Do you believe the official story of 9/11?

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I wasn't being vague, it was all encompassing as i was speaking about numerous KNOWN incidents in which the aforementioned have perpetrated terrorist attacks on their own soil and blamed it on a third party, for the purposes of their political agenda. Again, it is a known tactic. That was my point.

Additionally, the US has executed citizens of other countries covertly, for the purposes of war/regime change/instability/political agenda in the past. Again, this is KNOWN fact, not conspiracy theory. To say it is beyond the realm of possibility for them to do it domestically is naive and irrationally optimistic.

Furthermore, "causing war" is an extreme oversimplification of the agenda here. Sadam/oil is an extreme oversimplification as well. I listed many, but not all, of the potentially intended consequences previously in this thread if you care to expand your scope of what is being suggested.

Could you direct me to the post where you do so in that last paragraph

For what it's worth I agree
Way more vague than the usage of government you are critiquing. The US executing it's citizens for the sake of causing war is asinine, and ignorant.

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government, that originated within the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The proposals were rejected by the Kennedy administration.

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Wait, your example is of the US government, specially the president, rejecting the idea of terrorist attacks on American citizens for political gain?

Ummm, you know that helps BlackIntellect's argument, not yours
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He rejected those kinda plans and wanted to expose some messed up stuff within the government.

Coincidentally people believe he was killed by that very same government [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Maybe GW knew better [emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji]
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He rejected those kinda plans and wanted to expose some messed up stuff within the government.

Coincidentally people believe he was killed by that very same government [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Maybe GW knew better [emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji]

:smh: :lol: So now we are doing callabo conspiracy theories

What a time to be alive
Figured this was active cause of our **** up in Syria today... Jesus. Trump gonna have a field day with this one.
Figured this was active cause of our **** up in Syria today... Jesus. Trump gonna have a field day with this one.

Not really, we dropped bombs, and brown people got killed. The American publica has seemed to grow comfortable with that fact.

And Syria is an all round cluster**** from all sides, for all parties involved. He can Monday morning quarterback it, but even end, not like he has a solution.
I wasn't being vague, it was all encompassing as i was speaking about numerous KNOWN incidents in which the aforementioned have perpetrated terrorist attacks on their own soil and blamed it on a third party, for the purposes of their political agenda. Again, it is a known tactic. That was my point.

Additionally, the US has executed citizens of other countries covertly, for the purposes of war/regime change/instability/political agenda in the past. Again, this is KNOWN fact, not conspiracy theory. To say it is beyond the realm of possibility for them to do it domestically is naive and irrationally optimistic.

Furthermore, "causing war" is an extreme oversimplification of the agenda here. Sadam/oil is an extreme oversimplification as well. I listed many, but not all, of the potentially intended consequences previously in this thread if you care to expand your scope of what is being suggested.

Could you direct me to the post where you do so in that last paragraph

For what it's worth I agree

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Wait, your example is of the US government, specially the president, rejecting the idea of terrorist attacks on American citizens for political gain?

Ummm, you know that helps BlackIntellect's argument, not yours

Kennedy is a bit of a different story than bush dont ya think. But it all goes back to this being a known tactic. Yall know what they do in other countries but refuse to believe they would do it here, even in the face of evidence they have actually planned it, albeit never carried it out. Why?
Wait, your example is of the US government, specially the president, rejecting the idea of terrorist attacks on American citizens for political gain?

Ummm, you know that helps BlackIntellect's argument, not yours

I actually think it helps my argument.

It shows that people in high positions aren't benevolent and that they are willing to risk American lives for their own self interests.

2 more "practical" examples of just that is the Iraq war and Vietnam. How many American soldiers lives were sacrificed for the self interest of a few men?

Gulf of Tonkin literally never happened and WMD's were no where to be found.

How many Americans died for those 2 lies?
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Now you are just shifting the goal post around.

From terrorist attacks that never happened, to lies
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Kennedy is a bit of a different story than bush dont ya think. But it all goes back to this being a known tactic. Yall know what they do in other countries but refuse to believe they would do it here, even in the face of evidence they have actually planned it, albeit never carried it out. Why?

Because this is Murica , goddamb...

And Murica the beautiful wouldn't do such a thing.
Governments being corrupt has nothing to do with it though. When you are throwing accusations like conspiracy to murder 4,000 civilians as being common place in American society, you listening to Alex Jones, and watching too many youtube videos. By that standard literally any tragedy can be said to have government influence. Is it Possible that the government could do something like this? I would say no. Assassination, Political posturing, and arms dealing is a far cry from murdering thousands of people for the sake of leveraging oil/sadaam/whatever reason ya'll like to claim...

Bro what about when America wanted to get in the Second World War and America voted NO!
So our sneaky government started giving weapons to Japan's enemies! Thus instigating a preemptive strike from Japan AKA Pearl Harbor!

A week later a million Americans enlist & we drop a bomb. SMH, the American people fooled again.

But here you are saying it's impossible for us to attack its own people and/or put ourselves in position to be attacked for some type of gain.

You sir sound assanine and ignorant. Be open.
Governments being corrupt has nothing to do with it though. When you are throwing accusations like conspiracy to murder 4,000 civilians as being common place in American society, you listening to Alex Jones, and watching too many youtube videos. By that standard literally any tragedy can be said to have government influence. Is it Possible that the government could do something like this? I would say no. Assassination, Political posturing, and arms dealing is a far cry from murdering thousands of people for the sake of leveraging oil/sadaam/whatever reason ya'll like to claim...

Bro what about when America wanted to get in the Second World War and America voted NO!
So our sneaky government started giving weapons to Japan's enemies! Thus instigating a preemptive strike from Japan AKA Pearl Harbor!

A week later a million Americans enlist & we drop a bomb. SMH, the American people fooled again.

But here you are saying it's impossible for us to attack its own people and/or put ourselves in position to be attacked for some type of gain.

You sir sound assanine and ignorant. Be open.

Famb you're all over the place.

Even in the example you give, no where in it did you even say America perpetrated Pearl Harbor, just that their foreign policy lend to the strike.

-And admitting it is possible, is not the same as admitting it is probably. Some dudes in here seem to have to two confused
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Kennedy is a bit of a different story than bush dont ya think. But it all goes back to this being a known tactic. Yall know what they do in other countries but refuse to believe they would do it here, even in the face of evidence they have actually planned it, albeit never carried it out. Why?

Because this is Murica , goddamb...

And Murica the beautiful wouldn't do such a thing.


Same dudes who talk about systematic racism and oppression belive the country has too much morals for such a thing.
**** no to the official story! Honestly there so much **** that has happened on 9/11 that surrounds suspicion in regards to what happened that day.( Although it would take forever to go through a list of things) One thing to note at least are the 28 pages redacted from the Commission report.... Honestly I dont always get when some people call others crazy conspiracists or truthers, etc and ******** because you know ITS NOT LIKE OUR OWN GOVERNMENT HAS DONE SHADY STUFF that has CAUSED US to go to WAR.....I mean what is wrong with questioning your own government? Cause lets be honest, THE GOV is blantantly not telling us the FULL STORY.  cmon now...any rational person would know there some **** THAT WE DONT KNOW and unforunately MAY NEVER KNOW.  Personally its not that I think Bush did it, but that he allowed it to happen since we did have plenty of intelligence and intel of imminent danger prior 911
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Listened to an interview from a guy named Aaron Russo. Ever since I saw it, it had me shook. Its on Youtube.
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Same dudes who talk about systematic racism and oppression belive the country has too much morals for such a thing.
This is the kind of talk that is deceptive. There must be acknowledgement of a grey area here. I am one of the last people to blindly follow the intentions of anyone, let alone a country that enslaved millions. But to adhere to the belief that 9/11 was a cover up is preposterous. To base it on past political policy involving atrocities against ethnicities is a false comparison to say the least. 

9/11 was carried out by Al Queda. Point blank.

Are there things we will never know? Of course.

Are there things that people knew that ****** up royally. Highly likely

Plausible deniability is how Washington Operates. Our government is designed to spread blame over various departments, institutions, and figure-heads for a reason. The blame probably lies on roughly 3-400 administrative and security personnel that dropped several balls on several courts. We did not have open-communication among our intelligence agencies back then, and while it is easier to scream CONSPIRACY. It is far more rational to scream INCOMPETENCE. 
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