Do Girls Watch Pr0n?

Oct 18, 2008
I know there's a LOT of undercover freaks out there

but i've always wondered if girls watched pr0n

I've asked a few girls and they all said no

enlighten me


Watching said material equates to a female of thee fairer sex being a freak now, tho?

Blues Clues Logic
they probably the one that watch those story ones that be showing on Showtime or w/e. I heard those sex story books were popular for ladies, So do you guyslike finger yourself n !!@+ while reading.
My ex did when she was in middle school. It was her older cousin's stash as well as sex toys.. chick was wild.

Kind of off topic but I went to my friend's house one day and his mom had a huge opened package. I just peeked inside and there were all types of hotelerotica stuff in there. Apparently his mom sold these toys by holding demonstrations... Then as the years passed and the fact she had a female"roommate" I came to the conclusion that I want to lay with his mother before I die
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