
Your boy AZ is two days away from making it to a whole month. On Wednesday night. i will make a gut call if I want to continue until the new year or end my fap-free streak. 
My brother don't do it.

I ended a month long streak..was not worth :smh: :lol: went from feeling like a god to feeling ashamed of myself in a matter of minutes :rofl: . Stay strong [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]9994[/emoji]
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Midnight will make it day 4. This is the longest I went in a while

It's been tough so far
I blame everything going not-right in my life right now and my moodiness on me non fapping. Am I making this up in my head? Or can this be a real effect of not ejaculating?

I had a dream earlier today that I popped open the computer and started to get to it. Halfway into it, I panicked and woke up, it felt so real
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Your boy AZ is two days away from making it to a whole month. On Wednesday night. i will make a gut call if I want to continue until the new year or end my fap-free streak. 
My brother don't do it.

I ended a month long streak..was not worth
went from feeling like a god to feeling ashamed of myself in a matter of minutes
. Stay strong [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]9994[/emoji]
****, I got to stay strong for the culture man. I'm not caving in just yet
Tomorrow will be 11 weeks :pimp:

I went through a serious "flatline" my joint couldn't get up. Morning wood didn't exist. For about 3-4 weeks. My sexual drive was non existent. I felt like how I think an an old man would feel. No testosterone, no drive, no desire and no erections.

I made it through the flatline stage and now my erections are extremely intense. Sorry for being graphic but for those who are in the flatline stage please stay persistent. It's well worth the wait.

I wanted to make a thread about myself addictions that I've conquered but I wanted to wait until December of next year. To see if I've fully kicked my habit. I recently saw some porn by accident and it was off putting, the things you get into when you're deep in porn can be horrible. It's a deep path that leads to no good. You need more hardcore, more compilations, more extreme things to get off. I can honestly say I'm glad and surprised I've gotten to 11 weeks. I never thought I could get this far. Every time I tried I would be pulled back into porn. I would get triggered by some Instagram post or some chick posted here and find myself going back.

I also noticed my testicles would hurt for about a week which I thought wasn't healthy. I've unfortunately have had sex with a woman to release in my 11 weeks. I Am really trying to conquer my sexual desires entirely. I want to be able to have complete control of it.

I was just at a chicks house and I popped one off her nips being hard ( I live in Wisconsin).
Average woman are far more attractive and I swear I've grown more facial hair lol I doubt it has to do with anything though [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Good luck brehs, were all gonna make it :smh:

It is indeed an addiction, after being 11 months clean, I look back in disgust.
I was watching hardcore stuff, rape, incest beast and worse off gay pron. most people won't admit this, but I know if people were honest more straight men would report that. Porn consumes you, and before you notice you can't look a ANY woman without seeing a sex scene.

I'm not religious at all, but a few months I went to church with my cousin and the pastor told me that "making the decision to stop watching that trash will change you life" mine you my cuz didn't know about my porn problem and that was her first time at the church too so I know she couldn't tell him. Idk I found my self praying one day when I was tempted and I felt a relief, I still don't believe in god :lol:. either way I'm happy I stopped. Feels good to have a clear mind. I have conquered my sexual urges, feel more confident and ready to find a wife and have some kids.
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I'm happy for your success/resilience, but son; whoa :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was all about that high man, seating there for hours looking for more intense stuff hard core, aggressive. Never questioned My sexuality because I knew it was all about the addiction. I wanted to &$&@ like them, porn stars became my idol. Dark times burrrr

Real talk didn't even enjoy it, just felt like I had to watch it.

I'm free tho
Wait you were watching beast and gay porn? Damn man, you were in a way worse position that I am, glad you conquered that ****
:wow: :wow: thank God i never got to that point :lol:

But that took a lot of guts to come out and say and admit you had a problem :pimp: glad you're doing well now :pimp:
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Midnight will make it day 4. This is the longest I went in a while

It's been tough so far
I blame everything going not-right in my life right now and my moodiness on me non fapping. Am I making this up in my head? Or can this be a real effect of not ejaculating?

It's just your brain adjusting. Those feelings are gonna reverse trust me. Stay strong!
It is indeed an addiction, after being 11 months clean, I look back in disgust.
I was watching hardcore stuff, rape, incest beast and worse off gay pron. most people won't admit this, but I know if people were honest more straight men would report that. Porn consumes you, and before you notice you can't look a ANY woman without seeing a sex scene.

I'm not religious at all, but a few months I went to church with my cousin and the pastor told me that "making the decision to stop watching that trash will change you life" mine you my cuz didn't know about my porn problem and that was her first time at the church too so I know she couldn't tell him. Idk I found my self praying one day when I was tempted and I felt a relief, I still don't believe in god :lol:. either way I'm happy I stopped. Feels good to have a clear mind. I have conquered my sexual urges, feel more confident and ready to find a wife and have some kids.

I applaud your courage. I was watching and getting off to what you were watching except for the gay porn(I never delved that deep into anything homosexual aside from lesbians). But that high you speak of I know exactly where you were at. Looking up to pornstars to learn their stroke. Seeing every woman as a sex object. Delving deeper and deeper into debauchery. From regular sex, to retro sex, to pov, fake scenarios, bdsm, rough sex(stuff like ghetto gsggers or latina abuse), anal bbw porn, beastiality, rape, incest, grannies etc. It was a high and I was only viewing for the shock value. Regular porn just wasn't doing for me. Im trying to be sober myself from it.
Congrats to homey getting over that addiction

Damb that's some self restraint!

Closing out the year strong...

Y'all try to make this last month the month... A lot of downtown is probably coming, and you can't just go outside... So this might be the toughest month.

**** all that waiting for the new year.

Get up and get it NOW!

32 days from now to 2017. Less geaux
Props to legalsole. Just know the battle aint done yet amigo.
I went more than 2 months earlier this year. Was prepping my tantra game n all that, I am on day 7 [emoji]128532[/emoji]
30 days in and feeling reinvigorated. I stopped looking at pron on the 31st of October and haven't viewed a video since. It definitely helps to stop viewing. When I am tempted, I usually remind myself to keep going and don't give in!

P.S. Kegel exercises have also helped me in resisting the urge to stroke one out. Keep at it fellas!
That was some deep ish man glad you overcame all of that.

45 days in and feeling really good ab it gonna finish the year off strong!!!
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