DMV's Synopsis of the BET Awards

As much as I want to defend it, because I'm African-American...

I'll just take the AMERICAN route and say there is no way todefend it.

I'm an 80s baby, so seeing my generation of J5 (New Edition -- ALL 6 of them) do what they did, I was

That was my only highlight.

I got a 16 year old sister I have custody of. I got a 1 year old daughter.

Watching them grown men singing "I wanna ____ every girl in the world" with high school girls on stage....

I gotta explain this shhhhhh to my sister of WHY that shhhhh was NOT cool.
tru, the shenene and wanda is long overdue, still could pull some decent box office numbers.
From NT's Own Retired "The Ru"

Welcome to my new subscribers of the BET AWARDS annual report. To my old folks..... some of you joined me through the evening for immediate commentary so thisis a review. We ALL lost a great man in Michael Jackson on Thursday so it was ONLY appropriate that BET alter their line up and honor the MAN, the LEGEND whogave 45 of his 50 YEARS on this earth to provide the world with a sound like no other before, no other since. Think about it, when Omarion, Chris Brown,Ginuwine and NeYo do tributes they are doing it on songs that are greater than 25 years old.... and still sound fresh. I had to opportunity to actually meet MJwhen he came to Walter Reed in 2003 to visit the wounded..... believe u me and entire floor of soldiers all colors were speechless like children.... we lostsomeone special..... iTunes are on overload right now.......

I can summerize the show into ONE chapter with three very distinct acts.... Jamie Foxx's %*%$@%% falls in all three....

CHAPTER ONE/TWO/THREE- The Jamie Foxx and NeYodome SHow


ACT TWO- The Tribute for Michael

Lets get it started:

Jamie Foxx: Is it possible to be good, then bad, then good in the same show? It was all done by Jamie Foxx. Great attempt at moonwalking and wearing MJclothes, bad jokes throughout( the "boa" comment was in bad taste), the PDiddy like self-promotion of his tour (%+! was snoop doin on stage) Finallyending well with a tribute w/Neo of a MJ classic, " I'll Be There..."

NeYo Dome- NEVR let that fool EVA perform without his hat.... Thought that !%+@ was going to EXPLODE..... He did "Lady in My Life" but they cut himshort before he had to do verbal gymnastics with the final stanza... good move.... .... glad they didnt make him dance.... lol

The O'Jays: As crisp as they eva were... Eddie LeVert as loose a cannon as eva(LOL.... "the flakes were falling... dancing and !%+@..... Im Eddie ..this is what I do...."

Tyreese, Trey Songs, Johnny Gill: KILLED the tribute to the O'Jays.....dem boys can sang!

Maxwel: As I was told, doesnt matter that he really doesnt like women (lol)... the boy is back, and can sing... I was really hoping that it was he who would doa tribute to MJ as I think he has the vocal range.... but again... NO body could do the MAN

Jay Z: How embarrassing must it have been for TPAIN-in-my-#@#-your-15-minutes-of-fame needs to stop, Souljaboytellum and Wheezy to be front and center for acomplete ROASTING by Jigga (DOA- Death of Auto-Tune) off the new album. The KING is BACK! GLAD he cut that cheeha-pet frow too... now, if could only get hiswife to do something with the Lion's mane...

Monica- Although it was not HER song... she straight slaughtered Keisha Cole on her song.... Like Jordan dunking on________________(fill in your posterizedathlete).

Jamie and Neyo- Again, the boys are talented when they are SANGN... from their collabo's to MJ classics.... good....

BBD- They had it CRANKN like it was 1990 all ova again..... but the rest of my favorites of the New Jack Swing Era..... wow.... guess where they fit... lol
* can someone verify if ROnnie DeVoe is a Que????****

Janet Jackson- No, she didnt sing but she is now the leader of the Jackson family... she spoke just alittle but her words, her presence were powerful in lightof a massive tragedy... well done..


NEw Edition: I know they were our generations Jackson five but aint 13 no more... he is 43 and his voice can't deliver that " I want you back"skill set while dancing... if eva... but alas... those are the boys and they were ok...... more to follow..... lol

Beyonce- My girl and all but the whole first half naked then wedding silloutte and the song.... I would have got if there were pics of MJ behind her... Icouldnt follow it.... oh well

The whole, "Baby-Boy" live on stage crap..... nuff said... i didnt give a damn about it then... jodi and all... dont care to see that bull^&itnow

Souljaboytelum: the kids like um so......... I just dont see his purpose in life other than making me want to call Joe Jackson for some discpline.... Mad...real mad... Joe Jackson
As someone said.... can u see Solja singing "turn my swagg on" in 10 years?.... shiit I cant see him doing it for 4 more....

%+!: ( ahh... my favorite)

Keri Hilson: I was... shocked at how bad she was..... god awful.... couldnt sing or dance.. no stage presense... and the Happy Days chorography foolishness wasjust not there.. and I LIKE her..... better be careful challanging Beyonce Ms Hilson.... she shi&&ed on you right on stage......Guess Kanye, Wheezy andNeYo are the reason for her singles selling.. lol

Ciera: I got scarred right away when I saw that she was going to SING and not dance.... and do a MJ song??? WHO THE FU&* arranged that dumb sh&*??!!!!It was so bad I dont remember the song she was singing.... His Chris Brown lost his opportunity to some dancing since he was too busy Ike Turnering it....Ciera dances like a dude... she could have got it in....

Don Cornelius: Boy oh Boy, that Soul Train is off the track... pick it up pick it up pick it up... I wanted to use my remote to see if I could speed him didnt work.... Dementia? Suit too small? Don was FOSSILIZING right on TV..... painful... He made me want Stevie to talk....

Bobby "ROund Mound of Rebound" Brown- So... he is not with Whitney,,,, not smoking crack.... but eating some poor soul out of house and home.. butyet this fool found time to LICK his tongue at someone in the front row?? REALLY BOBBY!!!??? Your 44!!!!... this aint 88-93 AND it was A JACKSON 5 SONG THAT UDIDNT KNOW THE WORDS TOO NOR THE STEPS... 5 secs of emphamy.

TI's wife- I know she had to pick up her husband's award but a thank you and $*!#* would have been perfect.... dont speak.... your dress didnt fit,your wig didnt fit, you were with body guards like someone wanted you.... YOU DIDNT SING, DANCE OR SPEAK WHILE WITH EXCAPE...DONT TALK NOW.... broad is gawdawful.... like a bad stem cell project......

AARON HALL(GUY): FIrst off I dont know why there was any new jack swing in the program but then you pull out two of my all-time favorites and then this bamma,who voice fell off quicker than KC and JOJO... came out there out of breath and couldnt sing his OWN song!!! HTF is that possible? This was the guy betweenCharlie Wilson and R Kelly.. now, he is the guy between the shower singer and the homeless man....

Keith SWEAT: Now, I said he couldnt sing when I was growing up... he just knew how to make sounding like a sheep go well ova a Teddy Riley beat....but wow,....was that !%+@ just TURRIBLE.... and he had a hype man.. lol.. since when do you need a hype man.... as a FREAKN SINGER!!!????? Man, my era of stars went outlike BEYATCHES tonite.... lol

BET PRODUCTION STAFF- from not muting the profanity, to being late, or bleeping the whole song.... Don C's too small microphone and those damn chickenfeathers during Maxwell's performance... were the staff hired as part of the Obama stimulus package for jobs? If so, fire them and start over

Drake/Wheezy/BET: for not only disrecpting every mother and father out there by not only playing the XRATED " I wish I could f&*k every girl in theworld" but having KIDS ON STAGE!!!
Show some responsibility for image BET... oh wait... I saw your line up for the fall..... nevermind.... Comcast please remove this sh&t for eva......

ACT TWO: Tribute to Micheal.....

BET:that was the best you can do? THIS MAN PUT YOUR SORRY !!+%+ ON THE MAP ( along with MTV) and this was the best you could do? You did more for Luther and MJwas as big if not bigger than the GODFATHER OF SOUL!!! He changed the very landscape of GLOBAL music and he was one of YOUR OWN!!! I will be looking for MTV,VH1 and others to pay him the proper respect he deserves.... you failed..... 3 hour show and MJ got maybe 18 minutes of it...... I could name five acts where ucould have eliminated.... had a jam session featuring MJ songs..... cut the show to TWO hours... something.... WHOMP WHOMP.....

well, thats all.... RIP Micheal...........

Peace Family

the show was sad...all i could do was shake my head....only person who gave a fiting tribute was Neyo....beyonce didn't impress....and the edit man needsto be fired. i give it half a star....
Originally Posted by dimez81


Agreed.... one quick question though.... does anyone think the TGT that performed last night (Tyrese, Johnny Gill, and Trey Songz) and WAY better than theactual TGT (Tyrese, Ginuwine, and Tank)?
probablly the worse award show ive ever watched, further cementing my despise of BET
It was TERRIBLE. I was so angry by the end of the show. BET did a horrible job. There were a few ups but overall, +*% was straight garbage. I hope MTV does MJjustice because BET didnt at all. I understand they only had a few days but damn....even I could have planned a better show in a few days. I know the peoplewho banned the 2 Boondocks episodes aimed at BET are lookin real stupid right about now. Aaron McGruder was on point making those episodes.
Well put Rock even tho I know u didn't write it

When T-Pain came out I said out loud what a @#!*

I must admit it was ****ery at its finest
Wayne constantly shows he is GARBAGE. Drake too, for trying to be like Wayne. I miss those Sqad Up days. Ohhh excuse me, the show was okay. Its BET,what do you expect,
. But if true, your boy Hov is a B*^ch for stoppingChris Brown from performing. How are you going to stop somebody from shining. Rule number 1, can't knock the hustle! Thats the game baby, and Hovclaiming he is an OG, LOL. Honestly I feel sorry for the "real" New York cats, the pride is gone!
Originally Posted by Ghost703

people still watch BET?
I honestly dont know what Channel its on my Direct TV and didn't even catch the repeat last night. Why waste time I can't get back.??
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