Discontinued Food Products You Would Like To See Return

McDonald's Mighty Wings


(Even though you can still add vanilla flavoring to pepsi)
Originally Posted by JD161616

They still sell these at the Walgreens I work at.

Sugar Free kind though.

Sprite Remix NEEDS to come back. I was hurt when it got discontinued.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Do they still make Hershey's Vanilla Milkshake?
I'm pretty sure they don't. I used to get them from two supermarkets nearby and then they stopped having them and this was a few years ago.
I believe it was Hersey or maybe Nestle, had a milkshake drink in a small carton, one of them was blue but it was
The carton one they stopped selling I think in the late 90's.

Those things were CRACK!

I used to work for my neighbor's bodega when I was 12-13 sweeping and cleaning up after drunk idiots and I used to drink like 2 a day.

I didn't have to pay for them either.

I remeber having some in like 2003/4 in the summer. The last time I had them, I bought a few packs along with a few mini cakes and it was
. They need to bring those back asap!
This is really bringin back some memories - burples, fruit stripes, chicken littles!

I can't stand all the love for the mcrib, though. I remember I used to like it in like the early 90s, but I tried it again about 8 years ago and it wasterrible. I will never order another one of those again.
Sour Punch Beanz (Apple flavor)

I use to get a pack every Sunday after church (we had a store in our church), one of the only reasons I wanted to go to church as a kid actually.

I even emailed the company a few years back to order a box, but got no reply
pop tart brand apple with plain icing. not the regular apple with cinnamon .

there are other non pop tart brand apple with icing but its just not the same

also this...

Originally Posted by playmaker86

Dont know if this was mentioned, but Rice Krispie Treats cereal. Them things like crack lol

They sell it at Walmart. The box is purple now.
I dont know if anyone else remembers this but it was made by Kraft and it was called Taco Bake. That was the best #$!$ ever!
The limited edition 4th of July Kool-Aid Cherry Cracker. This came out like summer of 91 and it was liquid crack. Not only did it taste good but it also hadpop rocks in it that made "popping" sounds after you made it. I haven't had Kool-Aid since I was a kid but Kool-Aid needs to retro this. Iremember after it was discontinued I found some on sale at a dollar store.

Originally Posted by Elocin023

Any luck 03silverbullet?

i hadn't been able to find them at the wal-mart, but i'm gonna run by the albertson's tomorrow.

that tid-bit of info you gave me the other day was like a late christmas gift. it is so appreciated.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Do they still make Hershey's Vanilla Milkshake?
I'm pretty sure they don't. I used to get them from two supermarkets nearby and then they stopped having them and this was a few years ago.
I believe it was Hersey or maybe Nestle, had a milkshake drink in a small carton, one of them was blue but it was
I once used this milk for my Frosted Flakes
Can someone explain to me...


Low sales? Lord knows my family did their part to keep sales high, we went through two 2-liters a week, plus a 12 pack.
fruitopia ...remember back in elementry school , they had a vending machine and those things will be out in days
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

Originally Posted by Elocin023

Any luck 03silverbullet?

i hadn't been able to find them at the wal-mart, but i'm gonna run by the albertson's tomorrow.

that tid-bit of info you gave me the other day was like a late christmas gift. it is so appreciated.
Well I hope you find them, cause I know they still have them. And if not, I'll pick some up and ship them to you.
They are that good. (Gotta try them cold though.)

Definitely, no prob.
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