IN on epic thread

4 and 8
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looks like you took an aesthetic roller coaster ride there


great job... and great post


(12 ate 7)
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Don't really have standards I'll pretty much smash anything. Don't even know why i'm doing this it's just for lulz. Below is a pic of every girl that i've slept with in my short 21 years on this earth. 3 of them aren't pictured cause I don't have any pics of them.  Rate them for yourself on a scale of 1-10. Be as harsh or critical as you want, believe me I know these girls aren't dimes lol. Ok without further ado..... 

1.(right) View media item 178339

2. View media item 178340

3. View media item 178341

4. View media item 178343

5. View media item 178385

6. (middle) View media item 178391

7. View media item 178364

8. View media item 178366

9. View media item 178369

10. View media item 178371

11. View media item 178372

12. Hate to end it on this note but your boy took a recent L lmao View media item 178373

So there you have it NT, fire away! 

Quoted in prep for future edit.
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