
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

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  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

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  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

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  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

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  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

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Kobe Bryant says he's "85%" sure he'll play in the opener. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times / October 30, 2012)

By Mike Bresnahan

October 30, 2012, 11:25 a.m.
Kobe Bryant spoke to reporters for the first time in a week. The news he delivered would please any Lakers fan.

Bryant said he was "85%" sure he would play in the Lakers' season opener Tuesday against Dallas. He has not played a game or practiced since sustaining a strained right foot Oct. 21 in an exhibition game against Sacramento.

Bryant went through a full shoot-around with the team Tuesday morning and said he would re-evaluate his foot when he arrived at Staples Center later in the day.

"It's just a matter of how sore it gets from now until I get to Staples," he said after the shoot-around. "Of course I want to play. We've put together a great roster here and I worked real hard this summer to get myself in tip-top shape and be ready to go. I'm not going to play with an injury that's going to get progressively worse and just limp through the season. I worked too hard for that."

Bryant had been playing well in the exhibition season, averaging 20.4 points, 4.8 rebounds and 3.4 assists in 26.8 minutes.

"Since [Monday] night, I'm in substantially less pain. The more I ran [Tuesday] the better it got," he said. "That's very encouraging."

Bryant chuckled when asked if he received medical clearance from Lakers trainers.

"I never get clearance," he said. "Either I'm ready to go or I'm not ready to go. They've done a great job treating me and getting me ready. We've been together for so long. They trust my judgment."

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: Only because I'm going to the game tonight.
I dont think he's playing tonight especially with a back to back.

Kobe should sit the first two and come back Fri.
not buying the "foot" story

Im thinking kobe been sitting out in order for the guys to mesh better in practice.

Kobe's a notoriously nasty practice player...he will absolutely demean x belittle you in practice for the sake of getting things right/winning. (destroying what little confidence you had already :frown: )

That can be intimidating, on top of the fact he is who he is, im pretty sure it has alot of guys walking around on needles, "over-thinking" trying to not mess up.

basketball isnt really "fun" in lakerland, its serious business.. it starts and ends with kobe. Dood has set a certain type of no b.s. tone over here in LA, it hampers alot of guys from coming here and submitting to that.

Most players are used to just going to practice kinda running through the offense and a mediocre scrimmage followed by daily dunk contests and 1 on 1 games after practice is over. I dont see that type of environment over here, never really have. I think thats a part of why alot of guys get traded over here and don't live up to their games....

it may sound cliche` but doods is JUST about winning over here. Thats it.

just my thoughts
^but if you know Kobe as a player, he doesn't sugarcoats anything.

So when he tells the media he's hurt then it really means he's hurt.

Trust Kobe wouldn't sit out practice just for the other guys to mesh.

It's a new team... He still needs to mesh with other players too.
Opening day, about time :pimp: Now all i need is directv to get a deal in with time warner. **** better get done.
Skaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, where the hell are you bro??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Star Wars 7 homeboy aorihgofahgsahf;odsah;hdsahgahdsfods
Kobe should rest but I doubt he will.

Dude has the warrior mentality and has the attitude where if he does not play he feels he's letting down the fans who paid money to see him play at Staples.

He's no different from Jordan & Magic who had the same approach and attitude.
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"Don't ever talk about Mike Brown"
"Stop complaining about Mike Brown"
"Stop talking about Mike Brown"
"Shut up about Mike Brown"
*insert Mike Brown meaningless factoid*
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


gonnabe like that alllllllllllllllllll season

Dont talk about mike brown. this is a team game.

lakers win by 26 points.

"will you guys give mike brown credit now?"

lol was like that last year.

soon as the lakers win big or go on a win streak mike brown gets all the credit and the "haters" get bashed...
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Aint no way Kobe is missing this game. Lets go

Good luck tonight, and best of luck for yall this year. I'll probably poke my head in here every week since Nash is my favorite player and they'll be on TV every other day. :lol:

Can't wait to watch Nash/Dwight on a nightly basis. :pimp:
can't wait to watch the game tonight :smokin time for the real assessment as to the potential of this team.
I can't believe this is Kobe's 17th year in the league.... That **** makes me feel old :x

Hopefully this is the start of a great run and another banner hoisted up in the rafters :smokin

Let's remember to remain positive and realize that this is an incredibly long season, so don't expect things to just happen overnight... Come April, we'll be right where we need to be.
not buying the "foot" story
Im thinking kobe been sitting out in order for the guys to mesh better in practice.
Kobe's a notoriously nasty practice player...he will absolutely demean x belittle you in practice for the sake of getting things right/winning. (destroying what little confidence you had already :frown: )
That can be intimidating, on top of the fact he is who he is, im pretty sure it has alot of guys walking around on needles, "over-thinking" trying to not mess up.
basketball isnt really "fun" in lakerland, its serious business.. it starts and ends with kobe. Dood has set a certain type of no b.s. tone over here in LA, it hampers alot of guys from coming here and submitting to that.
Most players are used to just going to practice kinda running through the offense and a mediocre scrimmage followed by daily dunk contests and 1 on 1 games after practice is over. I dont see that type of environment over here, never really have. I think thats a part of why alot of guys get traded over here and don't live up to their games....
it may sound cliche` but doods is JUST about winning over here. Thats it.

just my thoughts

Yea, I'd be willing to bet my life savings and the lives of my loved ones that that is a load of crap :lol:
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