Derrick Rose Is Overrated

Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

i know its early, but where has he shown improvement? 13.7 ppg, 5.7 assists. is he making the team better? NTers seem to believe he is an elite PG (some of y'alls top 5) again, its early, but aaron brooks has been the better player since rose's game 1 explosion. (brooks is avg 19 and 7 on a rocket team that will compete for a playoff spot) Discuss
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

i know its early, but where has he shown improvement? 13.7 ppg, 5.7 assists. is he making the team better? NTers seem to believe he is an elite PG (some of y'alls top 5) again, its early, but aaron brooks has been the better player since rose's game 1 explosion. (brooks is avg 19 and 7 on a rocket team that will compete for a playoff spot) Discuss
Bro you said AARON BROOKS! LOL! Do not let the numbers at ALLfool you.. Lowry as a point guard > Brooks .. Brooks puts up the points, but is clueless when it comes to making decisions or setting up teammates. He's often on the sidelines come the fourth quarter, b/c Lowry is a better floor general and doesn't make crucial mistakes in the waning minutes of thegame... Have you seen Brook's Turnovers Per . I think I've done enough... Ha ..Brooks
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Dude's playing hurt and here come the ridiculousness...

- Overrated
- Never saw the hype
- He's not better than so and so

When he goes off this year when he gets healthy...I want you to be sure to resurrect this post.

Chill That Makes Toooooo Much Sense G... This thread is absolutely hilarious.
Originally Posted by 85wasagreatyear

1. he's not 100% healthy.
2. he's only playing about 30 minutes per game.
3. we're 7 games into the season.

This man is playing out there with an achilles tendon issue that kept him out most of the preseason not some sprained ankle and y'all claim he'soverrated after 7 games

Originally Posted by khoshabasfinest23

He is overrated here in Chicago. These homer bulls fans I live near already claiming he's better than d-wil and cp3.

Personally he's not even top 5

Tony parker
steve Nash

In no particular order but those 6. >rose

You do realize that you're comparing a 2yr pg to the like of those who have been in the league atleast 3yrs prior to him... and not only that have veryreliable components, all stars even around them. The fact that he's even in that conversation says a lot about the kid off rip. Lets just look at whoeach of these players are playing with for a second shall we?

Chris: David West (all star down year early but all star 17 and 10 easily) Peja (one of the best shooters in the league coaches will never not account for himon the court at all times) Thus he has someone to spread the floor with their outside shooting and someone who can and will bang down low.

Deron: Carlos Boozer (Same as above only add on another 5 points) Shooter: Okur, Korver Slashers: AK, Brewer and throw in Millsap somewhere

Tony: Do I really have to say it??? Best power forward in the history of the game

Chauncey: My guy but he's playing with the best pure scorer in the L right now along with another scorer in Jr and two bigs downlow that enjoy doing dirtywork and playing defense.

Rondo: Do I really have to say it??? 3 Hall's: Top 5 power forward in the history of the game, arguably the best shooter in the history of the game (notsayin he is but you can make a case) One of the most versatile and biggest match up problems at the 3 in a while

Nash: Do I really have to say it??? He's played with another dominant all star his entire career, whether it was Dirk and Finley in Dallas or Amare andthe Matrix in Phoenix.

Now am I trying to take anything away from these players??? HELL NO because they're all incredibly talented, but before you go throwing Pooh under the buslike this look who he has to help him out there. Those other PG's up there have it a helluvalot easier than Pooh has in his year and 7 games. Half of theteam don't want to give him the ball due to their own ego's the other half can't do +%#! out there. Point being y'all are tweeking.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

All the other PG's listed have "go to guys" to pass to....Rose is the "go to guy" on the Bulls....Noone on the Bulls is a PURE scorer, PG's need Scorers...Or at least an effective big man.

Deng is a BIG let down...Noah plays like a Deer learning to walk... getting rid of Gordon was a mistake, smh
%%# are you talking about they are the most consistent players on the team so far. Both damn near avging double doubles!
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

All the other PG's listed have "go to guys" to pass to....Rose is the "go to guy" on the Bulls....Noone on the Bulls is a PURE scorer, PG's need Scorers...Or at least an effective big man.

Deng is a BIG let down...Noah plays like a Deer learning to walk... getting rid of Gordon was a mistake, smh
%%# are you talking about they are the most consistent players on the team so far. Both damn near avging double doubles!

Like I said DENG IS A BIG LET DOWN AND NOAH PLAYS LIKE A DEER LEARNING TO WALK.....Deng was supposed to be a star, The Bulls are paying this man GOODmoney....And Noah is our "big" man....ill end it there
laugh.gif you know how many players are averaging Double Doubles 9 games into the season?
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

All the other PG's listed have "go to guys" to pass to....Rose is the "go to guy" on the Bulls....Noone on the Bulls is a PURE scorer, PG's need Scorers...Or at least an effective big man.

Deng is a BIG let down...Noah plays like a Deer learning to walk... getting rid of Gordon was a mistake, smh
%%# are you talking about they are the most consistent players on the team so far. Both damn near avging double doubles!

Like I said DENG IS A BIG LET DOWN AND NOAH PLAYS LIKE A DEER LEARNING TO WALK.....Deng was supposed to be a star, The Bulls are paying this man GOOD money....And Noah is our "big" man....ill end it there
laugh.gif you know how many players are averaging Double Doubles 9 games into the season?
I know its early in the season, but your calling him a BIG LET DOWN. Youre pretty much saying the guy is doing absolutely nothing! avging 18 n 8and playing very good defense. First of all if deng was supposed to be the star he would be getting paid 15-20 mill, not 10-11 so relax. If he avgs 18 n 8 forthe season thats pretty much worth that contract. If salmons was playing up to his capabilities we woulnt be discussing any of this right now. the bulls wouldbe 7-1/6-2 and all would be well.
I don't think OP is saying AB is better than Rose. I think he's saying that AB has shown progress, while Rose, sans his Game 1 explosion, looks likehe's stuck in neutral. His opinion not mine, as I think Rose > AB easily.
I've watched every single Bulls game so far and I really don't like what I'm seeing from him.

The bright spot is that he gets his points in spurts, and it's usually in the 4th quarter. For the rest of the game he is really passive. It's almostas if he's afraid to take shots because he doesn't want to look like a ball hog lol.

The downside is that he's not driving and getting to the lane. I think it has more to do with teams figuring him out plus his non-aggressive nature thanhis injury, which I think is pretty much almost 100 percent. Teams are switching on the pick and rolls and daring Rose to challenge the big man, but Rosehardly ever takes advantage and pulls up instead of taking him to the rim. Also, when Rose does drive, help is always there. Every team so far are doing agreat job of blocking the lanes to the basket and forcing him to pass it or shoot outside. I think this is where I miss Ben Gordon the most. I hated BGbecause I thought he was a black hole on offense, but at the very least he helped open up the lanes for Rose so he can get to the basket. Now the paint issignificantly more attentive to Rose and he's yet to adjust.

Since he's such a chill guy he's not going to force the issue when there's help, he's going to swing it, and this is where he's going tohave to change. He has to learn to throw his body in there when there's help instead of kicking it out. I have more faith in him drawing a foul ormiraculously making a shot than John Salmons hitting a perimeter shot, smh. However, it seems like he's not going to do that anytime soon, for any of thereasons below:

1-His ankle is still not 100 percent. If this is true, then why not shut it down now and wait till your better. No need to go through a season playing ballhurt like D Wade did, only to have to shut it down later when it gets too much.

2-He doesn't like contact. During his rookie year he didn't average many free throws a game. I was thinking it was because he was a rookie, he'snot going to get calls, but this year, there's no excuse for that and he's still not getting to the line. Now I'm wondering, given his personalityif he's ever going to be the kinda guard to average 10 ft's a game like AI did, or like D Wade does...those dudes love to throw their bodies in therebut when Rose drives he throws up a floater or he uses just enough of his body to protect the ball but he doesn't initate the contact. I'm hopingit's cuz of his supposed ankle injury as opposed to his nonchalant nature. Cuz if it's the latter, this is going to be a long career for Rose.

3-He's just warming up and he's just biding his time to slam his foot on the gas. I think it's likely. I never followed Rose in Memphis but fromwhat I heard, his whole season at Memphis he took a backseat to some other dude on the team and didn't really start taking over games until much, muchlater into his freshman year. He needed Calipari to tell him to start playing more aggressive before he started playing like a number 1 NBA prospect. Maybe apart of him is waiting for VDN to give him the same green light, which I don't think he has.

All in all, I've been pretty disappointed in D Rose so far. I'm just hoping this nonchalance thing about him is a temporary thing with him and not arecurring problem for the rest of his career.
Originally Posted by JD617

Noah plays like a Deer learning to walk

I gotta give him credit though. He's been playing really well so far this year.

Yeah, He's stepped up his game....But still, Bulls should have pushed for a better Big man...You get rid of your most consistant Scorer, atleast Pick up aBig man...
He isnt a 1 man team. They have a very balanced offensive attack right now, especially with Deng returning to the lineup. *%$@, even Noah throwing up like 12 agame.
Originally Posted by amel223

I've watched every single Bulls game so far and I really don't like what I'm seeing from him.

The bright spot is that he gets his points in spurts, and it's usually in the 4th quarter. For the rest of the game he is really passive. It's almost as if he's afraid to take shots because he doesn't want to look like a ball hog lol.

The downside is that he's not driving and getting to the lane. I think it has more to do with teams figuring him out plus his non-aggressive nature than his injury, which I think is pretty much almost 100 percent. Teams are switching on the pick and rolls and daring Rose to challenge the big man, but Rose hardly ever takes advantage and pulls up instead of taking him to the rim. Also, when Rose does drive, help is always there. Every team so far are doing a great job of blocking the lanes to the basket and forcing him to pass it or shoot outside. I think this is where I miss Ben Gordon the most. I hated BG because I thought he was a black hole on offense, but at the very least he helped open up the lanes for Rose so he can get to the basket. Now the paint is significantly more attentive to Rose and he's yet to adjust.

Since he's such a chill guy he's not going to force the issue when there's help, he's going to swing it, and this is where he's going to have to change. He has to learn to throw his body in there when there's help instead of kicking it out. I have more faith in him drawing a foul or miraculously making a shot than John Salmons hitting a perimeter shot, smh. However, it seems like he's not going to do that anytime soon, for any of the reasons below:

1-His ankle is still not 100 percent. If this is true, then why not shut it down now and wait till your better. No need to go through a season playing ball hurt like D Wade did, only to have to shut it down later when it gets too much.

2-He doesn't like contact. During his rookie year he didn't average many free throws a game. I was thinking it was because he was a rookie, he's not going to get calls, but this year, there's no excuse for that and he's still not getting to the line. Now I'm wondering, given his personality if he's ever going to be the kinda guard to average 10 ft's a game like AI did, or like D Wade does...those dudes love to throw their bodies in there but when Rose drives he throws up a floater or he uses just enough of his body to protect the ball but he doesn't initate the contact. I'm hoping it's cuz of his supposed ankle injury as opposed to his nonchalant nature. Cuz if it's the latter, this is going to be a long career for Rose.

3-He's just warming up and he's just biding his time to slam his foot on the gas. I think it's likely. I never followed Rose in Memphis but from what I heard, his whole season at Memphis he took a backseat to some other dude on the team and didn't really start taking over games until much, much later into his freshman year. He needed Calipari to tell him to start playing more aggressive before he started playing like a number 1 NBA prospect. Maybe a part of him is waiting for VDN to give him the same green light, which I don't think he has.

All in all, I've been pretty disappointed in D Rose so far. I'm just hoping this nonchalance thing about him is a temporary thing with him and not a recurring problem for the rest of his career.
I think he's good, but not as good as people hype him up to be.

I got roasted for saying this on twitter, but Brandon Jennings > D Rose **waits for someone to bring up their high school matchup**
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by JD617

Noah plays like a Deer learning to walk

I gotta give him credit though. He's been playing really well so far this year.

Yeah, He's stepped up his game....But still, Bulls should have pushed for a better Big man...You get rid of your most consistant Scorer, atleast Pick up a Big man...
QUE????? This is Noah's Third Year and you want to push for another big man? Do you guys ever hear the word potential.. And right now Noah isaveraging a double double.. Dude is tenacious on D and you want to push for another big man... This site is annoying..
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by JD617

Noah plays like a Deer learning to walk

I gotta give him credit though. He's been playing really well so far this year.

Yeah, He's stepped up his game....But still, Bulls should have pushed for a better Big man...You get rid of your most consistant Scorer, atleast Pick up a Big man...
Who did you want us to get? I think most Bulls fans knew this year was going to be pretty much a wash. We are getting ready for the 2010 summerlike many other teams. Honestly Noah and Deng have been our best players this short season. Salmons hasn't done anything. Kirk is hit and miss. Idon't know what you really expected out of the team this season but by losing BG i knew we would have. Some times where we just can't score which iswhat happened last night.

On to Rose, I think like someone else said he not trying to look like a ball hog and by doing so is not attacking the basket enough. Vinny isn't helpingthis at all because a second year coach with a second year point guard is not going to have a lot of confidence between them. The fact that he is only takingtwo free throws a game is a joke and completely on him. I think that with him trying to be more of a leader hes trying to get his teammates involved more. Hehas to be in more of an attack mode when he gets the ball and not wait until the fourth quarter to start to assert himself. It's still early in the seasonbut he has to be more of an attacker and im sure he will be as the season goes on.

But the fact that Aaron Brooks is better than him is a flat out joke.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

(brooks is avg 19 and 7 on a rocket team that will compete for a playoff spot) Discuss

did I miss something? when did they start offering 12 spots in each conference for the playoffs?

as for Rose, he's a kid, give him time. plus we're not even 10 games in yet. I think he'd do a lot better under a more experienced coach, but ashas been said, he has the tools, just needs the tutelage. overrated? sure maybe, but that isn't his fault, it's the media's. that's why Itry to ignore a lot of sports writing, dudes tend to gush a lot. but as a player, he looks good to me. like I said, let him do his thing. did we alreadyforget his performance in the playoffs last year? I thought that was pretty impressive for a rookie on a team that could be considered "intransition" at the time.
Game 1 gave DRose alot of band wagoners. But yea comparing Rose to Rondo is a good comparison to show that having all-stars makes your job easier.

Rondo has PP, Ray Allen, and KG to keep the offense flowing.

Derrick Rose plays with a team full of rookies and avg players. Nobody on the bulls have been on the all-star game while Celtics have had 3 players all-stargame worthy. Let Rose play with some good offense and see what happens plus the dude is still learning so give him another yr or 2. He could be the next ChrisPaul
Originally Posted by kidoopz

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by JD617

Noah plays like a Deer learning to walk

I gotta give him credit though. He's been playing really well so far this year.

Yeah, He's stepped up his game....But still, Bulls should have pushed for a better Big man...You get rid of your most consistant Scorer, atleast Pick up a Big man...
QUE????? This is Noah's Third Year and you want to push for another big man? Do you guys ever hear the word potential.. And right now Noah is averaging a double double.. Dude is tenacious on D and you want to push for another big man... This site is annoying..


  1. Capable of being but not yet in existence; latent: a potential problem.

  2. Having possibility, capability, or power.

  3. Grammar Of, relating to, or being a verbal construction with auxiliaries such as may or can; for example, it may snow.

  1. The inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.

  2. Something possessing the capacity for growth or development.

  3. Grammar A potential verb form.
...To sum it all up, "Potential" alone dont win Championships.... We've been labled "The baby Bulls" ever since Mike and Pip'left....Lets Grow up, make moves and get some Rings....You see what the Celtics and Lakers did...they made the BIG moves to get a Ring, it seems like the Bullsare stuck....We've been relying on "Potential" for 10+years...
Originally Posted by denverairforce

Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

(brooks is avg 19 and 7 on a rocket team that will compete for a playoff spot) Discuss

did I miss something? when did they start offering 12 spots in each conference for the playoffs?

as for Rose, he's a kid, give him time. plus we're not even 10 games in yet. I think he'd do a lot better under a more experienced coach, but as has been said, he has the tools, just needs the tutelage. overrated? sure maybe, but that isn't his fault, it's the media's. that's why I try to ignore a lot of sports writing, dudes tend to gush a lot. but as a player, he looks good to me. like I said, let him do his thing. did we already forget his performance in the playoffs last year? I thought that was pretty impressive for a rookie on a team that could be considered "in transition" at the time.

the rockets will compete for a playoff spot because some of last years playoff teams will fall off of give minimal effort and not play to expectations. neworleans and utah seem like two possibilities.

if houston plays hard and gives effort every game, they should at least be in contention for a playoff spot come april. remember besides the artest arizaswap, this is pretty much the same short handed rocket team that gave the lakers their toughest challenge in the playoffs last year
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

He's not better than Paul, Nash, Williams, Rondo, Billups or Parker... And he's not even clearly better yet than Devin Harris or Russell Westbrook, or healthy versions of Baron Davis and Gilbert Arenas...
but baron Davis and Arenas are never heathly so whats the point of bringing them up? and you of all people are the 1st to point that out

Fair enough... But he's still not a Top 5 point guard like he's been pegged by many around here...

He's a young point guard playing on a team that doesn't have a dominant, go-to guy and is trying to find a replacement for their departed top scorerearly in the season... I can live with inconsistency... But based off what he did last year, he wasn't a Top 5 guy.

He's got all the tools to be on that level and I expect full-well he'll be there before long... But right now? Nope.
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