Derrick Rose is really smart

That statement wasn't dumb, just ignorant. There's a lot of smart people out there that are ignorant of other cultures. I've heard white, black,spanish, asians say ignorant stuff about each other all my life. Like 95 percent of all americans, I'm sure are guilty of it. If I wasn't asian, I mostlikely would've made that same mistake at some point in my life. Hell, I'm asian and I make mistakes about other asian cultures. Like I didn't knowthat indians were considered asians at one point on my life. I asked my indian friend why he joined the asian club back in hs and he just gave me thestoneface. And I'm pretty sure someone on here is going to read this post, learn something new, and not admit it lol.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Man, hats off to him. As long as he's a basketball genius, I just really don't care at all. Think about it. How many of us are in the top 50 of our chosen profession? (Well, the correct answer is 50, duh)

I'm not one to criticize, but your joke at the end there is pretty terrible. It doesn't make any sense; it implies that either a) there is only one profession so only 50 people can be top 50 in their profession, or b) out of all possible professions, 50 people on NT are in the top 50 of their profession (and that this is an obvious answer, due to the duh). That was really bothering me.

Naw he's basically saying all NTers are full of +!!$ and will reply something like:

"Yeah, I'm a top 50 attorney/cook/engineer etc. in America".

If you know NT then it's kinda funny.

I read it like three times and couldn't figure out what he wastrying to say exactly... if it was supposed to be a joke when am I supposed to
? Just sayin'...
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Who cares if he can't remember useless things like a squared plus b squared equals c squared and the name of the one little girl who was hiding in an attic or something from the KGB?
i wouldn't really call math "useless"

please tell me you aren't talking about anne frank
Originally Posted by eight2one

what does dude really do to garner this hate?
How is somebody saying he's dumb "hate"?

I'm a huge fan on the dude but he's got a huge speaking problem. I don't want to jump the gun too much and flat out call him a ****** becausespeech and his intelligence are totally different...but he's definitely not proficient speaking. It's a by-product of a steady declining public schoolsystem along with being a high profiled prep star for most of his life. There's no onus placed on making sure he's able to properly formulate asentence when speaking...something you should learn around kindergarten-1st grade. It's not necessarily his fault...but if his brothers or whoever else hishandlers are care about his image and just about him in general....they should be getting him some public speaking classes and focusing on his communicationskills. He's a budding star so it's not going to be a good look when he's accepting an MVP trophy and he sounds like Jack Jenkins from HarlemNights.

my head every time this issue comes out about a pro athlete and you getpeople saying "so what...he can play basketball well" or "so what...he's a millionaire". People like you are part of the problem.Especially us black men who say this. Knowing the stereotypes out there about the black athlete and the black man in general...his money or athletic aptitudeshould take a backseat to how you feel about something as simple as how he speaks.
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