Derrick Rose is really smart

Originally Posted by dyyhard

"derrick, I heard you only eat one type of meat."


Nothin blud, I was just trying to express that there are ignorant, isolated people every where. You were right on point but there's just no need to addthat most people you know like that happen to be black. That's merely a result of the environment you're surrounded by (I'm guessing the BayArea?).
the reporter should've smacked him right then and there. sushi = chinese food? DF?

drose is a baller though
Yup, but Im in LA for school. People from the bay def. know more about different cultures compared to people i meet from la n stuff
This is irrelevent he is rich and hes good at what he gets paid to do I'm sure he isn't stressing his knowledge of other cultures
That wasn't as bad as other interviews I've seen him in. I'd bet plenty of athletes would say the same thing in that interview. And that wasn'tthe most formal interview in the first place.
Yeah, he's not gonna be at any Mensa functions anytime soon, but eh, he's a millionaire.
I like Drose but this guy would be a square in life if he didn't develop his basketball talent. He's quiet, rarely speak, boring and quietly prettydumb.
i know he isnt the smartest dude but i bet alot of people dont know that sushi is japanese food
Ummm.... there are a lot dumber things he could have said. His comment is one that would have been said by more than 50% of the United States. No big deal.
@ people trying to downplay how dumb D-Rose is. He's one hell of an athlete with a bright future in the league. But he's dumb... and thebetter he gets at ball and the more the media flocks to him, the more we will all see it. I used to think he was just "shy" too. But search for hisinterviews, any and all. You will quickly see why Memphis got their school record revoked. Dude beat the system and he gets props for that. But he's stilldumb.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Man, hats off to him. As long as he's a basketball genius, I just really don't care at all. Think about it. How many of us are in the top 50 of our chosen profession? (Well, the correct answer is 50, duh)

I'm not one to criticize, but your joke at the end there is pretty terrible. It doesn't make any sense; it implies that either a) there is only oneprofession so only 50 people can be top 50 in their profession, or b) out of all possible professions, 50 people on NT are in the top 50 of their profession(and that this is an obvious answer, due to the duh). That was really bothering me.
I haven't seen enough interviews with Rose to really speak on his intelligence. I'll take the word of others that he's not too swift. However, asfar as this particular interview goes, what he said was not dumb, just culturally ignorant. Like others have said, there's probably plenty of Americans,who are not necessarily dumb, that would make the same mistake.
Originally Posted by warriors510

Yup, but Im in LA for school. People from the bay def. know more about different cultures compared to people i meet from la n stuff
That's a pretty broad generalization. What part of L.A. are you in? I'm curious since I'm from L.A.
Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by warriors510

Yup, but Im in LA for school. People from the bay def. know more about different cultures compared to people i meet from la n stuff
That's a pretty broad generalization. What part of L.A. are you in? I'm curious since I'm from L.A.
Like warriors510 I'm from the bay but go to school about 15 minutes from L.A.

In my experience, the farther you get from the actual urban areas of Los Angeles, the more ignorant and out of touch with reality people tend to get.

I've found this particularly true with the black males from the suburbs down there, which happens to be the demographic I associated the most with incollege. I've seen and heard some terribly ignorant %%#$. Obviously this is a generalization but what else do you have to base your perspective on whenyou don't get to interact with each and every individual out there.

I had to ex out a lot of people after my freshman year and the people who remained were all from Long Beach, LA, or the Bay.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Man, hats off to him. As long as he's a basketball genius, I just really don't care at all. Think about it. How many of us are in the top 50 of our chosen profession? (Well, the correct answer is 50, duh)

I'm not one to criticize, but your joke at the end there is pretty terrible. It doesn't make any sense; it implies that either a) there is only one profession so only 50 people can be top 50 in their profession, or b) out of all possible professions, 50 people on NT are in the top 50 of their profession (and that this is an obvious answer, due to the duh). That was really bothering me.

Naw he's basically saying all NTers are full of +!!$ and will reply something like:

"Yeah, I'm a top 50 attorney/cook/engineer etc. in America".

If you know NT then it's kinda funny.
Who cares if he can't remember useless things like a squared plus b squared equals c squared and the name of the one little girl who was hiding in an atticor something from the KGB? Smart to me is the fact he knows what he excels in, and focused in that area. Like dude said, he's top fraction of a percent inthe WORLD at what he does. Pick what's going to take you furthest and makes you happy and run with it. All of you so called "smarter"individuals, what are you doing with your lives? Prodding away working for some boss you don't like in your mundane, repetitive excuses for a life whilemaking 60 thou a yr? But hey, you remember the Scientific Method even though you're an Accountant, so hats off to you!

The American school system is a joke anyways.

You act like most people know that sushi is Japanese and not Chinese, or hell could even tell the difference between something or someone who was Japanese fromChinese.
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