Do you guys live with your bf/gf?

Jul 6, 2009
How many NT'ers live with their bf's or gf's and how old are you?

I'm 21 (22 in Dec) and he's about to be 22 next week. My living situation is becoming hellish and so is my bf's. His solution is to move intogether but we've only been dating for about 5 months. I want to do it but I never saw myself moving in with any bf, let alone someone that I've beendating for less than a year.

What's it's like? How does it affect your life outside of the relationship, or does it not?

EDIT: Come on you guys, give it a break with the grammar.
Thank you Quik1987.
Don't do it!

Yall have only been togther for five months and yall trying to move in?

It's not a good idea and will only lead to financial problems down the road.
Yeah I live with my girl. I didn't really want it to happen at first but its cool I guess. Youjust gotta try to get through the problems.
At dating only 5 months and even entertaining the idea of movingin together
....You two wont last 5 more weeks
You can't possibly truly know the guy yet. Don't get stuck in asituation that you can't get out of. It took my fiance and I about 3 yrs before we finally decided to move in with each other.
i do, and i liked having my own place a whole lot better. i told her this. she understands. we see eye to eye. why am i writing like this? i don't know.
Not a good idea you have only been together for five months, wait a while longer.

I moved in with my husband then boyfriend after 3yrs of being together.

You now each other better meaning a little less fighting about things the other one does.
This the same guy you had problems with before? No job, in barber school? and you Pay for everything? i guess it works out for him
Originally Posted by Korean Dave

At dating only 5 months and even entertaining the idea of moving in together
....You two wont last 5 more weeks
You can't possibly truly know the guy yet. Don't get stuck in a situation that you can't get out of. It took my fiance and I about 3 yrs before we finally decided to move in with each other.
I dont know why this warrants a stoneface as different people move at different pace.

I moved in with my girl after we been together a little over a year. It was more out of financial necessity (we lived approx 45 miles from each other andworked about 40-50 miles away from our work (our offices were pretty close to each other)... basically a big triangle). We have been living together now forabout 4 years (renting) and are in the process of looking for our first home. Gettin married in February. We were both around 25-26 when we moved intogether, and we both had a pretty good idea that this was serious and for real (as far as getting married) so it was a natural step for us to take.

I will say that it is a big change and takes getting used to. Its hard to get "alone" time if you are the type of person who needs some space. Yourbusiness becomes their business and vice versa. But there definitely is upside. YNS hardly if ever applies unless you done F'd up and youre in thedoghouse. Financially it can be beneficial to pay 1 rent instead of 2. It also can accelerate the two of you getting closer and more serious. It is verytrial by fire, which is not always a bad thing.
Hell no. My boy did, for like 6 months and they are broken up now. They been going out for like 2 years too.
Originally Posted by Korean Dave

At dating only 5 months and even entertaining the idea of moving in together
....You two wont last 5 more weeks
You can't possibly truly know the guy yet. Don't get stuck in a situation that you can't get out of. It took my fiance and I about 3 yrs before we finally decided to move in with each other.
I never, ever thought I would even be in this situation and the only person I've lived with outside of my family was my best friend. The mostconsecutive days that a bf has even stayed with me was around a week, give or take a few.
Been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years... Lived with her for the past 2 years, moving into our new apartment in 2 weeks.

Everything is good here, btw im 24
six years, first 2-3 were straight hell. we moved in together about 4 months into relationship. But now we are very well off. we just need a bigger spot
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years... Lived with her for the past 2 years, moving into our new apartment in 2 weeks.

Everything is good here, btw im 24

Been with my girl for a little more than 6 years, finally moved in together this summer. It's not bad at all.

Actually looking forward to buying a house in the near future together.

But 5 months? You're going to run into problems.
I knew a girl like you, she only dated this guy a few months, got a place together, withing a year, they couldn't stand each other.
They fight a lot behind close doors.
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