Derrick Rose Is Overrated

Sep 18, 2003
i know its early, but where has he shown improvement? 13.7 ppg, 5.7 assists. is he making the team better? NTers seem to believe he is an elite PG (some ofy'alls top 5) again, its early, but aaron brooks has been the better player since rose's game 1 explosion. (brooks is avg 19 and 7 on a rocket teamthat will compete for a playoff spot) Discuss
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Derrick Rose is not 100% healthy.

And as of now is he is slightly overrated. His bball IQ is pretty low, dude just doesn't exactly know what to do on the court yet. But he is only 21 and hewill figure it out, and once he does, it will be a PROBLEM...His upside is up there with anyone's.
All I know is he wasn't particularly impressive vs the Raptors and he still plays that matador defense.

I understand he has all the physical tools but I felt that the expectations for him were growing way too big, I mean I heard Bill Simmons say he was going tobe better than CP3. I damn near spit out my drink.
I'm a Bulls fan and I have to agree. Not that he doesn't have all the tools, but he hasn't done anything to get the kind of recognition that hedoes. He'll be a top 3 PG some day though.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

I understand he has all the physical tools but I felt that the expectations for him were growing way too big, I mean I heard Bill Simmons say he was going to be better than CP3. I damn near spit out my drink.

I remember a lot of dudes on here were saying the same thing. Never saw the reason for the hype behind dude. I mean, he's great for a few highlights hereand there but seems like people just fall in love with mixtapes of short guards doing windmills in college and high school and proclaim them as the nextAll-Star.
Kid has everything you could ask for in terms of physical tools at the PG position...

But anybody putting him in the Top 5 point guards in basketball already was outta their god damn minds...

He's not better than Paul, Nash, Williams, Rondo, Billups or Parker... And he's not even clearly better yet than Devin Harris or Russell Westbrook, orhealthy versions of Baron Davis and Gilbert Arenas...
Dude's playing hurt and here come the ridiculousness...

- Overrated
- Never saw the hype
- He's not better than so and so

When he goes off this year when he gets healthy...I want you to be sure to resurrect this post.
Aaron Brooks.

I'm really laughing at that.
Co-sign with Dirk

Nevertheless, with the Gerald Wallace leading the league in boards thread, and him not being 100% healthy, among other things, it just shows you it's stillearly in the season.

...AB though
if he's not healthy, he shouldn't be playing. i wouldn't use that as an excuse for his mediocre play.

i think he will be fine, but ben gordon helped him out alot last season as well. maybe its just the lack of having a go to player on the team, but he supposeto be that guy on the team. just don't make those same excuses for him that you wouldn't make for any other player in the league. he's only (thiscertain age), he's playing hurt, etc. because you can say the same for other players in the league.
yeah ? I BET my SN that you were not saying that during the playoffs last year
Its only 3 weeks into his 2nd season. Some ppl expect him to be the best PG right out of college. Next year we will know if he can be a top 5 PG
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

if he's not healthy, he shouldn't be playing. i wouldn't use that as an excuse for his mediocre play.
wait what?

if his injury really is that bad to affect his play like that, he needs to sit down til' it heals. idk if its still his ankle or whatever.

if we are going to bring up injuries, i can bring up several players who are playing hurt right now and their play isn't as bad as rose.

i just think he's being inconsistent and he's just not ready yet to be that guy. he needs somebody else on the team to help carry the load at thispoint which is why he looked so good with gordon. if the bulls continue to have a team with no real go to guys, he will struggle or won't reach his fullpotential.

i do expect him to step his play up later in the season, but it probably won't be any drastic statistical changes. yeah he has the tools andpotential...blah blah. i'll be waiting on him to get healthy though so i can see how good he can play with the team solely relying on his leadership.
There only so much that a 6'1 point guard could do. The players nowadays just keep getting bigger , stronger and faster every year.
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