to not go out the way he did.

we've seen greatness.
Some different things

tay1...... I don't think getting rid of MWP is a good idea... Steve Blake I'm on the fence about.. MWP is still a solid defender.. Move him to the backup role, which he said he's fine with.. Dude is willing to give his life to this team.. If he wants to come back for less.. And is willing to split the SF minutes, I say might as well bring him back.. Steve Blake on the other hand, I don't think he is a primary back-up, he has the ability to hit big shots, but is hugely turnover prone, and is really bad on defense.. I'd like him for depth purposes (We kind of need it, especially with 700 year old Nash... And he shares minutes with another backup.. Doesn't hurt to keep him).... I don't think we need another Jamison... I think Clark can handle that role.
That's the only way I would keep MWP. He's making 9 mill a season and I don't believe he's worth it. We can get two decent players worth that. We need to give up one pg because we have Nash for two more years, and we have Blake, Morris and Meeks. And we're old, we need to start thinking about post-Kobe Lakers. Morris and Meeks are decent and I think we should lock them up for a few years. 
not sure if posted before but 
I don't think they would...

Because Kobe is only missing 20-30 games max... If Kobe comes back to a team of bums, I'm sure all hell will break loose... And Jim already is drawing a stink eye from people (unfairly) tanking in the twilight of Kobe's career would seriously damage the team's brand and hurt their money.

When Danny Ainge became the GM of the Celtics, he said if he was the GM during the end of Bird and McHales career, he would have traded for them then, gotten value for the future.

Boston fans took that as an indication that he would have no trouble letting go of Pierce or Garnett. - But it still has yet to happen. They're still Celtics.

I agree with you, it's much easier said then done to get rid of legends, even if they are at the end of there career. But still, if Dwight doesn't resign. How can you not think of blowing up?

I was convincing my cousin last month (in a devils advocate type of way) that if the Knicks got kicked out of the first round, it'd be a perfect time to trade everyone and blow it up, while value was high - then tank next year, that's how much I love the 14 draft.

Still easier said then done. For Ainge, for me, and I'm sure for Jim Buss going forward. Good conversation tho.
They added Nash, Meeks, Jamison, Dwight, Clark... And held onto Jordan Hill in one offseason... Without getting rid of Pau... They need serious leadership?

Goudelock wouldn't have played if Kobe wasn't injured so save the crocodile tears about it....

Nash and Dwight came over because of L.A. and Kobe and not because of this inept front office. Meeks and Jamison :lol:

I'll give them credit for hill but they gave up a first round pick for him :smh:. a first round pick for a 5ppg dude? Clark was just a contract filler that they lucked out on.

How is not getting rid of Pau a positive? :smh:

Goudelock would have at least played unlike Sacre.

This front office tries to hit home runs and risk striking out. They have no contingency plans. They keep wasting first round picks every year acting like this team is always loaded with talent. They are also one of the few franchises who keep giving long term contracts to scrub players. They hire terrible coaches. Yeah they do some things right and they were good at some point but now they are larry holmes status. The Ron Artest of NBA front offices.
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