Do you give bums money when they ask for it?

Generally no. I don't really see much homeless people but if I do it's usually infront of a supermarket or any place you can get food. In the nearby small city with a population of 20k I usually see the same 1 or 2 homeless folks infront of the market, neither of them speaking Dutch or English. I'm guessing they're from the local refugee center.
I want to help homeless folks but at the end of the day if I give them money I can't know how they'll use it. That's why I always buy them food or water rather than money. The ones around my area are always very happy with a nice sandwich or some water.

In the bigger cities however I've had occasions where homeless people turned down food or water, even by one that camped outside a McDonalds.
But, I always give man. If I have some cash, I will give. I have it, so I can give.

I rather give food and clothing though.
I'll give change if I have any. But I prefer to give them food and a drink.

Winter time, I organized a clothing drive with friends to collect items to donate. Got 20+ huge bags a few years back. Gonna need to do it again.
You can box up some clothes, take it downtown to any city. Drop it off near the area where they congregate.

When I have clothes I don't need, I drice down Gallery place at night and just drop. Stuff off.
I can see both sides. Beggars can’t be choosers, but if he’s allergic to pork and you got him a slice of pepperoni pizza, you mite as well light money on fire right in front of him.

America fraud as hell..
Yeah, I actually considered that. That's why I bought him a cheese slice.
Nah, never will. I personally can't reward that 'hand out' behavior. Plus too many bad eggs have ruined it for those who will truly use those funds for self betterment
visting D.C., my son was excited to see kids dancing for change near the trains.

my son asked why they werent in school, i told him, thats what you have to do when you dont get an education.

that night we came across a bum sitting outside Walgreens asking for change, i gave him what i had.

a few blocks away my son asks why the man was asking for change, i told my son, thats what you have to do when you cant dance for change anymore.
Nah, never will. I personally can't reward that 'hand out' behavior. Plus too many bad eggs have ruined it for those who will truly use those funds for self betterment

this is a cop out excuse because deep down in your head you know this one dude who used it for drugs has nothing to do with maybe the 4 out of 10 who will use it to actually get something to eat

not to mention if a pack of newports or some liqour is what is helping to get that ***** thru his situation moreso than some food then who are you to make that judgement call over a measly 1-3 bucks
The thread title.. :{

word i feel some type of way about that title lol. idk their stories man, these people could be going thru hell. besides, the homeless is more than who is posting up in the E train or the 42nd 7 train corridor.

this includes people who look like everyday people who live in shelters because they are poor.

word to the amazing NYT expose on the homeless (2016 i think?)
Once I was getting off the freeway and I stopped at a red light. There was a homeless dude on the corner and it was raining pretty hard. I had a bunch of umbrellas in my car so I opened the window and gave him one. He looked at me like 'wtf am I supposed to do with this?' and walked away. Didn't say thank you or anything. Stopped giving anything to any body homeless after that.
alotta yall are using the same logic as racists and police to justify being selfish and non empathetic

literally y’alls logic is “im not gonna help any homeless because this one person with no relation to the other was ungrateful this one time”
Since we have snacks and fruits and stuff at work I usually grab something for the regular at the freeway exit I hit after work, some bananas, cup o noodles that type of stuff

Around Santa Monica of a bum asks for a meal or food I will try to get them something

I dislike handing out cash and typically dont carry any
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