Do some girls plan to be stay at home moms?

I have a kid with another on the way. I'm one of the very few males on some of the "baby" boards. Yes, many do intend to be stay at home moms.They don't do it in a "I'm lazy and have nothing better to do" attitude (altho I'm sure there are some of those out there). They want afamily and want to take the best care of their kids as they can. That makes it pretty much impossible to have a job while the kids are young. As the kids getolder, then they try and get jobs to help out the family finances. It's not a gold digging thing. It's a "care about the kids and a job just getsin the way" kind of thing.
I want to stay at home for a little while after the kid is born. I don't want to be like the people I know that put them in daycare quickly or hire a nannyor au pair.

I think I'd get bored being at home all of the time. My mom stayed home with my brothers until they were old enough to go to pre-school and worked parttime and then went to full time.
Originally Posted by cuppiecakie

I want to stay at home for a little while after the kid is born. I don't want to be like the people I know that put them in daycare quickly or hire a nanny or au pair.

I think I'd get bored being at home all of the time. My mom stayed home with my brothers until they were old enough to go to pre-school and worked part time and then went to full time.

Hopefully that boredom doesn't cause a riff in the relationship with your mate.
I was baffled when my 15 year old sister said, "why should I care about school when I'm gonna be a housewife".
So hilarious and sad at the same time, the worse part is she would not even make it as a housewife.
She's lazy, unorganized, and can't cook.
If or when I have kids, I don't want to be the kind of mom that works all day and only sees them at night before they go to sleep and on the weekends. Itwould be nice to be able to both, but I think at some point a decision has to be made. In all honestly, I don't want my babies being raised by daycarecenters or nannies. I'd like more of a traditional family eventually, but that's not to say that I have no drive or ambition. I think for some momsit's really hard to leave their kids at home especially if they don't need to. Maybe it's because my mom was always around.

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Y'all mofos is hypocritical and funny as ishhhh.

I can't possibly count how many times I've seen dudes type "college is overrated" and "college aint for everyone"...type ishh on here. Funny thing is that, after someone types that, many of y'all co-sign it.

Now tell me--what's so different about THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION. College may not be for ol' girl and/or she may be of the opinion that college is overrated. So why all the hate when she is merely subscribing to a line of thinking many of y'all have given thumbs up to. Hell I'm pretty sure she has better credentials than some of you in here.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Maybe college is overrated, but at the same time, is it acceptable to be an idiot and not even pass high school? "Oh well, I'm turning 18, I wanna be a stay at home mom" the hell?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. I haven't read all the comments in here so I don't know where anyone said shorty so go to college, but dude, High School?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]How does one come to say "I'm not going to *$$@ with my life, I wanna stay at home and do nothing" you're a waste to society with that mindset.. I know people who breezed through college and said "College is overrated" (I really don't see your point), but at least they were just looking to get to the next level (a career) and actually start doing something.[/color]
Don't insult someone's intelligence my dude ... others aren't as smart as other individuals .

That isn't anything to make fun of ... not everyone is smart & not everyone finds High School easy .

(Not necessarily his family , but anyone ... )
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by HyphySole

1600s on the SATs is actually pretty good.. unless you trying to get into IVY and stuff.. I know people who have 1100s and still get into UCs

1100s out of 2400? That's 360 a section...

Word, you'd probably end up being a Janitor at UCLA if anything
Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by cuppiecakie

I want to stay at home for a little while after the kid is born. I don't want to be like the people I know that put them in daycare quickly or hire a nanny or au pair.

I think I'd get bored being at home all of the time. My mom stayed home with my brothers until they were old enough to go to pre-school and worked part time and then went to full time.

Hopefully that boredom doesn't cause a riff in the relationship with your mate.

You are my mate so that all depends on you dork.
I'm a senior in college and I don't think anyone should ever consider an option of not going to college and putting their well being in the hands of aman/woman that might never show up. I'm going to have a career but I would like to have the option of knowing that if i decided that i wanted to take sometime off from work that my husband and me (and kids) could still afford to live comfortably.
Childcare is upwards of $600 each month for one child. Double that for the average two child household.
Would you rather have your spouse work a full time job just to pay for childcare, or have her stay home knowing
that your children are getting the best care possible...and return to work when the kids are in school?
SuperAntigen wrote:
Y'all mofos is hypocritical and funny as ishhhh.

I can't possibly count how many times I've seen dudes type "college is overrated" and "college aint for everyone"...type ishh on here. Funny thing is that, after someone types that, many of y'all co-sign it.

Now tell me--what's so different about THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION. College may not be for ol' girl and/or she may be of the opinion that college is overrated. So why all the hate when she is merely subscribing to a line of thinking many of y'all have given thumbs up to. Hell I'm pretty sure she has better credentials than some of you in here.


Weren't you guys trippin' when I was talking about my friend and how he got his ***# together school wise and how there are plenty way to get thru lifewithout a college degree.

Me personally, I never want to be a full time stay at home wife. When I finish school and get into my career, then I'll start my family. During the firstfew months I do want to stay home, eff it - I'll work from home. After that though, I want to go back to the career that I will be spending what seemsforever to get to. I want to be able to make that paper on my own because nowadays you never know what's going to happen.
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