Did the English language change or am I crazy?

Originally Posted by gConquer

well damb.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think I see what you did there. "Damb" is a epidemic around here, that *@%* is spreading and I've had to catch myself a couple times. It's damN, people.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Using IN vs. ON seems to be a matter of size.

You get on a bus or large passenger jet.

You get in a car or a small aircraft
I've head people say let me get that "sangwige" from Subway


and can someone school me on "damb" I use it just because lol..
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

The word "conversate" always irks me. The word is "converse" people.
RICO is CORRECT ... you are wrong and that dictionary you reference
dictionaries list words as they are used in everyday language ... 

it even states first known use 1973 ... people make up words and if it becomes popular it gets put in a dictionary ... doesn't mean it's right ... 

this is one case ... 
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

The word "conversate" always irks me. The word is "converse" people.
RICO is CORRECT ... you are wrong and that dictionary you reference
dictionaries list words as they are used in everyday language ... 

it even states first known use 1973 ... people make up words and if it becomes popular it gets put in a dictionary ... doesn't mean it's right ... 

this is one case ... 
Then what exactly would be the high authority that decides what is and isn't proper in the English language?
no, people are just stupid.

it bottles my mind when people don't know the difference between "their" "they're" or "there"/"your" or "you're"
or when they say "funner" or "funnest"
or when they say "he/she plays good" instead of "he/she plays well"


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Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

RICO is CORRECT ... you are wrong and that dictionary you reference
dictionaries list words as they are used in everyday language ... 

it even states first known use 1973 ... people make up words and if it becomes popular it gets put in a dictionary ... doesn't mean it's right ... 

this is one case ... 
Then what exactly would be the high authority that decides what is and isn't proper in the English language?
Exactly. People CREATE words, that's how they get formed in the first place.

Dictionaries add words every year and they were all originally considered "slang." 

"Conversate" may not be recognized by your chosen dictionary but that doesn't mean using it makes you stupid. 
Another one that gets me is instead of people saying "I got out of the car" they say "I got down from the car". Even worse is when they say "I took him a bath" instead of "I gave him a bath". So EFFFING stupid smh.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

It's catchy. One kid sees another kid use it and it's passed along.
...not catchy...ignorant.

If poor spelling, grammatical errors, and the incorrect usage of words bother you so much...just log off now OP.

Also, when people say "Pacifically" instead of "Specifically". When they do this they use this "Pacific" word not even knowing that the word "Specific" is derived from the word "Specify". DANG some people really are idiots...
Thanks to those who explained it was a regional thing, sort of makes sense now. Just like how I call soda, "pop".
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