Dining At A Restaurant By Yourself IF You Have A S/O: Yay - Na?

I can probably eat by myself at like McDonald's or some of those places, but not in a formal sort of dinning restaurant though, it'd feel mad awkward.
i do it all the time, but probably wouldn't do it in my hometown. i travel often for work, sometimes by myself, so i'm always eating alone at restaurants from fancy ones to chilis.

i'm mostly driven by the fact that its on company dime, so i'm not blowing chance at fine dining b/c of people wondering why i'm alone.
The one thing I can't do alone is eat at a sit down restaurant. Everything else I can do alone no problem.
i went on a 1 night trip during a month off and had to do this...although i didn't mind i did feel a little akward by myself...but fast food places i probably eat alone more than i eat with company.
Originally Posted by j671

just did...dont really care.I'll do whatever I feel like regardless if the freinds can go or not.

Real men like yourself sir don't care what others think of you.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...seems a bit socially awkward and strange to not want to eat out in a restaurant with company.. that's what make dinning out most enjoyable.. the combination of good food plus good company.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I was asking for those that have a girl, and she was able to go with you, would there ever be a time that you would say, "F*ck her. I will just go by myself." - That is what I was asking.

Hell yeah i would, at times i get annoyed of her, time alone for me is real precious
ive only ever gone to places like cafes or burger places alone. never a sit-down, 3 course meal place.

and even then i usually end up asking someone if i can join them or vice versa.
I use to do it all the time. Actually, I use to do a lot of stuff by myself; movies, restaurant, mall, etc. I have a bunch of friends, but I always enjoyed my alone time. I did it last Saturday at Chilli's during my break. I rarely do it anymore though. I only enjoying shopping alone now a days. It will be awkward if your conscious of what other people think. Personally, I could give a damn.
yeah I've done it before. It doesn't bother me at all. I go a lot of places by myself. It's not by choice though, I don't have any friends to go places with, so I go alone. I don't need people to hang with, I'll go by myself.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If you are involved with someone and all you have to do is call them to get them to call, would you ever just not do that and opt to go by yourself?

A sit down restaurant. Waiter and all.
If she can't go....then I'd still go to the restaurant.
Originally Posted by DR813

yeah I've done it before. It doesn't bother me at all. I go a lot of places by myself. It's not by choice though, I don't have any friends to go places with, so I go alone. I don't need people to hang with, I'll go by myself.

You wanna talk about it doggy 
I do it in Hotels during breakfast sometimes but you're mad lame to want to walk into a restaurant and just eat by yourself.

I mean you can't find anyone to go with you?
If I didn't make food before work, on my lunch break I'll eat alone. Everyone goes on break at different times so I can't really go on break with everyone. I don't enjoy movies to the point of going to see them alone. Who cares what others think? At some point you gotta understand that we live for ourselves.
I rarely sit at food joints anyways. If I even have to resort to eating non home cooked food, I'll do curb side(Outback wings)
who cares. Your just eating food alone. Why does it matter. If your inviting someone expect to pay for them. If someone invites me they better be paying.

I Never done it but i will do it if i have to.
Originally Posted by DR813

yeah I've done it before. It doesn't bother me at all. I go a lot of places by myself. It's not by choice though, I don't have any friends to go places with, so I go alone. I don't need people to hang with, I'll go by myself.
qfmft. These idiots out there planning dates with their friends on some synchronized watch steez

But really, there's nothing wrong with eating in a sit down restaurant, a fast food place, or anywhere for that matter, by yourself. I don't know about you, him, or her, but I don't need someone else to vaildate my existence. I don't need a group, clique, or gang to belong to. Yes, I have friends. We hang out, but we're not writing calendars about when to go to the mall, out to eat, going to the bathroom, and breathe together every day for the rest of our lives. If I'm hungry and want something nice, I'll go to the Angus Barn, and I'll do it without begging someone to go with me for the sole reason of not being seen eating food alone. If I want to see a movie, and no one is interested, then I'll go by myself. If I need something from a store, be it in the mall or otherwise, I'll go by myself. My plans don't depend on you. I'm not gonna force myself to go to McDonald's drive through just because aren't gonna sit with me to eat. If you come, great, but if you don't, w/e, my life doesn't revolve around you.

There's nothing with going places by yourself. "Social akwardness" is a term used by insecure people who're afraid to be judged by people they'll never meet, recognize, or come into contact with again in their life. Sure, there's an extreme for both sides, from the neon blue nuthugger, red supreme tshirt wearing hypebeasts to people who stare at the ground talking in whispers, but does eating food by yourself really make you stick out that much? Last time I checked, you didn't need two stomachs to digest food, nor two sets of teeth two chew it. So what if I'm eating alone, maybe I don't want to bring someone along just for the sake of having company.

judging by the responses, getting drunk alone seems to be more "accepted"

now, be they friends or 'significant others', it's the same deal. if they're not going, $+$+ that, i don't care. Although, it's a given that you need to go places with your girl, etc, etc, you need some alone time once in a while.

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by DR813

yeah I've done it before. It doesn't bother me at all. I go a lot of places by myself. It's not by choice though, I don't have any friends to go places with, so I go alone. I don't need people to hang with, I'll go by myself.

You wanna talk about it doggy 
It's like this, I tell people all the time, I'm open to go out. we could chill out on a weekend, cuz I'm in the house most of the time anyway, so all you gotta do is call me and we could chill,so they tell me "Ok cool we could do that." and they never hit me up. There been plenty of times where people told me "We gonna hang out one night" and it never happens. I hate when people do that to me. plus I live in West Palm Beach, but I'm from NY, so all of my family and friends are in NY. I've been living here for 6 years now, and I hardly know anyone around here. and the very few people I know around here, I let em know what's up and they never come through, and I've never even been to a club before believe it or not. so that's why I go out by myself. I get very lonely a lot of times. I'm a real cool person to hang with, but no one wants to hang out with me, and I don't know why. If only people knew the pain I go through being alone. They have no idea.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If you are involved with someone and all you have to do is call them to get them to call, would you ever just not do that and opt to go by yourself?

A sit down restaurant. Waiter and all.

you dont always need someone to accompany you with things. sometimes its nice to be by yourself and enjoy yourself and thoughts and the moment and solitude.

i think a lot of the time people forget that they also have a relationship with themselves and dont upkeep it, and become reliant on others, especially when they get into a relationship. You DONT always need someone to go with you somewhere.

people who think being alone and eating alone at restaurants is lame are kinda lame. if you cant enjoy yourself then thats kinda sad.
Just got back from the 12am showing of Iron Man. Im in a relationship, and I went solo. Thing is I work 2nd shift 12hrs, 4 days a week so at 2am im wide awake. My lady works a regular 9-5, so if she's not avaiable, sure why not. Im the only child so I have no problems going anywhere solo.
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