DipsetGeneral Puttiin in work.

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by CJ863

Dipset is cool but personally it's annoying especially when a thread is bumped and you thinkthere may be some new music in it but it's only Dipset posting a random interview or some irrelevant#%%. I've been looking at threads lately and a whole page is filled with nothing but dipset updates, it's just pointless to me.
I make sure everything I post is relevant to the thread. Call me out on anything I post that is irrelevant and i'll remove it from the thread ASAP.


@Jrob Thanks for the support homie.


The hell does this guy mean talkin' bout some damn "thanks for the support"?

...N' you ain't fightin' poverty in Haiti - you're trollin a damn music forum over the internet.

The nerve of this day-laborer denim wearin' +@+ N', b 
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by Noskey

Didnt Meth just recently threaten to ban this cretin if he kept his trolling ways up?

"Cretin". Please explain how I troll? I don't post updates jus' to boost self-esteem.
via Urban Dictionary
A Person that is... full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. They can be found in abundance in every single populated internet forum, where they race to post as many mind-numbing messages as possible in a single session.
Sound familiar?

I do it for the ladies & gentlemen of the #NTfamily. 

Get the %$%# outta here, man
I can't stand when a thread I've been following pops back up with new posts only to find that this goon just posted eleventeen videos
causing my phone to load mad slow.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by CJ863

Dipset is cool but personally it's annoying especially when a thread is bumped and you thinkthere may be some new music in it but it's only Dipset posting a random interview or some irrelevant#%%. I've been looking at threads lately and a whole page is filled with nothing but dipset updates, it's just pointless to me.
I make sure everything I post is relevant to the thread. Call me out on anything I post that is irrelevant and i'll remove it from the thread ASAP.


@Jrob Thanks for the support homie.


The hell does this guy mean talkin' bout some damn "thanks for the support"?

...N' you ain't fightin' poverty in Haiti - you're trollin a damn music forum over the internet.

The nerve of this day-laborer denim wearin' +@+ N', b 
This is what gets me, the nerve.
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