Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Hmmmmm might be time to come out of retirement again. I'm feeling like Jordan on his way to the wizards
I can't lie, Bungie took community feedback and made the game pretty damn awesome. Now let's see if the endgame for HoW is good (Prison and Trials)
No cap for amounts of etheral light weekly except for weekly cap events (nightfall, Prison, Trials, etc.) 
Prison of Elders is an event that is raid tier difficulty that they could have called a raid but didn't because it isn't a true raid. I'm curious now. Sucks we have to wait two weeks for reveal. 

Stream is over now. 
man its time to cap off a lot of weapons and gear that isn't capped yet, that way im 365 out of the box! Very excited to put shadow price back into rotation as well as some other legendary weapons. Will also be cool to hit 34 while having mismatched armor too. Will bring out way more diversity within the community. The material exchange was LONG overdue and should go a long way in making it easier to upgrade items. All in all im already pleased with HOW and i don't even own it yet. Now to get a bjallerhorn tonight hopefully.  
i lol'd when deej dismantled the gjallahorn!

stoked about the exotic upgrades being instantaneous with only needing a shard
You can reforge legendary weapons from the gunsmith too. This is turning pretty awesome folks.
They didn't really clarify about all legendaries acquired, like from drops etc.., but the guns you can purchase can be reforged.
I bet it's just new Vendor weapons from HoW but that's good enough for me. As long as it's a HoW legendary, you should be able to reforge it kinda thing.
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You can reforge all legendaries at the gunsmith now?!

Just need exotic shards to level exotics?!


Now to finish the story on my Hunter. Who going through the Black Garden with me?
Seems like if it has the reforge ready badge it will be eligible to reforge at gunsmith. Probably only vendor HoW weapons. Pretty damn awesome though if you ask me. Makes using Vanguard and Crucible Marks on something other than mats a reality.
You can reforge all legendaries at the gunsmith now?!

Just need exotic shards to level exotics?!


Now to finish the story on my Hunter. Who going through the Black Garden with me?
my 3rd titan needs that....

and my OG shadow price going to 365, 1
maybe im the only one but i was praying the strangers rifle was going to be upgrade-able, i love that gun maybe a little too much. 
Yea I let my SP go when I couldn't get one at 331. I do have 3 Vanquishers at 331 though at least

my 3rd titan needs that....

and my OG shadow price going to 365, 1
Yea I am sure most 3rd characters are short of finishing the last mission. Hell I might have to make sure my Titan has it done too!
I'm just glad everyone is excited again. I'm hoping prison of elders turn out to be really good... The fact that it's supposed to be different every week is awesome.

TPT assemble! Lol
Some new concept art for HoW. I wonder what this is. Could it be the Bjallerhorn replacement?
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