Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

I got Monte Carlo form the nightfall

Myself, Zero, Frostbite, and BosKickzz are running Iron Banner and the bottom guy on our team got the Plan C :smh:

The very next game, I finish 4th on the team and they give me Patience and Time :lol: :nthat:

You work, you lose. Settle for mediocracy, lol 

:smh: Remind me of this random that joined the Mars nightfall a couple weeks ago. Got no kills whatsoever and was gifted the Gallahorn. Joined at the very last seocnd too. I did all the work and got 5 strange coins :x
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Remind me of this random that joined the Mars nightfall a couple weeks ago. Got no kills whatsoever and was gifted the Gallahorn. Joined at the very last seocnd too. I did all the work and got 5 strange coins
Same thing happened to me last week. Some random dude kept joining me to see what part of the nightfall I was on (I was soloing it) and by the time the boss was almost dead, he joined and ended up getting an exotic chest piece while I was left with strange coins.

I was salty so I did the same thing on my alt, joined some random dudes that I raided with a long time ago at the end of the nightfall and ended up getting Plan C while they got crap. The drop system is so broken
Yea the iron banner is going to have to carry me to level 30. This raid isn't cutting it
dont feel bad. for whatever reason, bungie decided to make most of the iron banner gear better than the raid gear. they just dont do things that make sense.
I went to jump through that window and say it is closed up now, lol

Naw really though I like the new changes I've played IB ALL DAY, and I have yet to play on First Light seriously lol.

I've been leveling Paitence & Time 
First light would be easy money during IB.

Daily story & Weekly Heroic 7:30 PM EST
Then IB til I pass out

Lets get this work.

P.S. I don't think I've loved playing a game i hate this much ever.
This guy.... Lmao. Quite possibly the greatest roll ever. I have no words...

Dude has a great roll every time he raids with us. First time up he gets a Gjallarhorn, and this week he get double fatebringer, hawkmoon, Epilogue, and a Vex. FFS :x
Be 28, 29 or 30 and maxed out weapons.

This would explain why I, at level 24, was slaughtered pretty mercilessly last for the most part :smile:.

It's still worth it for me to play and try to earn rewards and such right? How hard would it be for me to level up and buy the Iron Banner armor, etc.?
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after getting the same helm from nightfall. alt character ended up with monte carlo :smokin

and the raid ended up being a glorious run just when i thought rngesus was trolling me with all the energy and shards

View media item 1267369
I need to raid with my alt.  warlock level 27. 300/300/300.
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Good looks on the invite b, I got there mad late and still came out with Kabrs Brazen Grips :wow:

No problem bruh.. Atheon was jokes :lol:

I got Monte Carlo form the nightfall

Myself, Zero, Frostbite, and BosKickzz are running Iron Banner and the bottom guy on our team got the Plan C :smh:

The very next game, I finish 4th on the team and they give me Patience and Time :lol: :nthat:

You work, you lose. Settle for mediocracy, lol 

:lol: that quote along with the screenshot you took lmao
I got Swarm from Nightfall last night, I guess that can make up for me accidentally breaking down my ZAWF47 :wow:
Never played Iron banner before. In fact the only time I even pvp is for exotic bounties. All this talk of Iron Banner makes me want to try it even though I am pretty sure I will get slaughtered :lol:
As a level 30 with Max guns. I will attest I've been one shotted by level 27 with fusion rifles and shottys. Even while blade dancing.. So yeah this level thing doesn't make that big of an effect unless you're at least 4-5 levels lower. I was getting picked apart by fusions shottys and suros regimes. I will say though most of it has to do with the lag compensation. The guys with the worst connections were invincible. We saw a guy walk through rocket and heavy machine gun fire only to clear out our whole team. So yeah...
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