Do you guys ever feel bad when you step on bugs?


Real talk, like 2 days ago I thought about this.

As a result, I've stopped. For now anyway.
If it is a dangerous bug (bee, scary lookin spider etc.) Then I kill it w/ no remorse but I try to be humane.
If it's just a fly, I will open the door, and let it fly out or ill trap it and free it.
Originally Posted by 18key

I used to not care. But now, I care if it's anything but spiders or mosquito's. I mean, it's a life form... a unique life form that I just snuffed out of existence. It's just a weird feeling when you think about it, like really think deep about it for the first time.

I couldnt even imagine what it'd feel like to kill a human
My thoughts exactly...
lol, i ripped the shell off of a roach on accident the other day. hahahahahaha. but naw i didnt feel bad
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