Do you pee in the shower?

I do. I used to pee on my leg cuz it was warm and felt good. Don't do that anymore though. I can't take a shower now without pissing. Soon as the water flows, so does the urine.
I used to pee on my feet to prevent athlete's foot but because the acidity of urine isn't so effective it took weeks to get rid of. I still pee in the shower though
2 types of people in the world:

• People that pee in the shower.


• People that lie about not peeing in the shower.
Originally Posted by smoothrick007

Originally Posted by Red Is On NT

I pee in the toilet right before showering.

What if you dont have to pee until you get in the shower? Once the water hits you.

You gonna step out just to pee?

The thread is lulz

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by NiPxD

Dude! Same here lol
I thought I was the only one! Make sure the water is hot though if not you will be looking like
when she goes "What THE F***"
I always give it away with my sheepish grin though and they look down. Sometimes before they get a chance to look down I pull em close to hug em and let it stream
I can't even f with u dudes man 
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