Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14


Bungie is just trolling me at this point. They want me to just throw Throwing Knives around in Crucible.
u kno throwing them around is still fun tho
Still makes me mad that a Throwing knife crit hit is not an insta death. I hit a Warlock in the face with my throwing knife and it popped up as 138 damage. Its a damn throwing knife to the face. I understand if it's a body hit or something but crit in the head should be insta death. 
Still makes me mad that a Throwing knife crit hit is not an insta death. I hit a Warlock in the face with my throwing knife and it popped up as 138 damage. Its a damn throwing knife to the face. I understand if it's a body hit or something but crit in the head should be insta death. 

And tripmines are 192 damage. As a Titan I'm sitting on like ~215 so it's not a 1 hit kill either. :smh:
Looks like you can purchase legendary shaders and ships from the different vendors. Variks from House of Judgement will rotate armor pieces and weapons. One piece, one weapon and a weapon and armor core. Probably how you can upgrade weapons from 300 to 366. The hooded cryptarch looking guy is a disciple of Osiris. Trials of Osiris are only on weekends until Tuesday reset.

Looking like they changed some stuff up as far as how you get stuff. They couldn't answer if Variks was RNG or set.
At least this has high impact and isnt a "peashooter" as they put it ahem Necrochasm. I saw one of the perks being does extra damage to shanks. Looks like we might get swarms of shanks.
If you don't purchase HoW, you can still go to the reef. Also, the tower is still relevant. Looks like you upgrade old weapons from there?! 
They fixed hive disruptor on Black Hammer!!!

Speaker converts all mats now. Shards for energy, motes, glimmer, etc. This is pretty awesome. 
All new faction armor and weapons. Looks like faction weapons will have perks that will help for new Prison of Elders too. 
Looks like same vendor/faction gets you light 36 to level 33. Endgame will get you light 38 level 34.
keep the updates coming. that gun looks sick! too bad auto rifles are still nerfed to hell. convert all mats? thats a big help, but i still dont have many mats to begin with lol.
At least this has high impact and isnt a "peashooter" as they put it ahem Necrochasm. I saw one of the perks being does extra damage to shanks. Looks like we might get swarms of shanks.
my love for auto rifles means i need this gun NOWWWWWW..... that impact!!!!!!
Etheroic Light is the material that lets you upgrade old weapons.

You get in Prison of Elders, Trials of Osiris, NF, and crucible.
Upgrade weapons using Etheric light. Get it from Prison of Elders, Nightfall, and Trials of Osiris. 



In order to unlock prison of elders, you need to finish story mode. Looks like exotics use Exotic shards to ascend to 365.
You can reforge legendary weapons from the gunsmith too. This is turning pretty awesome folks.
Seems like you dont even need Etheric Light for exotics. You can just ascend with Exotic Shards. I'm stocking up at Xur this week finally. All my exotics will be 365 off rip!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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