Do any Ntera wear contacts.

it's about that time you have to put the bottle down man
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Been wearing contacts for exactly 5 years. Putting them in and taking them out is like second nature now. One tip, disposables can last a while as long as you take them out every night and put them in your case. I stretch my 2 week contacts to a month, even 2 months sometimes.
I started wearing contacts in 2000 when i was 15. I would wear eyeglasses at home and contacts when i go out. But last August i had lasik surgery and its the best investment i ever made. And i met Fouseytube there because he had the surgery also. Im even in one of the vlogs. He gave me a $200 discount on the surgery for being a bruh bruh lol.
been wearing contacts for decades now. i sleep with my contacts in every night, its not that big a deal. my optomotrist used to give me S about it even though I never got any eye infections or scratched corneas or nothing. She finally just moved me over to 30 day continuous wear lenses (Air Optix Night & Day) since I was too stubborn/lazy to take them out every night.

Not that big a deal? You were just lucky. It's not eye infections you get from sleeping in contact lenses (like pink eye and similar things) but sight threatening corneal infections. Simple antibiotics don't work and for the really serious ones the treatment is brutal - try drops every 30 minutes, day and night, for 3 or 4 days.

But, what do I know, I just spend my days treating folks who abuse the lenses either through laziness or to save a few bucks skimping on lenses or cleaning solution.
been wearing contacts for decades now. i sleep with my contacts in every night, its not that big a deal. my optomotrist used to give me S about it even though I never got any eye infections or scratched corneas or nothing. She finally just moved me over to 30 day continuous wear lenses (Air Optix Night & Day) since I was too stubborn/lazy to take them out every night.

Not that big a deal? You were just lucky. It's not eye infections you get from sleeping in contact lenses (like pink eye and similar things) but sight threatening corneal infections. Simple antibiotics don't work and for the really serious ones the treatment is brutal - try drops every 30 minutes, day and night, for 3 or 4 days.

But, what do I know, I just spend my days treating folks who abuse the lenses either through laziness or to save a few bucks skimping on lenses or cleaning solution.

correction. it was not a big deal for me. youre right. i was lucky. 20+ years of irresponsible contact lens use and i am no worse for wear. ymmv.
I've been wanting to get back into wearing contacts. I hated putting them in my eyes lol but I hate wearing glasses. I want to get LASIK surgery after I get out of college and I've started saving up some money for it
Been wearing contacts for exactly 5 years. Putting them in and taking them out is like second nature now. One tip, disposables can last a while as long as you take them out every night and put them in your case. I stretch my 2 week contacts to a month, even 2 months sometimes.

I rock my joints 'til the wheels start falling off (vision becomes blurry).

I take a 6-month prescription & turn that into 1-year :smokin
I do find it very annoying that prescriptions only last a year. My optometrist tells me I basically get the same prescription every year. Had to stock up on daily disposables last year before my prescription ran out. Spent a few hundred dollars and have 8 boxes on deck. Should last me a couple of years since I rarely wear contacts anymore.
Be careful. Contact be having you feeling like a new person. Then when you run out and have to go back to glasses, it's a shock. Lol
going to get lasik or prk in 2 weeks..nervous hope i heall 100%

any advice?

I rock my joints 'til the wheels start falling off (vision becomes blurry).

I take a 6-month prescription & turn that into 1-year :smokin

I do the exact same.

Been wearing contacts for about 15 years now.

I stretch my Acuvue Oasis from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, make that 6 month supply last a year :smokin
Been wearing contacts for nearly a decade.

It's expensive, so I usually just reup my stock from Asia. So much cheaper.
Wore contacts from when I was 18 to 25. Switched to Ortho-K lenses over a year ago.

It's pretty trippy especially after being used to contacts as it's doing the opposite as far as when you wear the lenses.

Long story short, you wear the Ortho-K lenses when you go to sleep and it compresses your eyes to 20/20 vision (as long as you get at least 4-6 hours of sleep in them) and you wake up, take the lenses out and you have 20/20 vision (or pretty close to 20/20) for the day.

Has its pros and cons. It's cool not having to wear any glasses/lens and being able to see 20/20 but gotta remember to put the lenses in before you go to sleep. Sometimes I just wanna doze off and go to sleep but gotta make myself get up and put the lenses in lol.
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Wore contacts from when I was 18 to 25. Switched to Ortho-K lenses over a year ago.

It's pretty trippy especially after being used to contacts as it's doing the opposite as far as when you wear the lenses.

Long story short, you wear the Ortho-K lenses when you go to sleep and it compresses your eyes to 20/20 vision (as long as you get at least 4-6 hours of sleep in them) and you wake up, take the lenses out and you have 20/20 vision (or pretty close to 20/20) for the day.

Has its pros and cons. It's cool not having to wear any glasses/lens and being able to see 20/20 but gotta remember to put the lenses in before you go to sleep. Sometimes I just wanna doze off and go to sleep but gotta make myself get up and put the lenses in lol.

thats wild
thats wild

Yea, it's a big adjustment lol.

Especially b/c these lens are hard lenses and nothing like the soft contacts. Takes a week for your eyes to get used to having hold these hard pieces of plastic in them for 6 hours. Not gonna lie, the first couple nights were :x but just need those first few nights to get your eyes to be desensitized and now it's nothing.
Team Acuvue Oasis w/ hydro clear plus for the last 8 years. I use glasses too in the mornings at home. I actually like glasses sometimes.

Sometimes it gives you that nice nerdy look and have girls be like, "you look good in glasses" :lol:
Been wearing contacts for exactly 5 years. Putting them in and taking them out is like second nature now. One tip, disposables can last a while as long as you take them out every night and put them in your case. I stretch my 2 week contacts to a month, even 2 months sometimes.

I rock my joints 'til the wheels start falling off (vision becomes blurry).

I take a 6-month prescription & turn that into 1-year :smokin

So, we're on our second risk factor now - wearing them too long significantly increases the risk of serious infections - again not just pink eye etc, but sight threatening conditions.

You might as well just buy the cheapest lenses - there's no point buying a good quality breathable lens and stretching it - surface deposits stop oxygen transfer (and the surface from wetting properly so that's why they get uncomfortable - and your vision gets blurry). That lack of oxygen also has an effect on long term health - your cornea needs oxygen to stay clear as it absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere rather than through blood supply like most of your body.
It literally took me like an hour to get both lenses out last night. Ish is crazy my eyes were done.
Been wearing contacts for exactly 5 years. Putting them in and taking them out is like second nature now. One tip, disposables can last a while as long as you take them out every night and put them in your case. I stretch my 2 week contacts to a month, even 2 months sometimes.

I rock my joints 'til the wheels start falling off (vision becomes blurry).

I take a 6-month prescription & turn that into 1-year :smokin

So, we're on our second risk factor now - wearing them too long significantly increases the risk of serious infections - again not just pink eye etc, but sight threatening conditions.

You might as well just buy the cheapest lenses - there's no point buying a good quality breathable lens and stretching it - surface deposits stop oxygen transfer (and the surface from wetting properly so that's why they get uncomfortable - and your vision gets blurry). That lack of oxygen also has an effect on long term health - your cornea needs oxygen to stay clear as it absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere rather than through blood supply like most of your body.
My eyes are already some **** so I don't eem think it's possible for my vision to get worse.

I'm talking if this was the Middle Ages, I'd be a blind beggar on the streets, b :lol:

Anyone of you guys have astigmatism?

I do.
Yall stretching your contacts aint a good look. Same dudes that probably just throw them in the case without proper cleaning/rubbing them :smh:
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