Do you give homeless people money or people who ask for money who are homeless?

Once I saw and old man and woman digging through the garbage at the park, eating any food they found. They were not asking for anything, even though there wereplenty of people around. This straight up broke my heart, and went to Micky Ds and gots them some food.

Generally speaking, you are doing no good by giving cash to homeless people; even in the case that they don't spend it on drugs, alcohol, or cigarrettes,they will use it to maintain the marginal lifestyle and delay seeking any kind of assistance for permenant change. (And if you come up to me while I'mpumping gas, begging money and smoking, don't be surprised if I give a blunt "No, and get away from me.") If you want to help the homeless,donate to a shelter, preferably either one that is nonsecular or at least doesn't make its mission to preach and preservere. I'd say that the peoplemost in need are single mothers and children, particularly those who are victims of domestic violence. The people begging on the side of the road? Gimme abreak.

That said, the guy on the Tacoma off-ramp of I-5 with the "I need skunk weed and beer" sign cracks me up, and I might toss him a $5 some day just forthe entertainment he has provided me.

Edit* While we are on the subject, I thought this was pretty funny.
It's been a long time since I ran into this situation. But the last time it happened, it was a "sorry man, no cash."
Depends how it comes about and what I have on me. Definitely not into pulling out a wad of cash in front of anyone.

Change? most the time.

You interrupt me on the train/walking or when I'm with someone, nope.
@18th letter. i feel bad for your life. this dude only cares for himself, and willdo something as long as it benefits him. you will soon understand that doing things for others in need indeed benefits you, just not the benefits you arelooking for, you will hopefully find this out.

but anyways, yea thats the only thing i worry about when giving money away. what exactly they are going to use it for, but i give it anyway, best believe if ahomeless man asks me for food, i will buy him something (if im not in a hurry)
i usually don't hand out dollar bills but any time i've got any
change in my pockets i'll certainly give it up... i usually just
lose my change anyway so why not give it to someone that
really needs it
Originally Posted by Black Milk

@18th letter. i feel bad for your life. this dude only cares for himself, and will do something as long as it benefits him. you will soon understand that doing things for others in need indeed benefits you, just not the benefits you are looking for, you will hopefully find this out.
Nah man. I'm just saying I don't mind helping people. You gotta be helping yourself though. Can't depend on handouts for the rest ofyour life.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Black Milk

@18th letter. i feel bad for your life. this dude only cares for himself, and will do something as long as it benefits him. you will soon understand that doing things for others in need indeed benefits you, just not the benefits you are looking for, you will hopefully find this out.
Nah man. I'm just saying I don't mind helping people. You gotta be helping yourself though. Can't depend on handouts for the rest of your life.
I agree on that 100%, but alot of these homeless people dont have any way of helping themselves other than asking for help, you know?, thats theirway of helping themselves
I try not to give them money no matter how broke they look, because most of them are just looking for that next beer/crack rock. I'll give a doublecheeseburger from McDonald's or something if they ask, just not every time.

I remember this crackhead waitin' at the bus stop that telling me he needed a couple cents to get on the bus home, so I gave him a few quarters. Thenabout 10 minutes later I'm at the metro station and same dude comes up to me with a different story (I guess he didn't remember me
. Dude hadme heated
Hell Nah.. I live in Brooklyn too. I swear everytime I'm on the Q it's the same dusty dudes asking for bread. The hell with them. Get a job do yourthing to do what you got to do to get money.

i'll personaly never be homeless. I rather be in jail trying to hustle or do something, but begging people or just being homeless aint me.
I'm not going to give a damn dollar to no BUM.

( unless they're handicapped )
Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Black Milk

@18th letter. i feel bad for your life. this dude only cares for himself, and will do something as long as it benefits him. you will soon understand that doing things for others in need indeed benefits you, just not the benefits you are looking for, you will hopefully find this out.
Nah man. I'm just saying I don't mind helping people. You gotta be helping yourself though. Can't depend on handouts for the rest of your life.
I agree on that 100%, but alot of these homeless people dont have any way of helping themselves other than asking for help, you know?, thats their way of helping themselves

Mayor, I find it hard to believe that you give a dollar to every bum you see. I bet that you walk right pass them like the rest of us.
NO. No I do not. But I have offered food. It's pointless to give them they can buy alcohol with it. If they want money...they live inAmerica...go get a job. This ain't Ethiopia where it's impossible to find a decent job. The average bum in a big city could average $19,000 a year.There are people in other countries who will NEVER see that amount of money in TWO lifetimes. With that money a bum could rent a room at a motel, get cleanedup, buy some decent clothes at a goodwill, and get a job working at McDonalds or Wal-Mart.

-The Juice
ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell herthat i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. ionly hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone thatlives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response
I have a homeless uncle...i try to take care of him as much as possible. I had him over the house on Saturday playing Rockband LOL. He takes care of himself,but still begs for money. One of my grandmothers last request when she passed was to look out for him.


Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response

Thats cool my dude. Eventhough you give them money, they're gunna spend it within 30 seconds. Thats not gunna help out there situation. How can a dollar ortwo help them out?? What if you run into the same bum that you gave money to the other day, are you gunna hook him/her out again?? You're sayin it'shard to find a job right now, but that so untrue. Mcdonalds around my way is hiring right now. They can earn up to 17,289 Dollars after taxes, and there iswelfare/Foodstamp programs also. Bums can get out of their current situation. It would be hard, but it's highly possible.

The way I see it is...a buck or two is not going to help them out right away.

Ya see what Im sayin?
No. I don't. I donate to a charity who can help the homeless every week though and last year I adopted angels off of the Salvation Army Angel Tree and gotmy mom and sisters to do the same. Some of the children are homeless if not close to it. This year I'm going to get more of my coworkers in on it as well.We're now just waiting for them to go up this year. One of the best feelings in the world considering all the help my family received when I was growingup.

One thing that my mom always includes in her prayers. "Ayudanos a compartir con los que no tengan para que cuando necesitemos ayuda ay alguien quecomparta con nosotros." "Help us help those that are in need so that when when we are in need there are those to help us". It's always agood thing to practice.
i see what you saying fam, but wasnt you the dude who was about to steal a girls ipod? but yea, idk man, nobody is hiring a homeless person for ANY job. cmon,lets be realistic. you really think a manager is going to hire a homeless person who cant take a shower everyday and doesnt have a home?
Originally Posted by IchopSamples

Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response

Thats cool my dude. Eventhough you give them money, they're gunna spend it within 30 seconds. Thats not gunna help out there situation. How can a dollar or two help them out?? What if you run into the same bum that you gave money to the other day, are you gunna hook him/her out again?? You're sayin it's hard to find a job right now, but that so untrue. Mcdonalds around my way is hiring right now. They can earn up to 17,289 Dollars after taxes, and there is welfare/Foodstamp programs also. Bums can get out of their current situation. It would be hard, but it's highly possible.

The way I see it is...a buck or two is not going to help them out right away.

Ya see what Im sayin?
You got a point, but not all homeless people are lazy or stupid. In my uncles case, he was abused badly by my grandfather and was never taughthow to live on his own. He lived with my grandparents until he turned 40. That is when they sold their house and he was forced to be on the streets. He's been homeless for over 5 years now. He doesn't know how to manage money, can't hold a job because he hates it when people tell him what todo. In other words, there are a lot folks out there who just have issues and don't know how to deal with them, or don't have the skills or mentalityto hold down a job in this society.
I once saw this one dude walk into the subway train yelling that he needs money to feed his children. Just as i was about to pull out a buck, i hear his phonering and he pulls out an iphone and answers. He talks on the phone for the while and then hangs up and continues to ask for money. Everyone looks at him withthe
Originally Posted by BloodSugar

I once saw this one dude walk into the subway train yelling that he needs money to feed his children. Just as i was about to pull out a buck, i hear his phone ring and he pulls out an iphone and answers. He talks on the phone for the while and then hangs up and continues to ask for money. Everyone looks at him with the
Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response
Mayor log off, and go take a nap. It's hard forsomeone that lives in a home to get a DECENT job. You know a REAL job not Church's Chicken. A job with health benefits and above minimum wage. It is veryeasy to get a job at a fast food joint and make enough money to lift you up off of your feet. But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again Iwill bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put inan application at a fast food place.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response
Mayor log off, and go take a nap. It's hard for someone that lives in a home to get a DECENT job. You know a REAL job not Church's Chicken. A job with health benefits and above minimum wage. It is very easy to get a job at a fast food joint and make enough money to lift you up off of your feet. But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again I will bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put in an application at a fast food place.
Yo, dog calm down. like i said above, what employer is hiring a homeless dude to work at really, lets use some actual logic. would YOU hire a homeless dude to work at mcdonalds if you were a manager?..lemme hear an honest answer. dudes dont think outside the box on NT nor have commonsense
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