Disabled man FIRED from Safeway for "stealing" $1.78....vol. SMH

hey that's pretty close to me
I use to work at vons aka safeway. They fired me because I didn't bring in enough karts while I was on my 4 hour kart duty shift when it was nearly 100outside. Then when I spoke with dude about why I got fired, I had dude spooked the whole time. But it was whatever, I made a cool chunck of change in thatmonth I worked there
Harsh, yes. But realistically it's tough to pay someone $17/hour when your margins are so small and you can pay someone else half of that for the same job.Also you can't just up and let go someone with his circumstances. Sad to see though.
My friend's friend used to work at a Safeway and had been stealing from them for almost a good year. I'm talking monthly groceries and the liquor fromthe locked cabinets (Dom, Cris, Patron etc.). I would go to this dude's house and their kitchen would be stocked like no other and they had alcoholeverywhere (like your favorite bar). This past holiday season they finally caught him and he was charged with grand larceny.....All this to say this guy couldhave done a lot worse and this was BS.
That's really unfortunate. When I worked at the supermarket all the employees with mental/physical disabilities were hired with "coaches".I'm not sure if that's the right term, but basically they were like social workers that made sure they knew what was expected of them, rules, who theycould talk to if they had an issue. When I asked my manager "why" one day, his response was "they have an issue understanding us at times. Howcan they do a good job if they dont understand us?"...maybe Safeway needs to get on that..that way he wouldn't have been being rushed and the"coach/social worker" could have ran interference with the company, since they were not trying to talk to his family. Hope it works out for him andthey don't try to fire him again...
where are these stores as far as state wise because I've never heard of it..

woah at firing for taking "tid bits" of sample foods.
ok a small profit but this is just crazy. If that's the case I'd work at mcdonalds then....
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