DO anyone here have serious anger towards women? (Serious topic)

:smh: pedal stool

:smh: comclusion

so much grammatical failure...:lol:

but yea I've learned that females will love you more the less you care about them.

better to be a rich man's ***** than a poor man's lady.

my ex used to dookie on me all the time and i used to simp on her, constantly wondering why i felt so insecure and why i was always trying to keep her.

then i dumped her, and told her clearly how i felt about the situation. then a couple weeks later i had an unrelated mental breakdown and ended up in the hospital.

ever since then, she's been cool, and i've been super cold on her. Like, i'm nice and all but she'll never get me to take her out again. We've hung out a bunch and she's paid for my every time; either that or we split the bill. I'll never try to get her back and she knows that. when she starts rambling about how she feels about things i'll tell her if it doesn't make sense.

On some realness, though: I feel like i'm pretty angry at the world at this point. My family, my friends, society, it feels like everything in the universe is trying to destroy you and the goal in life is to beat it into submission. I'm always working on myself and trying to improve as a human being, but it just seems like it's not worth it. The bad guy always wins, and those who are heartless and cruel prevail over the weak and kindhearted. I got over it to an extent, especially since going to the hospital, but i really hate everything and everyone, including myself. Maybe I'm getting too deep for this thread though.
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As the old saying goes, "women are like parking spots: all of the good ones are taken and the only ones left are the handicapped ones."  This gives us a skewed perception of women as a whole.  There's some really cool ones out there.

And who are taking these good spots?

This is true though, Tyrone been through so many with no dambs he knows when to lock up the good ones. No dambs my dudes, no dambs.
Luckily it's so many yambs out there a few jaded relationships and wrong doings shouldn't base your perception of an entire gender. Forgive but don't forget. Keep it moving is my motto when it comes to most aspects of life. Learn what you can and keep it moving. Letting someone not in your life control any aspect of you is foolish. I do not recommend letting that happen.
Not anger.

Was just talking to my man about "them."

We came to the comclusion that it isn't that they can't be trusted, it is just they are naturally followers so if another dude comes up and gets at your girl, and succeeded, it might not mean there is something wrong with YOU. We know how easy it is to manipulate them. Just chalk it up as another dude got your girl to follow. Just the way of the world. Of course if you have feelings for her it isn't as easy as a write off but you can't get mad at them for doing what they do best, which is follow.
Some of the opinions about women that I see on this forum are mind boggling... and a little concerning. 

Anyway i could never be angry because that would be a waste of time and energy
However I would say I used to be and still on some level diss appointed by the majority
In general.

I wish they wouldn't go out of there way so much to be difficult
But then I get reminded that people in general are difficult to deal with.
I understand the problem is since I don't care to get along with males I don't
Really care about figuring them out. Hence why they don't irk me as much.

Also I have expectations and low tolerance for garbage and apparently in modern American society of spoiled self gratifying females it is normal to act like a child and be coddled
And not have to be responsible for making bad choices.

Question OP:

We've all had bad experiences, so I definitely feel your pain. We all make mistakes and we've all gotten hurt. In your case, when you were taken advantage of/hurt - who do you blame? I feel like a lot of guys throw their hearts at people who don't deserve it, try and move to fast and get shut down, or just make mistakes throughout a relationship - and instead of looking at themselves in the mirror and wondering why it happened - they turn to all women.

Did you pick the wrong person to get into a relationship with? Were you trying to move too fast while she gave you signals that she wanted to slow down? Besides lumping women into one giant category of sluts and ****, is there anything you could have done to avoid getting hurt? Some guys have this mentality that they should have everything handed to them. "Hey, I was nice and her ex was not, why did she have sex with him and not me?" It's not how the world works, there's no prize for being a decent human.

Cliffs: Do you blame yourself for you getting hurt in the past?
Best reply.
Question OP:

We've all had bad experiences, so I definitely feel your pain. We all make mistakes and we've all gotten hurt. In your case, when you were taken advantage of/hurt - who do you blame? I feel like a lot of guys throw their hearts at people who don't deserve it, try and move to fast and get shut down, or just make mistakes throughout a relationship - and instead of looking at themselves in the mirror and wondering why it happened - they turn to all women.

Did you pick the wrong person to get into a relationship with? Were you trying to move too fast while she gave you signals that she wanted to slow down? Besides lumping women into one giant category of sluts and ****, is there anything you could have done to avoid getting hurt? Some guys have this mentality that they should have everything handed to them. "Hey, I was nice and her ex was not, why did she have sex with him and not me?" It's not how the world works, there's no prize for being a decent human.

Cliffs: Do you blame yourself for you getting hurt in the past?
Best reply.
The RZA does...

^used to bump this song, i mean, this song is terrible


^this was quickly banned from all radio even wkcr & that's the only reason i taped it when it first came out

(listened and it isn't even the full version with the kid yelling 'hey mister' at him - can't find the 'un-edited' version as a vid)
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The RZA does...

^used to bump this song, i mean, this song is terrible


^this was quickly banned from all radio even wkcr & that's the only reason i taped it when it first came out
 Damn Kool G. That was harsh. 
I get along with women just fine, until they are in a position of authority over me. I've had bad experiences with female bosses and managers.

And there is nothing worse then a female police officer. In high school a female cop stopped me and a couple of my friends while we were skateboarding through a gas station parking lot to get some Cokes. We were cooperative and picked up our boards, but she wanted to go the full nine yards. Made us all get on our stomachs on a hot *** sidewalk and searched all of us. To add insult to injury she confiscated our boards and told us to pick them up from a station across town. :smh: overcompensating *****

man **** female cops man. there was another incident but im too tired to type it out
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I just usually hate the feminist, constantly patting themselves on the back. But what I really hate more are the white knighting, lack of self respect dudes out there just that are just eating out of the woman's hand.

For example, a girl on twitter was yapping away about a dude at a bar that was kicking game to her and when he was about to bounce, he didn't ask for her number so she asked for his. He declined and said he had a GF. Now she rambles on for about an hr on how pissed she was and could of spent that time talking to someone else. And out of the woodwork come about 6, 7 dudes "he's crazy I'd never do that to you", "his loss" and yadda yadda yadda. Jesus dudes are immediately there to pick up the pieces of her rejection and hand feed her ego, not allowing her to learn some people actually enjoy conversation and it isn't all about you. /rant

And yea can't trust 'em sloots gon sloot
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