
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Everyone who keeps praying for Ebanks burn, either doesn't read very well or just does not understand the concept of him not earning his minutes.

He has been reported NUMEROUS TIMES by NUMEROUS SOURCES to not give a flying fudge in practice. He doesn't try, he doesnt work hard enough, he doesnt practice hard, he doesnt seem to care.

and you guys keep wanting him to play :smh:
Everyone who keeps praying for Ebanks burn, either doesn't read very well or just does not understand the concept of him not earning his minutes.

He has been reported NUMEROUS TIMES by NUMEROUS SOURCES to not give a flying fudge in practice. He doesn't try, he doesnt work hard enough, he doesnt practice hard, he doesnt seem to care.

and you guys keep wanting him to play :smh:
Wasn't the same thing said about jordan hill before
My NT Laker or anyone other basketball brethren I want to show you these 2 dope pics and how the tables change quick. Sorry for the crappy pics.

Wasn't the same thing said about jordan hill before

I guess that's the catch 22 of guaranteed contracts. I think his confidence was dealt a big blow when was pulled from the starting lineup. He probably knows he's not coming back next year and could care less now.
you laughing bruh? I bet you had big expectations for your crappy team coming into this season and I'm laughing even harder at you right now.


So what. It's not like your crappy Rockets team is going to win the West lol. The laughing goes both way lol.

But to our excuse, the Lakers fan didn't expect the team to have this much injuries. Keep in mind that this is also their first year together. If they were all healthy all season long and still fail to get out the first round or make playoff then i can see your point but look

Nash miss first 25 games
Jordan Hill out for season
Blake miss 25 games
Gasol out 15 games
Dwight was on and off with injuries.
Metta out for 6 games
Now Kobe out for 1 year.

Another thing is before Kobe went down. No team really want to play the Lakers in the first round. They know this team was coming together after all that adversity and humility that they had to endure. Pau was playing better. Howard recognized his role. Kobe was playing on another level etc. They were going to play come in the playoff with that us against the world mentality and that could be scary for the top seeded team. Unfortunately now Kobe is out.
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you laughing bruh? I bet you had big expectations for your crappy team coming into this season and I'm laughing even harder at you right now.


So what. It's not like your crappy Rockets team is going to win the West lol. The laughing goes both way lol.

With all that we're still a game and a half behind his team.... Future is bright in Houston :lol:
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i dont know why some of you thought nash would play tonight or in houston for that matter.

them calling goudelock back up should have told you he wasnt gonna play.

if nash could play dude would have went with a 7 man rotation

probably still will
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[COLOR=#red]So I was like who is this "Godlocke" guy the Laker fans are clamoring for. Then I went to youtube...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#red]Oh ok...dude's floater is NASTY!!![/COLOR]
We need a damn PG and if that's the position Goudelock has been playing then that's what he needs to be playing for us. They can get somebody else from the d-league to play the 2.
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