Diagnosed with Cancer and wanted to share with the NT Family

May 22, 2006
Hello NT Family,
I hope you find yourselves in great spirit! I never thought I’d be doing this, but wanted to reach out to an audience with a common interest. My name is Fernando Lopez and have been a member for quite some time. Currently my family and I are going through a time of challenge, distress, and even confusion at times. Just recently, about 4 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with myeloid sarcoma (a form of cancer) after having surgery to remove a mass in my abdominal area. Although the news took us all by surprise- we stand strong in faith, staying positive, and forever in praise as we move forward.

This news comes in a bitter sweet time for my family and I. I have been an elementary school teacher for over 16+ years in Houston, all these years dedicated to my home school as a child and the neighborhood I grew up in. It’s the first time that I will not be starting a new school year in my classroom as usual. Initially, the idea of this was hard, but quickly realized my health, my children, and wife are the reason I stand here in great faith. With that, my wife and I have our own 3 children (ages 13, 8, 6) who will be kicking off the new school year this week along with countless others. Thanks to the support of my family and friends, my kids will be in great care and transition into school during this unexpected time.

For the past month or so, I have been through a number of procedures including initial surgery, CT scans, MRIs, bone marrow testing, and several blood analyses. Currently, I am patiently waiting on the next step of this journey. I will be receiving treatment here in town during the next few weeks. Along with therapy, I will possibly be going through a blood-stem cell/bone marrow transplant as well. It’s been a bit overwhelming lately, however, I am strong in belief daily and know I will fight and win this battle!

As a member of NikeTalk, I’ve had the pleasure in dealing with and have had great conversations with many- both personal and through the NT platform. Although a bit tough to actually sit here and write my own story in short, it feels great to simply share and reach out to everyone who will come across my thread.

A Chase and Paypal account have been setup for my family and I. They were created by my sister-in-law as she has been one of our “angels” who has been helping us tremendously. Any contributions made, no matter the amount, will be solely used for medical, treatment, and family expenses during this time. Also, any ounce of strength, short word of encouragement, prayer, or a simple “bump” is greatly appreciated as well. I wouldn't mind a great laugh either! Thank you in advance!

Please feel free to share and repost via your medias. If you wish to find out more about my current situation or updates, you can reach back to me personally. I will kindly do the same.

I added some of my past references: Rex Ryan, Ptone, JBirdz23, SBFreak, ltohaj1, Lvr of Jordan, HAMMERCHARGE, CaramelCrusader, and plenty others from the old NT site.

Paypal Account: paypal.me/lopezfam

Chase: [email protected]

Thank you from a fellow NTer!

Fernando and the Lopez Family

* For further info or questions, you can contact me through PM

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Def will be praying for you op, Houston has the best cancer treatment facilities.
I hope for nothing but the best for you and your family

Stay strong OP 
Stay strong.

My mom just went through stem cell/bone marrow transplant to treat her cancer. She's home now and getting better. You can make it man. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.
Stay strong Fernando! Prayers up! 

In b4 NT detectives/skeptics come in asking for proof and even a cell sample via mail before donating
Stay strong Fernando!!!
Wishing you the best. Stay positive

Prayers up
That's sad to hear man, hopefully you'll have the smoothest transition from this to full recovery man. You'll be in my prayers man.
stay positive and you'll be fine in no time and teaching again.

stay strong, we are all behind you...no homo.
Stay up Op.

I have a very good frlling we'll own cancers *** by the time my life is over.

My cousin and great aunt both kicked his ***.
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