
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
shake n blake
Does anybody get annoyed watching Harden play? He's a great iso player and shooter and has a great first step but like half of his game is predicated on initiating fake *** contact and getting to the line undeservedly. Drives me absolutely INSANE. It's every bit as bad as/worse than Wade circa '06 and wouldn't fly at all 10-15 years ago. Like a lot of his "shot attempts" that he gets to the line for aren't even shot attempts, much less even fouls!

I mean I guess I can't blame him that much cus it makes him an effective player if they're gonna call it, but it is maddening to watch. He is a great player otherwise but that aspect of his game drives me nuts.
Unless MWP is hurting, he needs to be on the floor. Get Meeks out before him going under the Asik screen bites the Lakers in the ***.
anybody else notice that Nash always goes up to Blake first to dap him every timeout even if he doesn't do anything? 
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