damn, the castunionizing really got disney cutting budget

first club pixar is closed imeediately and now the dr strange show is ending at the end of this month

wouldnt be surprised if this goes further where the star wars and marvel characters walking around might get cut too or reduced

you think so? from what i've read the Club Pixar didn't go over so well as it was too kid themed, but who knows
I actually watched a part of that video and that girl Phoebe gives off the same energy as me. She won't touch the pole on the carousel because so many people touched that thick hard pipe, pause.
Went yesterday and the park was so crowded! worst than a saturday or sunday. I knew it was a gradnite but there was more families than students smh
another ap night at ush

just doesnt hit the same as when disney does it, pretty much just dj’s playing music and alcohol being sold everywhere otherwise just a typical ush experience


i did see some nice spirit jerseys



havent really bought one in a minute but had to grab the bttf one

that Jersey is fire. Gonna have to tell the parentals to scoop that up for me next time they pull up there.
productive night with my bro last night, we’re just efficient when we go to the parks, we just fall right back into it

was able to get fantasmic dining package for reserved seating, its seating on the ground but at least its dead center and reservation for the park was readily available so kind of impulse with both available

we were starving though when we got at 6pm so stopped by docking bay 7 and the food is always good, the shrimp/sausage/pasta has a little kick but good and the dessert looks good and tastes good to boot


knocked out smugglers and big thunder and indiana was almost a walkthru (must have timed it when it just got back or crowd just wasnt too bad)

then got to rancho del zocalo for that dining package, got the carne asada but its really a shortrid minus the bones, not bad, could be better, it came with the the cake (which was good i thought) and drinks plus magic key discount applied so not too bad, i also put the cupcake in the tray and i didnt notice but the cashier didnt charge me which is fine because its not the best, looks cool imitating the bridge in coco but its was dry and the icing is just blue dye that will turn your sh** blue


then we just chilled and did the fireworks in batuu, its a cool little show especially if you liek star wars music, it was a great idea incorporating the fireworks to sw music, wouldnt be surprised if they eventually do prjection on the mountains too

theres also bard droid introducing the show but i hope it stays even after the sw season ends



and whats even better, after the fireworks in batuu, rotr was 15min wait because everyone was watching so we go tin there and afterwards right on time for the second showing of fantasmic

peter pan byke and jack sparrows out in the show and its kind of lame that aladdin and jasmine are just dancing and not flying in the carpet and no more dragon, malificent kind of just rises but its good to see the show back


then closed out the night with runaway railway and on our way out, alice was empty so jumped on that and star tours to end the night

my lady got an email about magic key settlement payments. says she’ll get an email tomorrow with a link to claim.

i haven’t got nada
yeah i’ve been trying to see what the merch looks like and that hat keeps popping up. also the matterhorn 65th anniversary merch but that supposedly gone at the end of the month

i guess it’ll be a surprise when we get there.
yah they have a the matterhonr anniv tiki mug coming out on the 20th


im trying to see whats having an anniversary for july but i cant find any, lion king did just have their 30th so that would be a cool theme but its not really a disneyland thing

splash mountains gon have its 35th on 7/17/89 but thats closed and maybe disney wants it forgotten now and the rides not even re-opened yet, big thunder opened 9/15/79 so its gon be a 45th anniv and they do start halloween early so maybe it’ll be halloween themed by then :lol:
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