
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
It saddens me that Schved, Williams + #1 for Pau has me actually thinking about it. But damn, loved both of them tonight.

That's without lookin at the contracts, certainly would take more.
Need to realize when to stop shooting threes. When they went to the zone we went cold but still keep chucking them up with no hesitation. Still a win is a win. On to the next one.
Lakers are 4-1 in the new season or 1-0 in the newest season, whatever season you pick, both are good.

Let's keep this going a 5-2 road trip is a must, 6-1 would be amazing.

Go Lakers, hit the bottle extra hard tonight Laker fans, we won our first game on the road this year!!!!

Plus Jazz and Blazers play tomorrow another WIN WIN for us!
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Loved, loved, LOOOVED that Kobe-mode never happened when it got close. In fact, just replaying in my mind, the plays that I can remember from Kobe that stick out when it got close are (in no order):
- BEAUTIFUL feed to Jamison underneath after the double came to him at the elbow

- turnover when he tried to whip it inside (lead to a Minny dunk that I feel Kobe could have contested more, especially since he caused the turnover... but I understand not wanting to create an and-1 situation)

- rebound putback in traffic... like 3 Wolves around him :smokin Was definitely impressed w/ this. Simple, but very impressive.

- missed shot at the elbow; defense left for a split, he shot. Good shot.

And that's pretty much all I remember from him once it got close. Hit some FTs.

He let the Steves set things up. Let Pau & Ron play a little 2-man game for a couple possessions. Seems like he has an eye for Jamison.

And I looooove ittttt. :smokin
Lakers are 4-1 in the new season or 1-0 in the newest season, whatever season you pick, both are good.

Let's keep this going a 5-2 road trip is a must, 6-1 would be amazing.

Go Lakers, hit the bottle extra hard tonight Laker fans, we won our first game on the road this year!!!!

Plus Jazz and Blazers play tomorrow another WIN WIN for us!

I don't know if I should be happy or sad that we're relying on Jazz and Blazers to lose... but **** it I'll take it.
Loved, loved, LOOOVED that Kobe-mode never happened when it got close. In fact, just replaying in my mind, the plays that I can remember from Kobe that stick out when it got close are (in no order):
- BEAUTIFUL feed to Jamison underneath after the double came to him at the elbow

- turnover when he tried to whip it inside (lead to a Minny dunk that I feel Kobe could have contested more, especially since he caused the turnover... but I understand not wanting to create an and-1 situation)

- rebound putback in traffic... like 3 Wolves around him :smokin Was definitely impressed w/ this. Simple, but very impressive.

- missed shot at the elbow; defense left for a split, he shot. Good shot.

And that's pretty much all I remember from him once it got close. Hit some FTs.

He let the Steves set things up. Let Pau & Ron play a little 2-man game for a couple possessions. Seems like he has an eye for Jamison.

And I looooove ittttt. :smokin

Not to come here and complain, but it's upsetting to see how LA get's a pass. You had Jon Barry and other analyst's making excuses for you guys this season. Mentioning how you guys haven't had a real training camp with everyone, coaching change and Dwight being hurt.

You have teams like the Knicks for the last couple of years and people wondering why they couldn't get things together when they have similar problems before and it's all Hell on them :smh:

You guys have it easy, man.

If this was any other team, the media and every other outlet would destroy that team. It's absurd.

the only team that didnt get a pass is the heat.... yet people were still saying it was team chem and etc

The Heat got a pass, but the difference is--They won.

[quote name="CP"]It's pretty much killing me right now the fact that we did all this work in the offseason, had everything go our way, from Nash, to Dwight, to Jamison, to Meeks, to Hill, and this ridiculous lucky addition of Earl Clark, then sit back and watch Dirk not be healthy for the first 2.5 months, the Thunder trade Harden, the Grizz have now traded Gay, and we're a complete mess. Hell, CP3 hasn't even been on the court much lately, something brewing there. And we aren't doin **** about it.

Damn, when you put it all together like that... :\

Not to come here and complain, but it's upsetting to see how LA get's a pass. You had Jon Barry and other analyst's making excuses for you guys this season. Mentioning how you guys haven't had a real training camp with everyone, coaching change and Dwight being hurt.

You have teams like the Knicks for the last couple of years and people wondering why they couldn't get things together when they have similar problems before and it's all Hell on them :smh:

You guys have it easy, man.

If this was any other team, the media and every other outlet would destroy that team. It's absurd.


We have it, easy?

Are you new to this board? You think LAKER fans, have it, EASY? :lol:

We either win every single game we play all the way thru June, or we are overrated losers. Ain't nothin easy in that man.

As for Jon Barry and the like, they will come for us. Right now they are playin it soft, thinkin we could get right and make a comeback, nobody wants to look stupid. If and when we are officially eliminated, they will come. They will burn us down. Torches, pitchforks, and the like. But they can't do that until they are certain we are dead first.

Easy, is not how I would describe our lives man. Not even close. :lol:[/quote]

You guys have people making excuses for the team and why they're not playing well. Most of the other teams had people calling the moves those teams made a "mistake" and how foolish they were to make those deals.

Right now, you guys have it easy--until the season is over with. I agree with you on that point.

Not to come here and complain, but it's upsetting to see how LA get's a pass. You had Jon Barry and other analyst's making excuses for you guys this season. Mentioning how you guys haven't had a real training camp with everyone, coaching change and Dwight being hurt.

You have teams like the Knicks for the last couple of years and people wondering why they couldn't get things together when they have similar problems before and it's all Hell on them :smh:

You guys have it easy, man.

If this was any other team, the media and every other outlet would destroy that team. It's absurd.

:lol: what are you talking about ?

of course it's different. same reason why the cowboys and yankees are 'treated' different. and stop watching espn. that stuff is cancer


I just find it absurd that people excuses for a struggling team that basically "stacked" up the same way other "super friends" teams did, but it's OK, because they have "chemistry and injury" issues.

If you're telling me this isn't real life, then IDK what world you live in.

And for the lames who posted stupid pics of the baby crying--Really good way to continue discussion.
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The Heat got a pass, but the difference is--They won.
You guys have people making excuses for the team and why they're not playing well. Most of the other teams had people calling the moves those teams made a "mistake" and how foolish they were to make those deals.

Right now, you guys have it easy--until the season is over with. I agree with you on that point.

I just find it absurd that people excuses for a struggling team that basically "stacked" up the same way other "super friends" teams did, but it's OK, because they have "chemistry and injury" issues.

If you're telling me this isn't real life, then IDK what world you live in.

And for the lames who posted stupid pics of the baby crying--Really good way to continue discussion.
Dude those Knicks teams were not great.  Knicks fans can be delusional (i live in NY now so i see this everyday). THey were screaming "big three" last year with amare-melo and chandler. C'mon man, thats not a big three, more like 1 and three quarter.  No comparing them to a lakers team with the best sg and C in the league (before he starting sucking) with Pau and Nash as your 3rd and 4th best players. expectations were no where comparable. 

Nobody in here made excuses for lakers other then they suck together and are dysfunctional as hell.  No amount of training camp was gonna help this team - unless they did what they were doing now in completely switching it up with their gameplan.
Lakers lucky they escaped another collapse.
They shot lights out in the first half but the second half was horrible.
If the Twolves had 3 more mins of play they would have rallied for sure.
The Lakers lost in Detroit last year.
Most likely again this year. Detroit will be looking to avenge themselves.

Pistons 98
Lakers 89
Guys I was on a date last night, that's why I wasn't around..

As for Blake... Get ready for it... He's better than Duhon and Morris.. Still don't think he is the player we need, and I think we should drop him like a bad habit in the offseason (along with Duhon), but he's what we have.
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I don't have anything positive to say until we put some more road wins on the table.

After losing to the Suns I told myself I'm not getting excited anymore over any individual wins. This team can break your heart right when you least expect it. We need streaks, we need lots of them.

If we can get a streak going into Miami then ill be somewhat impressed.

I'm not gonna let myself be let down with this team anymore with these wins over garbage teams. Do some real work then ill invest my emotions back into it.

Glad we won, but I'm not celebrating anything yet. Call me a negative nancy if you want, I just don't wanna get fooled anymore.
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pistons just blew a team out so the game in detroit wont be easy.

seriously tho antoni really needs to adjust nash minutes so he can be out there when kobe is resting. it would benefit this team more you would think if either kobe and nash were out there for most of the game. enough of bringing them both back in at the same time..

i dont care how bad meeks is shooting stop playing blake out the there at the shooting guard position...
seriously tho antoni really needs to adjust nash minutes so he can be out there when kobe is resting. it would benefit this team more you would think if either kobe and nash were out there for most of the game. enough of bringing them both back in at the same time..

i dont care how bad meeks is shooting stop playing blake out the there at the shooting guard position...


It'd be easier to limit Pau & Nash to 28 minutes.. Give a few minutes for necessity. But have them on the same rotation.

14 minutes together at the PG & Center spots with Kobe & Dwight on the bench (Give a couple minutes for Kobe, but 14 in this hypothetical to keep it simple)... 14 minutes together with Kobe, MWP & Dwight.

Nash, Meeks, Clark, Jamison, Pau is a good enough lineup. (I'd of course like a better shooting 3 to move Clark to the 4 (and if we had Hill because Hill could help on the boards, and energy wise so it wouldn't be necessary, but I could roll with it for 14 minutes a game.)

And Blake at the 2 is nonsense.. He's barely an average PG. What makes anyone think he'd be any better than atrocious SG.
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The Heat got a pass, but the difference is--They won.

You guys have people making excuses for the team and why they're not playing well. Most of the other teams had people calling the moves those teams made a "mistake" and how foolish they were to make those deals.

Right now, you guys have it easy--until the season is over with. I agree with you on that point.


I just find it absurd that people excuses for a struggling team that basically "stacked" up the same way other "super friends" teams did, but it's OK, because they have "chemistry and injury" issues.

If you're telling me this isn't real life, then IDK what world you live in.

And for the lames who posted stupid pics of the baby crying--Really good way to continue discussion.

Dude those Knicks teams were not great.  Knicks fans can be delusional (i live in NY now so i see this everyday). THey were screaming "big three" last year with amare-melo and chandler. C'mon man, thats not a big three, more like 1 and three quarter.  No comparing them to a lakers team with the best sg and C in the league (before he starting sucking) with Pau and Nash as your 3rd and 4th best players. expectations were no where comparable. 

Nobody in here made excuses for lakers other then they suck together and are dysfunctional as hell.  No amount of training camp was gonna help this team - unless they did what they were doing now in completely switching it up with their gameplan.

Yet, this years Knicks team is almost identical to last years except we signed an overweight PG :lol:

Nice analysis.
KG can reminisce about bullying Pau in 2008 and Pau can remind KG about eviscerating him in 2010.

Good times.
[quote name="PMatic"]
@KevinDing Dwight is said to be getting on a plane now in LA. Seems likely he will play tomorrow here in Detroit for the Lakers.
[/quote]Don't I know how I feel about this. I almost want to just say let him do what he has to do to get better for next season. Of course that plan completely backfires if he does what he needs to do for next season and then doesn't sign with us, but that's why I said I don't know what to think about this.



Me personally, I'll not be entertaining further these pipe dream scenarios. Y'all continue having fun w/ them, though.
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