Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Speaking of the Gjally...

2-man'd Crota Normal to finally get that Flawless Raider Trophy (Wooo!)

All I needed was one shot from the Gjally and a couple shots from the VoC and that shield was gone!

Swordbearer had no need to drop the sword at all! :tongue:
Baller horns are non upgradable to year 2 levels

I can see the salty tears from Frost already
LMAOOOOOOOOOO good ol bungie. proclaim all exotics will still be relevant and brought over to the next expansion. change their minds and not only NERF the gally, but not even make it on the same power level as other exotics? oh man. just when i considered giving them my money, they reminded me of how they do what they want and just how much control they have over the game. im good.
LMAOOOOOOOOOO good ol bungie. proclaim all exotics will still be relevant and brought over to the next expansion. change their minds and not only NERF the gally, but not even make it on the same power level as other exotics? oh man. just when i considered giving them my money, they reminded me of how they do what they want and just how much control they have over the game. im good.

Bungie wants to incentivize you to buy the expansion. The game is still fun.

There will be new must have weapons. I don't see the big deal.
Yea Tek you reaching with that one. Me and biggie tried to tell you guys that this would happen. It defeats the purpose to keep making new weapons if the og ones would still be the best. It will still be one of the go to launchers but it just won't be easy mode anymore.

Some of you guys have to remember the mmorpg portion of this game still does exist. You will never 100% beat this game or have everything to offer. Even if we do for a brief time, there will be a DLC to come out and add new content and armor/weapons for you to get. It is just a cycle that will continue.
Yea Tek you reaching with that one. Me and biggie tried to tell you guys that this would happen. It defeats the purpose to keep making new weapons if the og ones would still be the best. It will still be one of the go to launchers but it just won't be easy mode anymore.

Some of you guys have to remember the mmorpg portion of this game still does exist. You will never 100% beat this game or have everything to offer. Even if we do for a brief time, there will be a DLC to come out and add new content and armor/weapons for you to get. It is just a cycle that will continue.

Once we (widespread) accept this premise, I think a lot of people will begin accepting this game for what it is supposed to be, and hopefully start appreciating the good things it has to offer.

But until then, all I have for the 'non-believers' is:

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Bungie wants to incentivize you to buy the expansion. The game is still fun.

There will be new must have weapons. I don't see the big deal.
nah. this is a much needed reminder that as long as ur playing this game, when bungie says jump... u jump. or u get left behind. bungie said people were complaining too much about fusion rifles, so they nerfed em. couldnt use my favorite gun anymore becuz they said so. fusion rifles are all but unusable. so i moved onto auto rifles. people complained about the suros. bungie nerfed auto rifles to the point theyre unusable. so then came the hand cannons. everyone finds the thorn is op, they nerf the hand cannons.

i say that to say this, bungie said they wanted the players to have a choice. if everytime a gun becomes the favorite, they nerf it... whats the point? i dont like playing games where i have no control over what i do. and bungie just reminded me. they nerfed every gun i actually like to play with in this game. auto rifles, dead. fusion rifles, dead. gally, dead. thorn, dead. any shotgun outside of the power 4, dead. what happened to my choice?
Yea Tek you reaching with that one. Me and biggie tried to tell you guys that this would happen. It defeats the purpose to keep making new weapons if the og ones would still be the best. It will still be one of the go to launchers but it just won't be easy mode anymore.

Some of you guys have to remember the mmorpg portion of this game still does exist. You will never 100% beat this game or have everything to offer. Even if we do for a brief time, there will be a DLC to come out and add new content and armor/weapons for you to get. It is just a cycle that will continue.
delusional. and i hate when yall talk about the mmorpg portion of the game. borderlands is the exact same thing but they dont have this problem. its like yall excuse everything bungie does wrong with "but its an mmorpg" i dont care about what genre of game this is. if its bad practice... its bad practice. they already announced a "small" nerf to the gally. then they sold it letting everyone know the nerf will be severe. just last week yall was saying "itll be fine, theyll let u upgrade it to the new levels" now here u are "its cool, itll still be one of the best."

ur lying 2 urself. bungie said the white and green weapons will be stronger than everything we have except exotics...and THAT is becuz the exotics get upgraded. so what do u think that means for an exotic that doesnt get upgraded? the only exotic in the game to not get upgraded cuz they said so. lets tally the gally. ???% nerf on the wolfpack rounds + 20 to 30% disadvantage in base damage? yea... of course itll still be one of the best lol. im str8. they did it with the gally, ur next favorite gun is up next. im str8.
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nah. this is a much needed reminder that as long as ur playing this game, when bungie says jump... u jump. or u get left behind. bungie said people were complaining too much about fusion rifles, so they nerfed em. couldnt use my favorite gun anymore becuz they said so. fusion rifles are all but unusable. so i moved onto auto rifles. people complained about the suros. bungie nerfed auto rifles to the point theyre unusable. so then came the hand cannons. everyone finds the thorn is op, they nerf the hand cannons.

i say that to say this, bungie said they wanted the players to have a choice. if everytime a gun becomes the favorite, they nerf it... whats the point? i dont like playing games where i have no control over what i do. and bungie just reminded me. they nerfed every gun i actually like to play with in this game. auto rifles, dead. fusion rifles, dead. gally, dead. thorn, dead. any shotgun outside of the power 4, dead. what happened to my choice?

delusional. and i hate when yall talk about the mmorpg portion of the game. borderlands is the exact same thing but they dont have this problem. its like yall excuse everything bungie does wrong with "but its an mmorpg" i dont care about what genre of game this is. if its bad practice... its bad practice. they already announced a "small" nerf to the gally. then they sold it letting everyone know the nerf will be severe. just last week yall was saying "itll be fine, theyll let u upgrade it to the new levels" now here u are "its cool, itll still be one of the best."

ur lying 2 urself. bungie said the white and green weapons will be stronger than everything we have except exotics...and THAT is becuz the exotics get upgraded. so what do u think that means for an exotic that doesnt get upgraded? the only exotic in the game to not get upgraded cuz they said so. lets tally the gally. ???% nerf on the wolfpack rounds + 20 to 30% disadvantage in base damage? yea... of course itll still be one of the best lol. im str8. they did it with the gally, ur next favorite gun is up next. im str8.

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nah. this is a much needed reminder that as long as ur playing this game, when bungie says jump... u jump. or u get left behind. bungie said people were complaining too much about fusion rifles, so they nerfed em. couldnt use my favorite gun anymore becuz they said so. fusion rifles are all but unusable. so i moved onto auto rifles. people complained about the suros. bungie nerfed auto rifles to the point theyre unusable. so then came the hand cannons. everyone finds the thorn is op, they nerf the hand cannons.

i say that to say this, bungie said they wanted the players to have a choice. if everytime a gun becomes the favorite, they nerf it... whats the point? i dont like playing games where i have no control over what i do. and bungie just reminded me. they nerfed every gun i actually like to play with in this game. auto rifles, dead. fusion rifles, dead. gally, dead. thorn, dead. any shotgun outside of the power 4, dead. what happened to my choice?

delusional. and i hate when yall talk about the mmorpg portion of the game. borderlands is the exact same thing but they dont have this problem. its like yall excuse everything bungie does wrong with "but its an mmorpg" i dont care about what genre of game this is. if its bad practice... its bad practice. they already announced a "small" nerf to the gally. then they sold it letting everyone know the nerf will be severe. just last week yall was saying "itll be fine, theyll let u upgrade it to the new levels" now here u are "its cool, itll still be one of the best."

ur lying 2 urself. bungie said the white and green weapons will be stronger than everything we have except exotics...and THAT is becuz the exotics get upgraded. so what do u think that means for an exotic that doesnt get upgraded? the only exotic in the game to not get upgraded cuz they said so. lets tally the gally. ???% nerf on the wolfpack rounds + 20 to 30% disadvantage in base damage? yea... of course itll still be one of the best lol. im str8. they did it with the gally, ur next favorite gun is up next. im str8.

Come on son your bugging. Unless you are the developer of the game ofcourse you yourself have little control over what they change. They are making the changes based on the majority of the community. I haven't played boaderlands like that but I guarantee you there community complains about things in that game just like our community complains about this one.

Cods meta is way worst than destinies but it's still one of the most thriving fps to date. Fusions were hitting from across the map somthing had to be done, autos were doin the same and I dunno if you remember pre nerf Suros days that gun was unmatched somthing had to be done, thorn two shots from across the map somthing had to be done, people where sniping with shotties somthing had to be done, and if you don't feel the gally I op then I just don't know. There were good reasons for each of those nerfs. It's not like it was just done because they felt like pissing people off. They did research on these weapons.

We had the gally we were gods time to move on and it was sold prior to this most recent time people just didn't realize what it was back then. If the hardlight or Monte Carlo wasn't offered a year two upgrade would you care as much? I doubt it.

We have a crap load of new guns comming who cares that we have to give up a few exotics especially since most will be getting a year two upgrade. It seems like people just want to complain because they don't have direct control over the game.

Yall boys would hate fighting games with the ever changing balancing and tiers, some peoples mains go from the best most op character in the game to one of the worst with a simple patch all you can do is adapt.
i just finished the base campaign :lol:

level 24 and still no legendaries :frown:

i only really play crucible tho :lol:
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Come on son your bugging. Unless you are the developer of the game ofcourse you yourself have little control over what they change. They are making the changes based on the majority of the community. I haven't played boaderlands like that but I guarantee you there community complains about things in that game just like our community complains about this one.

Cods meta is way worst than destinies but it's still one of the most thriving fps to date. Fusions were hitting from across the map somthing had to be done, autos were doin the same and I dunno if you remember pre nerf Suros days that gun was unmatched somthing had to be done, thorn two shots from across the map somthing had to be done, people where sniping with shotties somthing had to be done, and if you don't feel the gally I op then I just don't know. There were good reasons for each of those nerfs. It's not like it was just done because they felt like pissing people off. They did research on these weapons.

We had the gally we were gods time to move on and it was sold prior to this most recent time people just didn't realize what it was back then. If the hardlight or Monte Carlo wasn't offered a year two upgrade would you care as much? I doubt it.

We have a crap load of new guns comming who cares that we have to give up a few exotics especially since most will be getting a year two upgrade. It seems like people just want to complain because they don't have direct control over the game.

Yall boys would hate fighting games with the ever changing balancing and tiers, some peoples mains go from the best most op character in the game to one of the worst with a simple patch all you can do is adapt.

All of the reasons you have for a weapons balance changing... Are in pvp. Guns were nerfed across the board. And you misread the thing about shotguns. I said any shotgun OUTSIDE of the power 4 got nerfed. As in, if you use a shotgun besides one of those, you're at a disadvantage.

It's no matter. Like I said, I personally don't like that. I don't play fighting games. So this is the first game where I've seen your freedom of choice reduced nonstop. If yall cool with it that's fine. Yall know me, highly opinionated but never angry. All I'm saying is this ain't working out for ME.
All of the reasons you have for a weapons balance changing... Are in pvp. Guns were nerfed across the board. And you misread the thing about shotguns. I said any shotgun OUTSIDE of the power 4 got nerfed. As in, if you use a shotgun besides one of those, you're at a disadvantage.

It's no matter. Like I said, I personally don't like that. I don't play fighting games. So this is the first game where I've seen your freedom of choice reduced nonstop. If yall cool with it that's fine. Yall know me, highly opinionated but never angry. All I'm saying is this ain't working out for ME.

All I'm saying is any game with a pvp aspect to it will have changes similar to this in which the masses have control and not just the minority. So unless you only play story mode games (ie. The witcher, mgs or somthing like that) you gotta be ready for the changes they implement as well.
Y'all can take your Bjallerhorn wolfpacks and go play with them in the corner. We already off that. Once Xur made them a GR, we don't want it no more.

Just give me the Sword and move out the way. Bout to play Triumph by Wu-Tang Clan everytime I wield that blade. SWINGIN SWORDS LIKE SHINOBI word to the Rebel INS.
I just dont get why cats so mad about gjarbagehorn

Yall really trying to play destiny 5 with the **** you had in year 1? 

Seems dull and boring imo
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I just dont get why cats so mad about gjarbagehorn

Yall really trying to play destiny 5 with the **** you had in year 1? 

Seems dull and boring imo
This. As long as new, innovative ideas are being pumped into Destiny, I'm OK with it. The game is the game. Going through the grind with your usual fireteam is what makes it fun. We all knew at some point the Bjallerhorn would be knocked off its pedestal. Excited to see the new top tier weapons and gear. 
All of the reasons you have for a weapons balance changing... Are in pvp. Guns were nerfed across the board. And you misread the thing about shotguns. I said any shotgun OUTSIDE of the power 4 got nerfed. As in, if you use a shotgun besides one of those, you're at a disadvantage.

It's no matter. Like I said, I personally don't like that. I don't play fighting games. So this is the first game where I've seen your freedom of choice reduced nonstop. If yall cool with it that's fine. Yall know me, highly opinionated but never angry. All I'm saying is this ain't working out for ME.
Like I was saying man, it is part of the program with PvP games and with MMORPG games whether you like it or not. Re-balancing will always happen. In WoW, starting out Warriors sucked, then a few months later they got buffed and were crushing everyone and the Mages got nerfed and weren't as powerful as they used to be. Then warlocks had their turns, rogues, shamans, paladins, etc. They will always tweak players and weapons and see what the numbers are showing of what is "trending" and balance accordingly.
All I'm saying is any game with a pvp aspect to it will have changes similar to this in which the masses have control and not just the minority. So unless you only play story mode games (ie. The witcher, mgs or somthing like that) you gotta be ready for the changes they implement as well.
I just dont get why cats so mad about gjarbagehorn

Yall really trying to play destiny 5 with the **** you had in year 1? 

Seems dull and boring imo

My friend in WoW had the highest level weapon in the game [artifact level; they had white -> green -> blue (rare) -> purple (legendary) -> yellow (exotic) -> red (artifact)] and he was the first one on the server with it. Took hours/days to get it finished up and leveled to use. Guess what though, by the next DLC release, there were exotics just as powerful, if not better in certain situations, and legendaries that were right there almost close in damage as it. So you can either look at it as all my hard work is for nothing (even though you dominated for damn near 6 months to a year with it), or you can look at it as, now there is another "top dog" weapon out there for you to work towards and get.

I also do not compare this and Borderlands even though some of you do. I would compare it more to a social Fallout game or Oblivion more than Destiny.
nah. this is a much needed reminder that as long as ur playing this game, when bungie says jump... u jump. or u get left behind. bungie said people were complaining too much about fusion rifles, so they nerfed em. couldnt use my favorite gun anymore becuz they said so. fusion rifles are all but unusable. so i moved onto auto rifles. people complained about the suros. bungie nerfed auto rifles to the point theyre unusable. so then came the hand cannons. everyone finds the thorn is op, they nerf the hand cannons.

i say that to say this, bungie said they wanted the players to have a choice. if everytime a gun becomes the favorite, they nerf it... whats the point? i dont like playing games where i have no control over what i do. and bungie just reminded me. they nerfed every gun i actually like to play with in this game. auto rifles, dead. fusion rifles, dead. gally, dead. thorn, dead. any shotgun outside of the power 4, dead. what happened to my choice?

delusional. and i hate when yall talk about the mmorpg portion of the game. borderlands is the exact same thing but they dont have this problem. its like yall excuse everything bungie does wrong with "but its an mmorpg" i dont care about what genre of game this is. if its bad practice... its bad practice. they already announced a "small" nerf to the gally. then they sold it letting everyone know the nerf will be severe. just last week yall was saying "itll be fine, theyll let u upgrade it to the new levels" now here u are "its cool, itll still be one of the best."

ur lying 2 urself. bungie said the white and green weapons will be stronger than everything we have except exotics...and THAT is becuz the exotics get upgraded. so what do u think that means for an exotic that doesnt get upgraded? the only exotic in the game to not get upgraded cuz they said so. lets tally the gally. ???% nerf on the wolfpack rounds + 20 to 30% disadvantage in base damage? yea... of course itll still be one of the best lol. im str8. they did it with the gally, ur next favorite gun is up next. im str8.

I understand your complaints but the changes they made were to keep the game fun to the masses. Everyone running around pvp with the exact same weapon wasnt fun.

You basically complaining because you can't cheese anymore.
Sorry but releveling all my stuff every 3 months isn't what I consider fun.

The gjally update is negligible in pvp it's just another means to help users get cheesed by the computer by making us grind harder in boss fights. Destiny is king of the 1 hit kill with its modifiers on harder levels ie level 35 poe where ur whole team can get wiped by 3 quick melees.

Other games don't need constant updates on their weapons to make them fun. In fact, Destinys updates actually made it so that everyone had to use the same weapon. So many weapons have been nerfed that it just left a select few as go to weapons.

Just add new weapons and let users have fun.
Sorry but releveling all my stuff every 3 months isn't what I consider fun.

The gjally update is negligible in pvp it's just another means to help users get cheesed by the computer by making us grind harder in boss fights. Destiny is king of the 1 hit kill with its modifiers on harder levels ie level 35 poe where ur whole team can get wiped by 3 quick melees.

Other games don't need constant updates on their weapons to make them fun. In fact, Destinys updates actually made it so that everyone had to use the same weapon. So many weapons have been nerfed that it just left a select few as go to weapons.

Just add new weapons and let users have fun.

The Bungie team has shown graphs of the weapon usage in PVP. The skew was crazy. Again Bungie is reacting to challenges that come up and they have been addressing them.
Sorry but releveling all my stuff every 3 months isn't what I consider fun.

The gjally update is negligible in pvp it's just another means to help users get cheesed by the computer by making us grind harder in boss fights. Destiny is king of the 1 hit kill with its modifiers on harder levels ie level 35 poe where ur whole team can get wiped by 3 quick melees.

Other games don't need constant updates on their weapons to make them fun. In fact, Destinys updates actually made it so that everyone had to use the same weapon. So many weapons have been nerfed that it just left a select few as go to weapons.

Just add new weapons and let users have fun.
In all honesty, having a fireteam of 6 with all Max Gjallerhorns blowing up a boss isn't that fun. It's easy and hilarious but it's not as fun as putting a strategy together and finding a way to beat a boss. The go to strategy for almost every boss fight in Destiny - Shoot 7 Gjallerhorn rockets, pop a heavy synth, shoot 7 more. Finish with primary or sniper rifle. How is that fun?

I still remember the first night of taking on Crota where you actually had to have a strategy and time things right. Took forever but man, when we took out Crota, it was one of the best feelings. And it didn't involve spam Gjallerhorn rockets to win. Same with Atheon. A lot of people won't know these feelings, as they didn't go in blind and attempt, they waited for whatever reasons for a special strat video so it would become easier. As one of the biggest supporters of the Gjallerhorn, I'm glad it's being knocked from it's throne. Give me the new weapon I need to grind for.

If you can honestly tell me there wasn't/isn't an issue with the meta in Destiny Crucible, I'd like to hear that side. The fact that they are taking the time to balance it out really makes me believe in the game even more. I'm glad they are nerfing/buffing weapons. It's the way it should be. Shotguns and hand cannons need a nerf. And those are my two favorite weapons to use. I was using Thorn BEFORE the buff when it was slow reload, slow RoF and the DoT was all jacked up. Why? Because I love the weapon. The FIRST Iron Banner was proof auto rifles needed a nerf. All Suros Everything. But most people don't remember those times. Hell, they don't remember when we had to run around to get planetary mats and farm chests just to level up our weapons/gear.

If you end up with all the end game gear and weapons and nothing changes, you end up with a playerbase like Destiny is right now. No one playing much, everyone waiting around for the next big thing. 




I remember bruh, we were the only two carrying the Thorn Flag. 
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