Do anybody else feels like this? vol. dos menos uno Serious discussion please

Jul 25, 2008
Do anyone feel like their life is futile. You dont like the company of people, don't have any friends nor girl; or even care about life. Does simplicityoften times seem complex. I mean do you feel like you are just here waiting, living day by day doing nothing but waiting on your demise. I must admit, earlierin life I acted out of character and was called out on it. The evidence remains even till this day. No social life, my character and integrity has beenstripped. MAN! Do you walk on this earth feeling like you leave a trail of misery and distruction. Some may call my state depression, I call it knowing yourtrue self. I truly do feel as if im pathetic, waste of sex. I mean I really think by going to school im going to be someone, but the fact is i don't see atrue future. The world around me has turned thier back. No one deserves this torture. I would like to be free, post pics of my pretty girlfriend, and talkabout bang bros. I seek God, and really do think the devil himself pitty me. Im not even tempted of evil no more. I mean Ive changed a lot, but it seems likeit's not enough. Never really put my business out thier but Niketalk is the only place i can come and express my true emotions.

Cliff Notes:
I suck.
I feel like EVERYBODY is a distraction my friends, my fam, and dudes. I'm happy just going to school and work. It seems like once college started I lookedat things differently.
I did at one point. Almost everything I touched blew up in my face, and I had no one to blame but myself. I waswalking around with the weight of the world on my shoulders, and nobody gave a !%$# because they had their own problems to deal with. It got to the pointwhere I didn't care who I hurt, and I really was apathetic towards the idea of my death. I figured no one would care either way. Not until I was close todeath in a hospital did I realize how precious my life is. Appreciate that you're still breathing, walking, and able to comprehend. No one ever takes thesethings seriously until they're in danger of being taken away.

You really do sound like you're in a depression right now. It's ok to be sad and depressed for a while, butthat's just it. You can't let it be but for a while. If you wanna talk more, PM me.
That sounds like a suicide note....

But I don't feel that way though. I'm just happy that I woke up this morning.
I have often wondered what the point is of the various stages of our lives. High school is preparation for college, which is preparation for work, which ispreparation for retirement....Which is the true main stage? Or is life just a series of events with no overall purpose?

There are no real answers, so its best just to live and enjoy the moment.
i can sort of relate, but there's too many things i like about life to let the small things get the better of me. i don't blow things out of proportionanymore, i can find happiness pretty much any time i want now, and you'll find that too eventually. religion-wise, i can't count on it so i try toenjoy the time i have, i'm 21 so i'm probably more than 20% done already.
If you off yourself and you come face to face with Jesus can you put in a good word for me? If you go to hell can you tell the devil that he wouldn't wantme there?
Thanks in advance
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

If you off yourself and you come face to face with Jesus can you put in a good word for me? If you go to hell can you tell the devil that he wouldn't want me there?
Thanks in advance

Tell em yourself.
sometimes, i can relate for some of those things. people annoy me easily. i'm really laid back though, so you'd never know.

i do feel like a lot of people are wastes of my time. people that are so tangled up in thinking like the masses, people who don't think outside the box,shunning creativity and knowledge...
These last few days I've been feeling a similar way. It came from the realization that my day to day was plagued with monotony and unproductivity. Ithought about it more and I think I was able to figure out what has been bothering me all along, I have no a sense of purpose. That's not to say I want todie or even that I wouldn't care if I do, what I mean to say is I feel I was put here for a reason but I have yet to see why. Because of this I carry ondisappointed feeling like nothing I do matters. I'll be switching up to new hobbies soon but really this is just a band-aid that'll keep me temporarilyoccupied to forget this thing that troubles me. I think every person our age is or has gone through this and maybe I'm right. But its eating me and likeyou I don't know what to do about it. Doing what I would love to do wouldn't suffice I really do feel I'm to be apart of something but justhaven't found it and maybe never will. I have friends but like you I've slowly become become uninterested in associating with them be it because theyaren't doing anything with themselves or because they'll only hold me back. Should I move, come out of my shell, live a little? I don't know.Things I thought I'd never do slowly I've done them and it leaves me disgusted in myself wondering where my standards have gone it really does soundlike we have the same issue. Ive improved but this is merely a facet on the prism that is my life. You see what I mean? Its a lot of little things...thingsthat because I am who I am I feel I cant fix at times. Ive been the way I am for so long I feel like an old man, stuck with it. It doesn't help either thatI have no one I can talk to about these things whether it be because of embarrassment or because they just don't have the mental capacity to giveintelligent comments or advice. Even worse is when they don't even know what to say leaving a sort of emptiness because I feel no one can truly relate tohow I feel. Maybe I'm just thinking too I don't think that's it. I wonder what things would be like if we weren't so preoccupied withgoing to school for years and years just to get a job to support ourselves then continuing with that. I suppose its a necessity but I wonder if this isblinding us from things we really should be doing. Maybe I'm just confused.

I feel and I am the exact same way finns..because of this I feel like I alienate myself.
I have a cousin like you. I don't even associate with him anymore cause he burned too many bridges. but he recognize what he was doing and made himselfbetter. I guess you're on the right path cause you know who you are. There's always redemption in your life, man. I don't know how old you are butyou got years and years of living. In that time, why not open yourself a little to meet new people, and find a girl. What's the worst that can happen?I'm 29, and I just know in my deepest of deep in my heart, my legacy is not where it's at right now. I'm pretty sure, your legacy right now,shouldn't end like you feeling like you're pathetic. We are special as humankind. We can change our habits. Good Luck, Brother.
You are not alone, i think we all have felt that way at some point in life, wondering why the hell we are here? But that's just life, life is a journey nota destination, its not always going to go the way you want it, but just make the best of what you have. Things always get better trust me i know, so keep yourhead up
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

These last few days I've been feeling a similar way. It came from the realization that my day to day was plagued with monotony and unproductivity. I thought about it more and I think I was able to figure out what has been bothering me all along, I have no a sense of purpose. That's not to say I want to die or even that I wouldn't care if I do, what I mean to say is I feel I was put here for a reason but I have yet to see why. Because of this I carry on disappointed feeling like nothing I do matters. I'll be switching up to new hobbies soon but really this is just a band-aid that'll keep me temporarily occupied to forget this thing that troubles me. I think every person our age is or has gone through this and maybe I'm right. But its eating me and like you I don't know what to do about it. Doing what I would love to do wouldn't suffice I really do feel I'm to be apart of something but just haven't found it and maybe never will. I have friends but like you I've slowly become become uninterested in associating with them be it because they aren't doing anything with themselves or because they'll only hold me back. Should I move, come out of my shell, live a little? I don't know. Things I thought I'd never do slowly I've done them and it leaves me disgusted in myself wondering where my standards have gone it really does sound like we have the same issue. Ive improved but this is merely a facet on the prism that is my life. You see what I mean? Its a lot of little things...things that because I am who I am I feel I cant fix at times. Ive been the way I am for so long I feel like an old man, stuck with it. It doesn't help either that I have no one I can talk to about these things whether it be because of embarrassment or because they just don't have the mental capacity to give intelligent comments or advice. Even worse is when they don't even know what to say leaving a sort of emptiness because I feel no one can truly relate to how I feel. Maybe I'm just thinking too I don't think that's it. I wonder what things would be like if we weren't so preoccupied with going to school for years and years just to get a job to support ourselves then continuing with that. I suppose its a necessity but I wonder if this is blinding us from things we really should be doing. Maybe I'm just confused.

I feel and I am the exact same way finns..because of this I feel like I alienate myself.
great post. you definitely agree with some of my ideologies. again, i'm real laid back and mask a lot of this, so a lot of this is justthoughts to myself. but people... a lot of people feel like mere obstacles. haven't been on a date in a long, long time, i sort of feel like a turtle thatjust chills in my shell. i'm about to finish college and am at a crossroads for where to go from here. i have a few friends, but none that i can reallydepend on. and none that have ever really helped me out with anything. parents have held me back in more ways than i could imagine.

i'm not an optimistic person, i'm a realist, and i really don't see much positive in the future. money, not a problem. never was. i've alwayshad material possessions, and in the end it's not all it's cracked up to be. all in all, soon i'll be moving to japan to start fresh. i need a newperspective of life, a new situation.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

These last few days I've been feeling a similar way. It came from the realization that my day to day was plagued with monotony and unproductivity. I thought about it more and I think I was able to figure out what has been bothering me all along, I have no a sense of purpose. That's not to say I want to die or even that I wouldn't care if I do, what I mean to say is I feel I was put here for a reason but I have yet to see why. Because of this I carry on disappointed feeling like nothing I do matters. I'll be switching up to new hobbies soon but really this is just a band-aid that'll keep me temporarily occupied to forget this thing that troubles me. I think every person our age is or has gone through this and maybe I'm right. But its eating me and like you I don't know what to do about it. Doing what I would love to do wouldn't suffice I really do feel I'm to be apart of something but just haven't found it and maybe never will. I have friends but like you I've slowly become become uninterested in associating with them be it because they aren't doing anything with themselves or because they'll only hold me back. Should I move, come out of my shell, live a little? I don't know. Things I thought I'd never do slowly I've done them and it leaves me disgusted in myself wondering where my standards have gone it really does sound like we have the same issue. Ive improved but this is merely a facet on the prism that is my life. You see what I mean? Its a lot of little things...things that because I am who I am I feel I cant fix at times. Ive been the way I am for so long I feel like an old man, stuck with it. It doesn't help either that I have no one I can talk to about these things whether it be because of embarrassment or because they just don't have the mental capacity to give intelligent comments or advice. Even worse is when they don't even know what to say leaving a sort of emptiness because I feel no one can truly relate to how I feel. Maybe I'm just thinking too I don't think that's it. I wonder what things would be like if we weren't so preoccupied with going to school for years and years just to get a job to support ourselves then continuing with that. I suppose its a necessity but I wonder if this is blinding us from things we really should be doing. Maybe I'm just confused.

I feel and I am the exact same way finns..because of this I feel like I alienate myself.
I feel you bruh, its like most of my friends are not able to think beyond thier nose. I know everybody has thier own problems but i feel like mysituation is different. I have made some people mad in life that has power, and when i say power. Im talking the power to make you a mere peasant in life. Put all your business in the street, turn everybody in the city against you, have all type of people following you and you dont know when your demise is goingto be. I was told that if they wanted me they will get me. I just dont understand why people cant leave the past in the past. As far as getting a girl, everygirl in the city knows me for being type lame from either word of mouth or some silly tape. I mean my rep is ruined, no one wants to deal with me and it seemsno one believe im capable of growing up. My grandmother has cancer and again these powerful people do everything in thier might to stop me from supporting myown family. She has cancer, man things just messed up. I wish my life on no one. I blame myself so to speak, but then some carried further beyond what itneeded to be. I understand i was acting gangster and needed to be put in my place, but denying a man a right to take care of his family is ludacris. I eventried to go to the police, no one is trying to help. I shed tears everyday, im 22 yeah i have a job and a alright car, but i live with grandma with no purposeand right now i feel like my purpose will never be fulfilled.
I agree with this post, and I am glad people can still come on NT and openly share their feelings.

I have felt this way before and I do find myself feeling this way every once in a while.... things that help me include:

Developing a relationship with God. I am Agnsotic but I believe a relationship with a higher being is important.

I believe going to a GOOD Church once in awhile gives me a drive, regardless if you believe or not.(which is why I'm going this Sunday)

Try writing your feelings down, it helps.

Appreciate Life! Be thankful that your here. It could always get worse, but as long as your alive it can get better.

Pick something that will keep you away from *********. Consume your time with something productive so you don't have to think about girls, money, and thethings you dont have.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

These last few days I've been feeling a similar way. It came from the realization that my day to day was plagued with monotony and unproductivity. I thought about it more and I think I was able to figure out what has been bothering me all along, I have no a sense of purpose. That's not to say I want to die or even that I wouldn't care if I do, what I mean to say is I feel I was put here for a reason but I have yet to see why. Because of this I carry on disappointed feeling like nothing I do matters. I'll be switching up to new hobbies soon but really this is just a band-aid that'll keep me temporarily occupied to forget this thing that troubles me. I think every person our age is or has gone through this and maybe I'm right. But its eating me and like you I don't know what to do about it. Doing what I would love to do wouldn't suffice I really do feel I'm to be apart of something but just haven't found it and maybe never will. I have friends but like you I've slowly become become uninterested in associating with them be it because they aren't doing anything with themselves or because they'll only hold me back. Should I move, come out of my shell, live a little? I don't know. Things I thought I'd never do slowly I've done them and it leaves me disgusted in myself wondering where my standards have gone it really does sound like we have the same issue. Ive improved but this is merely a facet on the prism that is my life. You see what I mean? Its a lot of little things...things that because I am who I am I feel I cant fix at times. Ive been the way I am for so long I feel like an old man, stuck with it. It doesn't help either that I have no one I can talk to about these things whether it be because of embarrassment or because they just don't have the mental capacity to give intelligent comments or advice. Even worse is when they don't even know what to say leaving a sort of emptiness because I feel no one can truly relate to how I feel. Maybe I'm just thinking too I don't think that's it. I wonder what things would be like if we weren't so preoccupied with going to school for years and years just to get a job to support ourselves then continuing with that. I suppose its a necessity but I wonder if this is blinding us from things we really should be doing. Maybe I'm just confused.

I feel and I am the exact same way finns..because of this I feel like I alienate myself.
wow it's crazy how much i can relate to much of what you said. For a while now I've been feeling like I'm not living up to my fullpotential. I really feel like I was meant to do more with my life than what I'm doing at the moment. I'm in school and I guess that's a positivething, I have about 3 more semesters left before I graduate so I'm almost done but I just wish I could fast forward to graduation day so I can be done withthis stage in my life and move on to bigger and better things. I don't know why but I feel like I'm supposed to do something really important with mylife but I just don't know what it is yet. So in the meantime I'm stuck living life day to day tolerating the monotony of the same routine. I havefriends but I keep to myself for the most part because I really feel like no one truly relates to how I feel or how I think and I'd rather just be in myown space than be around people who are just going to misunderstand me anyway.
I can definitely identify a lot with this post. I'm not sure if I'm experiencing a quarter life crisis or not, but I do go through somewhat depressedspurts. Struggling to find self-worth every now and then becomes somewhat of an issue, but not too major because I do find love from my immediate family (ifnot, I'd really be lost). I don't know, I guess I just feel irrelevant sometimes.

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

These last few days I've been feeling a similar way. It came from the realization that my day to day was plagued with monotony and unproductivity. I thought about it more and I think I was able to figure out what has been bothering me all along, I have no a sense of purpose. That's not to say I want to die or even that I wouldn't care if I do, what I mean to say is I feel I was put here for a reason but I have yet to see why. Because of this I carry on disappointed feeling like nothing I do matters. I'll be switching up to new hobbies soon but really this is just a band-aid that'll keep me temporarily occupied to forget this thing that troubles me. I think every person our age is or has gone through this and maybe I'm right. But its eating me and like you I don't know what to do about it. Doing what I would love to do wouldn't suffice I really do feel I'm to be apart of something but just haven't found it and maybe never will. I have friends but like you I've slowly become become uninterested in associating with them be it because they aren't doing anything with themselves or because they'll only hold me back. Should I move, come out of my shell, live a little? I don't know. Things I thought I'd never do slowly I've done them and it leaves me disgusted in myself wondering where my standards have gone it really does sound like we have the same issue. Ive improved but this is merely a facet on the prism that is my life. You see what I mean? Its a lot of little things...things that because I am who I am I feel I cant fix at times. Ive been the way I am for so long I feel like an old man, stuck with it. It doesn't help either that I have no one I can talk to about these things whether it be because of embarrassment or because they just don't have the mental capacity to give intelligent comments or advice. Even worse is when they don't even know what to say leaving a sort of emptiness because I feel no one can truly relate to how I feel. Maybe I'm just thinking too I don't think that's it. I wonder what things would be like if we weren't so preoccupied with going to school for years and years just to get a job to support ourselves then continuing with that. I suppose its a necessity but I wonder if this is blinding us from things we really should be doing. Maybe I'm just confused.

I feel and I am the exact same way finns..because of this I feel like I alienate myself.

...And I totally get where you are coming from.
I'm 22 as well, and I'm definitely having a quarter-life crisis. What the hell can you do though? Just gotta find something to live for.
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