Do you look younger or older than you are?

was lookin younger... now my facial hair finally startin to grow
... im 19 btw
im 20 , and many people tell me i look like im 16-18 yr. range. no facial hair ftl. i cant seem to grow non .
When I was a teenager ppl always thought I was in my 20's........which was great with the ladies.

Now I'm in my 30's and ppl think I'm in my early 20's.
I'm 24..but no one believes me. I get 18-20, recently someone said I could pass for a 5th grader..smdh
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

It depends. For the most part older, though. I just turned 20 and when I was 19 people thought I was at least 21/22.

they just said that to get in them jeans.
Originally Posted by mtg

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

It depends. For the most part older, though. I just turned 20 and when I was 19 people thought I was at least 21/22.

they just said that to get in them jeans.
Hit them chicks with the O'l

"You are so mature for your age"

then proceed to smash
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