Describe your daily commute... how long is it taking you?

When i take my private jet to manhattan its about 10 mins.
But other than that my train ride is 30-40 mins.
About a 40-50 minute train ride into the city for school, but now that I finished my last final today, I won't have that commute until the fall.

I work two minutes away from my house, so I'm lucky with that.
40-50mins and it's only a 6 mile drive.
Full time joint - 30 min by subway (glad I'm not far from the office)
Part Time gig - 60 min from full time spot (by bus) 25-30 min (by train)
Originally Posted by airforce416

30min bus 10min walk
its about to be a 20 min bus ride, 40 mins on the subway & like 5-10mins walking

and thats on a good day if the mta doesnt screw up

this. last part is bolded for emphasis.
10 min walk-30 min train-15 min subway - 10 min walk.
luckily I can read on the train and sub, so I haven't cared to move.
25 minutes there, 30-35 minutes back. 15-20 minutes without traffic. Does anyone else notice that there's less traffic on a Friday morning and alot more traffic on a Friday afternoon? I never get how that works...
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

25 minutes there, 30-35 minutes back. 15-20 minutes without traffic. Does anyone else notice that there's less traffic on a Friday morning and alot more traffic on a Friday afternoon? I never get how that works...

people going away for the weekend/going out etc....
i take 2 trains in the morning for about an hour, 2 trains home about 45 minutes.

driving is about an hour and a half in nightmare traffic on the turnpike extension. Jersey FTW!
Get picked up at 630 every a.m. and dropped off at the end of the day at my front door

AND i get paid from the moment i get scooped till the moment i get dropped off

Manual labor for 8 or 9 straight hours every day though
Was 40 minutes, 50 miles one way up until yesterday when I got fired. Now I am left a part time job and it is 1 mile away.
I live in a crap town in FL. Everything is pretty spaced out here anyway compared to a place to NY. I drive like 30-40 mins to Tampa to work.
Good thing my hrs avoid rush hours. 11-7
Reading this thread got me thinking that they should introduce Gym Trains so you can train while you commute. For people taking commuter rail trains (think LIRR, NJ Transit) for commutes of 30 minutes to an hour. Basically, you would clear a car of seats and add in treadmills and free weights, so the average overworked I-banker/stock trading bro from Strong Island could stay strong on the train. Time and convenience are huge limiting factors for the middle age suburban->urban commuter in terms of staying shredded, and this plan eliminates those obstacles. You have to commute anyways, you may as well spend the time getting in shape. I'm not sure how the physics of lifting weights on a moving train would work, but I'm pretty sure they could be harnessed to optimize results.

10 minutes to get to work on my bicycle... feels great not having to deal wit the masses on the road!!!
Originally Posted by NooEra

Get picked up at 630 every a.m. and dropped off at the end of the day at my front door

AND i get paid from the moment i get scooped till the moment i get dropped off

Manual labor for 8 or 9 straight hours every day though
 when i started reading your post i thought you were some high level exec that had a car service, not a grunt worker being picked up in the work van.

not that theres anything wrong with earning an honest living by doing some manual labor.

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