Did anyone see this on myspace? (Rihanna's article)

Jul 19, 2008

Originally Posted by Phil Le0tard0

op just wants to show off his mac


<---------------- JJB is that way
You're probably still sittin' in front of a Macintosh.
Ooookay.. so whats the point of this thread again???
no link or nada to back up.. NNiiice
Originally Posted by Nktran001

You're probably still sittin' in front of a Macintosh.
oh lawd how you find out

.....but back to the topic how about you just post the link for the people without myspace
no thread jack but

[h1]Kanye's Hissy Fit Results in Possible Jail Time[/h1]Thursday, March 19, 2009 6:46 AM

The rapper probably regrets breaking that photographer's equipment now that he's realized he won't be able to make buckets of cash sampling Daft Punk in prison.
Kanye West faces up to two and a half years in jail following a scuffle with paparazzi. The rapper was formally handed misdemeanor charges of vandalism, battery and grand theft yesterday for the scuffle at Los Angeles airport on September 11 last year.Check out stars in prison!Kanye's road manager Don Crawley faces the same charges, but two counts of each. The prosecuting Los Angeles attorney's office issued a statement, saying Kanye and Crawley "confronted, and engaged in an altercation with, two photographers."Check out other celebrity trouble makers.Video footage of the altercation shows Kanye, 31, and Crawley, 33, pulling a camera away from a photographer and smashing it on the ground. Crawley is alleged to have also smashed a second photographer's camera. The hip-hop star was arrested before he could board his flight.On his blog the next day he wrote: "I'm cool with the paparazzi. This guy wasn't cool. I gotta work now, I'll rant later!"Prosecutors say the incident resulted in minor injuries to one of the photographers. The smashed equipment was valued at around $10,000 at the time.Kanye was arrested again later in the year in Newcastle, England, after he clashed with another paparazzo, but was released without charge.Kanye - who was represented by his lawyer Blair Berk for the hearing yesterday - is due in court on April 14.

just found that interesting
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