
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Alright just found out tomorrows game is on TNt :D whew! Didn't really check the tv schedule b4 thought I was gonna miss the opener.
I'd be surprised if Kobe misses the season opener. He's just bs'ing with this 'injury' IMO
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Let the dude sit out a couple games to start the year, get that foot 100%. More games sat = less mileage burned up 9 months before we truly need him.

Don't even matter if we lose to Dallas and Portland, bottom line is health. Get that foot as humanly possible to 100% as you can for a 34 year old. Don't have this be something that drags on til January or some crap.

Sit him, let the others blend in and share the ball, Kobe will blend in when it's time.

I'm pretty sure Kobe will suit up tonight, thats just the way he is. I can't wait for the season opener and its only a few hours away!!!
Just realized TNT has 2 Laker haters...Shaq hating on Howard and Barkley hating on Kobe :lol:
Shaq is horrible, how much longer will TNT keep him?
Kobe has sat out 4 openers before guys, LA 4-0 in those games. Chill.

im kinda leaning towards him sitting this out :rolleyes , I want to see Nash run the offense with dwight and pau. Kobe will have no problem blending, but the chemistry of that trio would be essential to the Lakers
I only want Kobe to play tonight cos I'll be at the game. But it's only one game and this year is not about a single game but about #6 and #17!!!

Lets get it Laker fans! Let's take the ship back from Luke and the 2 live crew down south!!
I'm with you on that CP, i think Kobe should sit. I mean of course i'll be happy to see him play, but we got a full 82 game schedule this year.
Definitely not necessary to rush back from any injury. Just gotta be healthy once playoffs come.
Just realized TNT has 2 Laker haters...Shaq hating on Howard and Barkley hating on Kobe

Shaq is horrible, how much longer will TNT keep him?
if it wasnt for his blind hate, i dont think he would be that bad... dude is mad biased tho.. 
Kobe or no Kobe, the Lakers should do fine. I just want him to suit up and play just to see the starting 5 start off the season together, but theres 81 other games. If Kobe doesn't play, who takes the start? Meeks? Morris?
Gameday! Hopefully Kobe can sit this one out. I'd like to see him get as much rest as possible this year....starting with tonight.
anyone know when time warner sportsnet will launch on their new carriers? I have fios and have not seen any changes in the channel lineup. it's suppose to be channel 578 for HD but still nada.
I don't know if it has been used, but if not I am copyrighting the nickname "The Ukrainian Usurper" for Slava Medvedenko
My favorite time of the year, Opening Day :pimp: I'm so excited to see what this team can do this season. So long as everyone is healthy, the bench produces, and the offense gets set into gear; the Lakers will be just fine :smokin here's to a HELL of a season!
Kobe or no Kobe, the Lakers should do fine. I just want him to suit up and play just to see the starting 5 start off the season together, but theres 81 other games. If Kobe doesn't play, who takes the start? Meeks? Morris?

I kinda think it will be Ebanks honestly. In theory, it keeps Meeks in the spot he's supposed to fill which is SG off the bench. He's a better shooter than Ebanks, so when the bench comes in, you'd rather have Meeks on the floor then Ebanks. Like I said, in theory.

Chances are Kobe plays maybe 30 minutes just to be out there and then gets plenty of bench time. Lets them see how his foot reacts to actual time and what not, if it re-swells, then he sits tomorrow and they start lookin deeper into what's goin on.
Been looking forward to this day since we got eliminated from the playoffs. Start of the season! Excited and hoping for a good season from this group!
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