
i dont know what it is, but its like they lost their creatively abilities.

Saints stacking the line on 3 and 2? no problem, we'll stick with our draw play to LMJ. :x
or when the saints are blitzing and you KNOW they are blitzing...would it kill you to switch it up and throw out some screens/short quick slants to counter?

soooo frustrating
Thats what Im saying if he has a choice of at least 2 plays to call, kills the original, and instead runs a play that plays in the hands of what the D is giving them then why is he doing it and why are the coaches putting them in a position to fail?
I watched the Chiefs Broncos game right after and they hardly run as many audibles, make shifts, or play ring around the rosie like we do.
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Tough L but after how smooth 2011 and 2012 went some adversity was inevitable.

For as terrible as the offense played, their a few missed plays away from being 8-2. No such thing as a moral victory and any chance of winning the division is done. If the offense mainly Kaep gets it together and breaks the slump they'll be fine.

Its better they take these lumps now then in december though. 6 games left to right the ship. Hopefully Washington and the rams are what's needed to get back on track.
Kaep can't make pre snap reads when 90% of the time were gettig to the Line with 8 seconds on the play clock.
Another thing change the cadence on the snap or the snap count every once in awhile so you can get guys to show they are coming. That is taught at the pop warner level. The outside rushers all day had it timed up watch the game again look at the burst they were getting. I watched the Tampa bay game and Sean Glennon who has the look of a pipsqueak was getting Atalanta's defense to show blitz multiple times then he would look to where the 1 on 1 is on the outside and sometimes sight read into a back shoulder fade or vertical.
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Thats right, when the huddle breaks theres less than 10 secs remaining on the play clock. How the hell are you supposed to read the D and for your offensive line to communicate with each other with the little remaining time you have available. This falls on the coaches, the play calling is too complicated. Look at Peyton Manning, he has all day to make reads and and pre snap adjustments; he manages the game while the clock manages us.
Thats right, when the huddle breaks theres less than 10 secs remaining on the play clock. How the hell are you supposed to read the D and for your offensive line to communicate with each other with the little remaining time you have available. This falls on the coaches, the play calling is too complicated. Look at Peyton Manning, he has all day to make reads and and pre snap adjustments; he manages the game while the clock manages us.

Seriously :smh: seems like every damn play we're barely snapping the ball before the play clock hits zero. Maybe the only damn team I see that happen on a consistent basis.
Go back and re-watch 2011. Hell go back to Standford. This problem aint new. It's the scheme. it's supposed to give your offense the advantage but on the road in loud stadiums it's a disadvantage.

You can't compare what Peyton does to Kap. There is a reason Peyton is one of the goats. His QB IQ is insanely high and he's practically a player/coach out there. Kap's shifts and reads are integrated into the offense while Peyton gets more freedom to adjust on the fly because he is that damn good and smart.

What Kap really needs is more time. The more he's out there the more the game will slow down. The more the game slows down the easier and faster it will be for his brain to process what his eyes are seeing.

btw totally inexcusable that kap had no idea how many timeouts we had. SMFH!
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Not comparing Kap as a player or IQ compared to Manning's. What I was trying to point out in my Kap Peyton comparison is that Kap is rushed to get the play off and has very little time to do so compared to Peyton. Hell, almost all the other QBs in the league have enough time to read the D and make adjustments if necessary. But for some reason the coaches still have the system where play calls take too long to get to the QB. Still dont understand Harbaugh's/Mangini's challenges (are they now 2 out of 7 for the season) reminds me of Nolan's incompetent challenges. And LMJ up the middle on a 3rd and 2? I thought it was Hunter but when I saw LMJ getting up from the tackle I SMFH. Its like he cried his way for playing time.
LMJ needs to split wide as a decoy even and sent into the flat when he is in the backfield. Teams have to respect the speed letting a ton underneath stuff open up when you send him vertical. I don't know if he has the tracking over his shoulder for deep throws down but it's all about getting that defense to monitor where he's at on the field.

Running a trap or middle draw for him on 3rd and a long 2 considering how physical our front is at times I don't really deem a bad call just no push on that play. The saints were splitting blockers very well.
fire greg roman or demote him

why was mangini even brougt in? fire him asap

promote geep chryst to playcaller 100% of time. He is the one who designed and called the play on the catch 3 vs saints in the playoffs.
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Still dont understand Harbaugh's/Mangini's challenges (are they now 2 out of 7 for the season) reminds me of Nolan's incompetent challenges.
In my opinion, its not just the terrible challenges that are obvious to seemingly everyone but the coaching staff....its also the not challenging plays that should be.  I feel like this happens a lot. Early in the game (right after our first awful challenge), there was a 3rd down play where Jimmy Graham caught a 3rd and 2 pass and was given just good enough of a spot to get a first down.  Watching it live, and watching it on replay, it was obvious that Graham was AT LEAST a yard short of the first down marker. 

We didn't challenge it, and the Saints scored their first TD one play later.  Now that's not to say the Saints wouldn't have gone for it on Fourth and 1 from the 4 yard line.  But it was just another example of a blown challenge situation by our coaching staff.
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Just rewatched the game and a couple of things stood out:

- 1st sack on Kaep he had Lamichael wide open in the flat but decided to look him off and try to run instead.
- Kaep had no pocket awareness on the 2nd sack.
- Gave up big returns on kicks.
- Kaep continues to throw inaccurate balls, some DIRECTLY to the defender
- Couldnt defend a 3rd and 12 in the 3rd quarter
- Kaep moved the ball VERY well to end the 3rd quarter. He BARELY missed Vernon in the endzone on a 3rd down. Led to a FG
- Didn't look for it in the 1st half, but in the 2nd Brees had ALL day to throw and really hurt us. We were generating absolutely no pressure
- We had a very nice goal line stand midway through the 4th to force a FG to stay ahead 20-17.
- The pass that Gore dropped hurt BADLY. He had nobody anywhere near him and could have set us up deep in Saints territory with about 7 minutes to go. Led to a punt.
- Brooks hit still looks legal to me. :smh:
- 10 yard completion after Brooks hit, lead to a FG to tie the game
- Run D all game was pretty damn solid.
- Our last drive consisted of Kaep getting sacked on 1st down, 2nd down nearly getting a safety on an intentional grounding in our own endzone, and then on 3rd down Kaep runs out of bounds to stop the clock with around 1:15 left on the clock and the Saints had 1 timeout :smh: Absolutely pitiful execution to end the game.

View media item 659294

:smh: :smh: :rolleyes

2nd week in a row we've led late and gave it away at the end :smh:

Good news is that we still have a Playoff spot, bad news is that the Panthers and Saints have tiebreakers on us.

Hate to even say this but let's go Patriots tonight :x
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I am so furious. That was not a first down on NO. And we didn't challenge. To top it off, the personal foul on Brooks at the end killed me. I'm not one to complain about the refs but the League has a love affair for the Saints and Brees, it showed last night.
Here is another thing that no one seems to bring up.  Now I am in no way condoning the moronic fair catch interference penalty....but let me mention this.  The NFL rules state that a proper fair catch signal is extending your arm up in the air, and waving it from side to side.  In no way, shape or form was Sproles signal anything close to what the NFL states is the fair catch signal.  He simply swiped his arm in the air one time. 

Now obviously, everyone but one player saw this signal.  I just contest that the way Sproles did it, was very easy to miss....and not the proper way to do it.
Here is another thing that no one seems to bring up.  Now I am in no way condoning the moronic fair catch interference penalty....but let me mention this.  The NFL rules state that a proper fair catch signal is extending your arm up in the air, and waving it from side to side.  In no way, shape or form was Sproles signal anything close to what the NFL states is the fair catch signal.  He simply swiped his arm in the air one time. 

Now obviously, everyone but one player saw this signal.  I just contest that the way Sproles did it, was very easy to miss....and not the proper way to do it.

Thought the same thing. :smh: I'm done with those Bounty Hunters.
Again we lost to the better team, this time it was because we couldn't run the ball well enough to win and we made way to many mental mistakes to win the game.

Challanges. :smh: both were awful.
Kaep calling a TO when we were out.
Kaep running out of bounds on the last drive.
Osgood with the 15 yard flag on the punt.

Offense will continue to struggle till Kaep proves he can make big plays down the field.

If you told me before the game that the Saints would out rush us in yards and attempts I would have laughed at you.

O-line play was shaky during critical points when we really needed them to step it up.

Last week a couple people said that the problem wasn't that we needed another receiver, is it the #1 problem no but its up there near the top of the list.

Not sure if people realize but through 10 games all but 8 catches have been made to WR's not named Anquan Boldin ( Manningham has two of those)

Kaep needs help

More consistant play from the O-line
Someone besides VD or Boldin to make a play every once in while
Easier play calls at the line ( the calls have to be simplified cant tell you how many plays got called with 01 or 02 on the clock.
1st down plays have to be better (we aren't getting enough yards on first down to be able to sustain a decent drive thus leading to 3rd and long plays that aren't getting us 1st downs.
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What's crazy to me, is as bad as the offense has played in recent weeks, we are a Vance McDonald drop and a Frank Gore drop away from being 8-2.
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What's crazy to me, is as bad as the offense has played in recent weeks, we are a Vance McDonald drop and a Frank Gore drop away from being 8-2.

The truth :smh:

EDIT: Damn I found tickets to the Skins/49ers game for $225 each Section 123 Row 2... Wish I had someone to go with or better yet if I can just find one ticket I would get it
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The defense has been playing great all season without a pass rush. If we can get Aldon back in football shape we should be in a good position going into the last quarter of the season. Ahmad Brooks has elevated his game this year and dude is playing like the best SAM linebacker in the league. Skuta has also been a great addition to the defense. Dude is all over the place.

Offense needs to go back to the basics and simplify things. There's so many things going wrong at once that it's all snowballed into a mess. Our O-line has been playing like **** all season. These guys are getting off way too easy and not getting critized enough. The pass protection has been horrible all year and even in the run game they haven't been as consistent. This offense is dying for some speed out there yet they continue to find ways NOT to get LMJ invovled. STOP RUNNING ******G DIVE PLAY WITH LMJ jesus christ Wtf? this lil ****** is such a mismatch and yet our coordinaters cant find a way to use him at all in the pass game. sooo many things going wrong at every level of the offense at the moment from the OC to the QB to the line to the WRs.

also, take notice of kaps demeanor on the field. dude looks like hes extremely stressed out there likes hes about to have a nervous breakdown. coaches really need to make things easier for him.

with all that said i really believe we'll be ok. just need to get back to the basics and simplify things.
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